Great podcast Abi, keeping musing on life, politics, everything, if we stand together we can win !

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Brilliant stuff Abi! I truly admire your courage to speak out as you do. I'm staggered that people aren't equating all these 'heart attacks ' with the vaccine. The roll out should have been halted a long time ago. As you say the propaganda did it's job extremely well and now a large number of people seem to have lost all their common sense, ability to think rationally and be able to judge risk for themselves. I've been uneasy right from the beginning about this so called 'pandemic'. I am unvaccinated and I had to fight so hard so my sons didn't get the vaccine. The pressure from the school and college was immense. Unfortunately I could not persuade my oldest son who is now 20 and it causes me a lot of stress and anxiety because of the stories of so many dying 'after a short illness' which is short hand for being vaccinated. Mark Steyn is fab. As is Neil Oliver. Mark Steyn has even spoken about the great reset. I listen to Talk Radio and if any listeners mention Klaus and the new world order, they immediately shut them down and make them out to be crack pots. Now I don't know 100% that the great reset is going to happen, but it's scary stuff that should be discussed. The last two years has shown we can't trust our leaders and that they only have their own self interests at heart and let's face it the whole lockdown and vaccine scandal has not been for our health. Thanks Abi x

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Thanks so much for taking the time to write this Louise. I so appreciate it. I agree that there is something very sinister going on which appears in some way to be co-ordinated or at least opportunistic. I'm so sorry you feel anxious about your eldest son. You are a wonderful, courageous mother who has done her best in an impossible situation. I will never forgive those in charge of institutions for what they've done, particularly to young people. I never thought I'd witness anything like this in my lifetime. I guess it just goes to show nobody knows what's round the corner and that we should never take our freedoms for granted. The Great Reset is scary stuff, but on my more optimistic days, I believe that it will give us great opportunities. We will create a parallel society full of people who value the sovereignty of the individual, truth, beauty, holistic medicine, and maybe God will be welcomed back! I agree that Mark Steyn is excellent and hard hitting. Neil is also wonderful and I have great admiration for him and his calm monologues that pierce the darkness. Talk Radio have taken a very strange route, first hiring Jeremy Kyle, who is despicable, and now they're launching Talk TV with Piers Morgan who pushed the lockdowns, masks and told people they were selfish for not having the jabs. As I said on twitter, this is an untenable situation. Once you've said those vile, fascistic things publicly, I don't believe it's possible to come back from that. GB News also has to be careful, as there is a deep Woke undercurrent there. Anyway, we fight on! Much love to you and your family, Abi X

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Hello again Abi. Thank you so much for your reply to my comment. I have found the last two years very difficult from a psychological point of view. I have found it hard to accept what is happening to the country and what has been inflicted on us by our own government. I have been cold shoulderd by work colleagues because I didn't opt to do the lateral flow tests. I know many people will have had an horrendous time. My husband was able to work throughout, so we were ok financially, but it has felt like a real battle to keep my boys safe. The attitude of the school of my youngest son has been disgusting. The 'pandemic ' has certainly shown the true colours of people and this has shocked me too. So I thank you again for telling it how it really is. I think that takes courage and it has obviously been at a personal cost to you with regards to your work. But people like you give people like me great comfort and strength to carry on. There are times when I think I'm going mad and 'I must have this wrong ' sort of thoughts and then to hear you saying the things I feel is just a relief and reassuring that maybe I'm not going mad after all. I first saw Neil Oliver on Talk Radio and he kept me going because it was impossible to speak against the 'narrative '. When he speaks, he speaks for me and I love your phrase that he 'pierces the darkness'. I owe Neil and you a debt of gratitude because you help me so much to keep going. That probably sounds dramatic, but when you're surrounded by people who have been sucked in and have surrended their thoughts and actions to the government, it is good to know that there are others out there who have still got their hunter instincts and know that all is not well, but as you say, maybe this new world will give us new opportunities. It scares me I admit, but we need to keep strong and with people such as yourself raising awareness, then I can take strength and comfort that there are good people out there fighting our corner. All the best to you Abi and thank you again for taking time to email. It means a lot x

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