Abi Daily
Welcome to the Abi Daily Family.
Every day, usually around 6pm GMT, I tell you exactly what I’m thinking.
Pour yourself a drink, grab some cheesy comestibles, and enjoy.
Warning: includes lots of swearing, accents and sound effects.
Contains the best musical intro and outro in podcast history.
Welcome to the Abi Daily Family.
Every day, usually around 6pm GMT, I tell you exactly what I’m thinking.
Pour yourself a drink, grab some cheesy comestibles, and enjoy.
Warning: includes lots of swearing, accents and sound effects.
Contains the best musical intro and outro in podcast history.
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Another fantastic week of amazing and thought provoking podcasts. It takes a lot of skill and talent to be able to talk off script for even 5 mins, you do it for 30-60 mins every pod!!!
Thank you x
I think the green scam is all just another suggestion, and now idiots are simply complying when they don't have to.... 😒
Indeed it’s utter bullshit. I mean these companies don’t even supply any energy.
Cadent are tasked with upgrading the infrastructure. They just get the government contracts and a slice of the pie to direct people down a certain path.
Thinking about it a bit more, ancient despots and tyrants did control religious worship, marriage and were experts at forced Labour. That’s all up close and personal. Perhaps the 20th and 21st century tyranny just has a particularly modern character to it which in the West includes a kind of wilful opting in of the self to tyranny. Like mask wearing etc. hmmmm
Hi Abi. I was just in the midst of extracting my Jack Russell off the neck of our little chihuahua (very rashly bought to add some joy during all the Nonsense in 2020; but the JR hasn't necessarily always appreciated the addition)... when I suddenly could hear you reading out my last comment, among others, on your podcast that was playing - it was a surreal moment! I wanted to add, if I may, that whilst true that points I was making about who put Mao and Lenin in power do not mean that those episodes didn't happen, it's still so important to remember that, like science, history is never settled..... I realised this quite viscerally this week, when I watched an extract of a 2015 Panorama interview with Ursula Haverbeck on Rumble - after learning from the Laura Aboli Telegram channel that UH has just died - aged 96 - in prison in Germany. She was there for 'denial'. They banged up a frail lady in her nineties for speaking her truth. My mum was German and I grew up steeped in the awareness and the guilt of the putative history.... She had been a small child at the end of the war, and was put into a camp for malnourished children, where she had all her hair shaved off... She had me reading I Am David and the like... Although I listened to Jermwarfare's interview with Israeli historian David Cole who forensically examined the history - and found, surprise surprise, that the narrative we've been fed was not exactly accurate - I still had always believed there must be an element of truth to what I grew up believing on this subject.... I'm not so sure any more, after listening to Ursuala Haverbeck.... If you want to really challenge yourself on embedded beliefs - it's a very insightful interview to listen to, with the perspective we have on the world now... She speaks about the 'biggest and most persistent lie in history'.... What struck me powerfully is what it means to have context - this was done to some people - but what was being done to others, what was normal at the time... it can completely and utterly transform the meaning of events. When she talks about the 2 million Germans who were ejected from their homes and were never found again - I am guessing she is referring to the Rhine Meadows camp, which almost no one in England knows about.... the concentration camp for Germans where 2 million died from starvation, run by the US and British, and where soldiers who fed prisoners were shot....... I'm not saying that watching the UH interview gives all the answers, not at all. There might be more to things.... But this narrative we've all been inculcated with, it underpins everything in the modern world, and at best it is not what it was portrayed to have been... I listened to your pod with James, and I'm not on board with his position that we can now assume that EVERYTHING is a lie.... to go from noting many huge lies, to say everything is fake is a logical fallacy. But still there is good reason to question the foundations of almost every grand narrative we have been spun... I wish I could ask my mother - and my grandmother - more about all this. Sadly they are long gone. I find it profoundly moving that a 96 y o had such deep conviction, that she would go to prison for the last years of her life. God rest her soul.
Hi Abi, You asked where I’m based. I’m in British Columbia, Canada - been here 20 years now but still try to get over to visit family/friends often. Hope this finds you all well.
Thank you, Abi, for kind words and for heads up for what is going to come in relation to gas supply infrastructure. I was wondering how they would push people with existing gas supply to switch to electricity. It is clear it is the same old script: advise the residents about existing infrastructure is not (or will not be soon) complied with regulation and offer to replace it for similar for a lot of money, or for what they want for free. The catch here - the existing infrastructure is fine and it is a lie that it is not complied. This exact trick is widely used to coerce people to agree for the smart meters installation offer.
As tenants we have much more rights that a landlord in relation to what is going on in the dwelling. If I do not want to let anyone in - I do not let anyone in. If I do not want electric boiler or smart meter - I just do not agree on the change.
If the pressure is rising - conditional acceptance is a way forward in such cases. Everyone can accept something providing the conditions have been met. I would ask the supplier to provide in writing the list of regulations and what is wrong with the existing infrastructure. (Believe me if the existing infrastructure was not complied to one single regulation - it would be shut down without asking anyone a single question! Because the infrastructure is fine - They need our AGREEMENT to replace existing perfectly workable infrastructure!!!) They will not be able to provide any evidences and will leave us alone...at least for now. If there are some flats in the apartments block will stay on gas supply - they will not be able to switch it off. All is in people's power: Do not comply, do not give them what they need - our AGREEMENT.
It's very unfortunate that you probably have a few Guardian readers living in your flats who will be pushing for heat pumps etc🙄😫