Evening all,

What a bloody day, thanks for the lovely words.

I will try and ignore their BS for the weekend.

Today I’ve done housework and been out in the sunshine. Another baby daffodil has bloomed and I’m feeling much calmer, I should sleep well tonight.

Great pod Abi and enjoyed the song at the end. It is a beautiful world, when you seek out the goodness in the world.

This Substack family is filled with goodness and that’ll do for me.

Good luck to Will on your move.

Have a great weekend everyone and I hope you’re not too drained from all the crap.

Much love Abs and to everyone here🥰

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Glad you are feeling better today Trudi, and got outside to absorb nature 🌼 and yes do your best to switch off to all the crap, these people are really not worthy of our energy are they. I hope you have a peaceful weekend my lovely 💕

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You too💖💖💖

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Just listened to Abi read out your previous days comment, quite literally hurt my heart. Like Abi said, there are no words.. truly sorry Trudi 💕 ..these people are ghouls.

Sending Love, Peace & Strength x

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Thanks Tania , hope you’re ok too🥰

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Trudi it’s amazing what a garden can do to lift your spirits. I decided to mow one of the lawns yesterday- 3 hours later I was exhausted, covered in dust and flying grass but very uplifted. Keep going you are absolutely amazing x ❤️

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Good to hear you sounding a little brighter - faith in nature and God for those who do - its what we have , plus the Ab Fam.

Sleep well Trudi


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Rrrr Trudi thinking of you & your Benjamin 💗xx .

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Love to you Trudi 💖

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Bless you Trudi, glad you feel calmer. Much love to you xx

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Dear beautiful Abi

I rarely cry and words can't describe how much you and those wonderful people you have here have made me feel

I am sitting on my back step and crying

I don't know how to convey my happiness to you but I will try

People I have never met have shown me more humanity than friends I thought were true

All of you I want you to know I would stand with you anywhere anytime from my deepest core I am so proud so happy to be in this tribe

Abi thank you thank you 😊

I send all of you my love and appreciation.

Ffs ya wallies you made me cry fuck me dead don't tell anyone

Now go and have a wonderful weekend 💕


I have a friend in Perth who was jabbed spent 13 weeks in a coma recovered thru natural medicine he will be the first member of the fuck you fuckers club 😁

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Will, please share your journey across the Nullabor and being surrounded by your family is so important. Don't look back. Wishing you and your children all the happiness you deserve. If you're so inclined, my wide awake sister goes to St Anne's church in Belmont over there. I'm sure you'd find others there who stand with you. They do the traditional Latin mass. Just a suggestion.

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Hey Will, I'm catching up with Abi's podcasts so excuse the late response. I listen to Cafe Locked Out podcasts : https://rumble.com/c/Cafelockedout. Very lovely guys and the No Goat Show on a Sunday - I never miss it. It's Sunday morning 11.00am BST & I think it's 8.00pm over there. Anyway there are many groups over in that side of the world, you'd be surprised. Wishing you well, hope the move to Perth goes well. xx

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Hi Laura I met the dude from cafe lockdown last year in February at the Canberra protest top man

Thank you for your empathy it's so good to know we are not alone

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Will, I hate to say the words, I know how you feel, because really no one can say that, but I have been in the same situation with longterm friends. Every single one of my friends deserted me once I refused to take the jab and spoke out against lockdowns and masks. My counsellor who was helping me with my depression had a heart attack after his second AZ jab, so I could no longer call on him. Thank God that I found Abi and our great SubStack family, they saved me.

I am so glad that your friend in Perth is recovering from the damage of the jab. I hope he will be a good friend to you when you move to Perth. You have always got me and the rest of the SubStack gang to laugh and cry with. We won’t be going anywhere. Much love💖

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Happy Friday to you Abi x

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And a Happy Friday to you, Dan X

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Hi Alannah omg talk about synchronicity

I will be staying in Belmont with my nephew he offered a room until I find a place .

I am sending my car by boat as I don't feel confident the thing won't break down

4000km in a Volvo with zero parts available in the outback isn't appealing

So Thursday I fly to Perth and TBH I haven't really got a clue yet

But I will have faith I am sure we will be fine

my children see adventure

So I will put on my kid goggles and join them 😁

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Bon voyage Will. A great adventure awaits, your children have called it right x

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Hi Will a fresh start how exciting for you & your family , I hope it all goes well for yous 😊

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Hi Abs "An event to profit from the scamdemic " just disgusting words fail me if the narcissistics had anything about them apart from pound signs they would donate the money from the event to the vacine injured but I dare say that won't happen. I used to like laurence so we're all right wing if you have an opinion labels name calling that's what lefties tend to do, yes hes sitting on the fence shame no barbed wire on it ! Don't loose the cunt word please its just so appropriate for these lot have a lovely weekend everybody x

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Thanks for the pod Abi, another shitty week almost over....which I suppose means we have all got through another week,congratulations all 🎉 Not gonna comment on the Lockdown shite as I am scunnered with it all this week,it’s all so exhausting and safe to say I’m a little triggered by it 😂

Sending love to Aussie Will,darling Trudi and all the Substackers,have a great weekend xx you too Abi xx

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Okay. Just preparing to press 'play'.

Here comes the earworm

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Haha ear worm incoming 🎸

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Another great podcast to set us up for the weekend Abi.

I’m still surprised at Laurence Fox’s response but may be I shouldn’t be surprised at anything. How a group of so called intelligent people can hold an evening of fun and entertainment about the ‘pandemic’ that has ruined lives in many ways is beyond me.

Enjoy your weekend SubStack family xx💖

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Oh bless you Will, sending so much love, and remember, we all fall down, not sure I'm back up from 3 years ago yet, it takes alot of courage to admit our struggles 🫠 Abi and everyone is such a lifeline ❤️ sending this little quote to you and all the SS family, from my daughter Elena's Banksy picture in her room, which says

When you get tired

Learn to rest

Not to quit

I have to look at this alot!!!

Have a peaceful weekend Abi and all you guys, God bless 🙏


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Great words to think about when we fall down Rachel. It’s good to know that it’s ok and that we can take time out and get back up again to fight another day xx

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Cunt is much better than twat or wanker x

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Totally agree Tiddles.

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Another great podcast Abi. And a message to Will. Mate I've fallen on my face and I've fallen on my arse and somehow I've managed to get back up again because of you and Abi's substack family. Love you all.

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Have a great weekend substack family. So happy to have found you all. Love conquers all xx ❤️

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Remember in the film the Kings Speech where Colin Firth addresses the nation with “my peoples” (my son does a hilarious impression) - well you guys are my peoples 🥰. As ever Abi’s Friday podcast leaves me uplifted for the weekend. Great song at the end and sending love Trudi you are amazing, and good luck to Will x ❤️ love Suzanne

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All love to Abi family. Never stop saying cunt. It is the only word that really sums everything up.

Glad your doing better Trudi. 🙏💜

Good luck Will.😊

God bless you all,have a beautiful weekend.

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Hi Jane thank you I usually don't blubber it just kinda got to me how decent people here are

it all hit me at 5am with my black coffee yes it's the adventure I focus on x

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Great choice of song Abi!

Good luck Will! Beware the great white sharks, and not just the ones in the ocean....

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