Aug 26, 2022Liked by Abi Roberts

Great pod Abi,

Hope you and everyone is ok, your “cock up.... my arse” faux pas , I choked on my cuppa🤣🤣

My bad mood has lifted, unlike my twitter ban😡

Huge congratulations to Louise’s son Will, how remarkable, you must be so proud of him, what a superstar.

Good luck Will at sixth form, you’ll smash it sweetheart 👏👏👏

Louise, give Will a well done squeeze from me😊

I follow some guy on telegram who reports how many illegal immigrants come here everyday, it angers me, where’s the women and children?

Thanks for a fab podcast Abi, have a wonderful weekend.

Enjoy the weekend everyone 👍💪

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Aug 26, 2022Liked by Abi Roberts

Thank you Trudi, you are very kind. I certainly will give him a squeeze😁. I didn't know you'd been banned from Twitter. Perhaps because you speak truths Trudi and we all know now that truth is a dirty word. But these people will be held accountable and they should hang their heads in shame for blocking courageous people such as yourself who have been through hell and just want to ensure that the same things can never happen again. I admire your grit and determination Trudi, I really do xx

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Aug 26, 2022Liked by Abi Roberts

Thanks Louise, my ban is now lifted.. 🙄🙄

Hope you’re ok and have a wonderful weekend.

Love to you all 💕💖💕

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Aug 26, 2022Liked by Abi Roberts

Yes Trudi, “cock up ....my arse” was a brilliant moment.

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Aug 26, 2022Liked by Abi Roberts

The NatWest sounds as though it is as woke as Halifax😳Customers just want an efficient banking service. My local Halifax has closed down, just what they deserve after telling customers to close their accounts if they didn’t think pronouns were important.

Djokovic, what a travesty that he cannot play in the US Open. Nothing to do with him being a health risk, all about punishment for not having the 💉💉💉If only there were more sportsmen like Djokovic.

Enjoy your weekend SubStack family xx

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Aug 26, 2022Liked by Abi Roberts

Thanks for your lovely words about my son Will. I've just played him that part of the podcast and he's grinning from ear to ear 😁.

I certainly don't trust authority anymore. I always thought the medical profession in particular deserved our respect because they had to be intelligent people to do what they do. But obviously we have seen the sheep like behaviour of the majority and it is clear, they are just people at the end of the day. I've been waiting for a hospital appointment for the loss of my smell and taste, but have decided to cancel it when it does finally arrive. I would not trust the doctors and I certainly wouldn't accept any injections. How could I trust it was what they said and not a covid jab? My son is having his brace removed at the end of September and God willing, that will be the last time I ever have to use the NHS.

Great podcast Abi. See you next time xx

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Aug 26, 2022Liked by Abi Roberts

Louise, I would certainly not have any injections as I don’t trust what is in them. I believe that all future vaccinations of any kind will have some mRNA content. I had a text from my GP surgery today asking me to book my flu jab next month. It said, “ we hope you will support the surgery by booking your vaccine with us”. I’m sure, as they get paid for every jab. I haven’t had the flu jab for the last two years so I won’t be starting now.

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Aug 26, 2022Liked by Abi Roberts


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Aug 26, 2022Liked by Abi Roberts

Omg the Jamie Jenkins thing , it's driving me mad, he is on GB News alot and he always skirts around the vaccine deaths, its driving me mad 😠 I guess he is the same as many, does not want to compromise himself but seriously, I think the elephant in the room is now more like 100 elephants and how he tries to skim past it makes me want to scream!

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Aug 26, 2022Liked by Abi Roberts

Thanks for another great Abi Daily,I laughed out loud a few times and it’s so good for the soul 🙏 loved McCockin too,he’s definitely my fav,the musical monologues are the best,too funny.

Have a great wknd everyone xx

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Hi Abi

Bit late listening but I must agree with what you said about Jamie Jenkins, the “stats man”.

Every time he is interviewed on media on excess deaths he swerves the question of whether it may be the vaccine causing it. He resorts to “well it could be that these people could not access NHS services - so they’ve all died”. What bollocks!

The excess deaths during this time period could only be that a medical therapy has been put into peoples bodies. The old people who would have died during these periods have already died of or with Covid so there is no other explanation for the huge numbers of excess deaths. Even Carl Heneghan won’t admit it and says the same claptrap-“we have to investigate before coming to that conclusion”….

It makes me so bloody angry as they’re still giving the killer boosters!!!

Maddie x

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Murdering cunt, 100% this love it. Got my stay stupid tee on today, gets a lot of looks when out and about lol

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RemovedAug 26, 2022Liked by Abi Roberts
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Aug 26, 2022Liked by Abi Roberts

What a brilliant idea ❤️

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