Pansexual Healing
My hairdresser, Ricky Gervais & Davos
May 24, 2022

Abi Daily
Welcome to the Abi Daily Family.
Every day, usually around 6pm GMT, I tell you exactly what I’m thinking.
Pour yourself a drink, grab some cheesy comestibles, and enjoy.
Warning: includes lots of swearing, accents and sound effects.
Contains the best musical intro and outro in podcast history.
Welcome to the Abi Daily Family.
Every day, usually around 6pm GMT, I tell you exactly what I’m thinking.
Pour yourself a drink, grab some cheesy comestibles, and enjoy.
Warning: includes lots of swearing, accents and sound effects.
Contains the best musical intro and outro in podcast history.
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I think it is really hard to get your head around what has happened and what is happening in the world. It does feel like we're in a dystopian film plot that just keeps on getting weirder by the day. The woke/trans thing is just another distraction I think, to stop us from seeing what is really going on. Just like party gate and Amber and Johnny. It's all BS. And as for the Davos crowd. Well they can just f**k right off. If they want to be own nothing and be happy, then go ahead, but don't bring the rest if us into it. Just go away and leave me alone. I like the idea of living in a parallel community, but how realistic that actually is, I don't know. But we are certainly living in scary, dark times. The reason I listen to this podcast is because Abi is very funny of course, but mainly because it is a community of like minded folk and that gives me hope that there are others out there who aren't falling for this BS. So thanks again Abi. It's hard to keep positive sometimes, but knowing there are others who think like me, definitely helps x
This is exactly how I feel. The insanity and lack of logic in people who think they are intelligent is off the scale. It's like sitting watching some freak show. At the end of the day there is a huge amount of evidence now that these jabs are neither safe nor effective. and frankly there was never anything that required a vaccine to start with. I think something awful is coming in the not too distant future as immune systems break down. And the Davos crew want us living on bugs, not travelling more than 5kms and being monitored 24/7. And that's the slaves who are left and are not six feet under from jabs. Love your recordings Abi and sense of humour. BTW is monkey pox something to do with the chimpanzee adenovirus contained in the AZ jab? Listened to a good Dr on this today it's possible. Or the shingles blisters as you mention as many cases after this injection.
Doubtful. There was an outbreak last year as well before the vaccine program had really got going in younger age groups. And don't forget, we er...share our dna with chimpanzees already 😆
Perhaps not the covid one then. Just one or more of the multitude of others given from birth which lowers ones level of health due to the toxins.
We should have learned our lesson from the chimps with the SV40 that apparently contaminated the polio vax in the 1950s. According to Judy Mikovits in her book Plague of Corruption it’s now showing up in cancers in that generation who had it as children.
"Idealogical wankery" is my take-away from today's conversation. Made me laugh out loud. Really enjoy your thoughts...feels like you are in the kitchen with us and we could make you a cup of coffee. ☕😄 You are a breath of fresh air in a world becoming more and more strange by the minute.
I had a sofa snooze too😊 I’m not pansexual as quite frankly, I hate washing up!( I’ll get my coat🤦♀️😂)
Looking forward to the live stream👍💖
Great talk I’ll watch your stream for sure. X
I had a kip on the sofa too!!
Omg... so did I, I never do it but feel a bit shit today😊
Good morning! I decided to start the day with your podcasts so I missed you on Gettr oops - will catch up with that later. First the TV was turned off way back when. Then the radio so this is a good way to start the day, with truth. The Gervais piece is hilarious. I'm NW England, we have a community of like-minded people. We're on FB, Telegram and meet ups are regular for those who can make it. Anyone on here from the area who isn't in our groups let me know and you're welcome to join. I have a dog which I walk 3 times a day. Dog walkers were the last bastion of normalcy back when the world got "muzzled" and people continued to communicate. There are more aware of what is going on than we're led to think. I'm open and honest about my thoughts and it's amazing to find most (not all) are on the same wave length. It does mean the dog walks can take a long time sometimes!! Another great podcast Abi! Might have to listen this evening to the people's stories though as not the best way to start the day ..... Have a lovely day all who see this. Xx
The thing about Schwabb and his clique, is they will never get their way. Capitalism will always win. Nobody wants to live in a pod and eat bugs, it might be his big dream but who is he, really? Think about it. He's a little known German academic communist. He gets far too much credit and far too much oxygen.
The vaccine damage we've seen so far is the tip of a fucking massive iceberg I'm afraid, and the way the mrna jabs interact with the body is so complex, its going to be incredibly difficult to pin individual problems on them. I've got 5 family members with various injuries and it's dreadful.