Abi Daily
Ask Abi Anything
Current time: 0:00 / Total time: -40:00

Ask Abi Anything

Whatsapp pile on, Porn stars & Thank God for you

Discussion about this episode

Abi, I’m sorry that you have had such a 🤮day with the WhatsApp group. You are a comedian with views and opinions that don’t sit well with everyone. Too bad, that’s life. The likes of June Slater will have to get over it. I watched the Leilani/ Malhotra interview. I felt as though I was watching a love in.

The transgender nonsense must be a nightmare for parents with school age children.

I hope you have a lovely weekend. Ignore the haters babe. Much love xx💖

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Tracey here😂😂😂

Honestly, I couldn’t stop laughing 😂 why June brought you into the conversation just baffles me. Oh well🤷‍♀️.

I do not agree with personal insults being aimed at you in this WhatsApp group, typical playground, juvenile behaviour.

Would they say these things to your face?

If I’m calling people names, I’d say it to their faces. Feel free to message me and arrange it👍

Fuck them Abs, as I’ve said before, June is a tragic hanger on, she’ll fall off soon enough.

I called her out about her using lockdown suicides to promote herself.... This is why I don’t like her and haven’t done for a long time.

Clip that bitches 😂😂😂

Stu does Starbucks.... Phwoooaar! 😬🫣😂

Sending love to all who’ve contributed to tonight’s pod, especially to Lisa and the little one 💖

Tonight’s pod has made me laugh, thanks Abi and please don’t let others get you down. We know your worth. May I remind you of your little trip to the Southbank. Nobody else on twitter with a substantial amount of followers has done anything like that for me.

Not just for me, but for Benjamin too. Don’t ever doubt yourself or lose sight of the kindness you are encased with.

I’ve got your back, we all have 💖💖💖

Have a great weekend everyone

Much love 💖💖💖


To the woman that said she felt embarrassed when she saw you.

That’s nothing, when I saw Abi, I was waving at her like she was Santa and looked a proper twat. I was so excited. I do now have a restraining order, but that’s just a minor detail 😂😂😂

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Trudi be careful not to spill that coffee 🤣, have a great weekend and long live Abs..

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You too Stu 👍🥰

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Tracey, you’re a star! 🤣

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I’m bloody marvellous 😂😂😂

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Your not wrong Tracey!

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Just call me Trace 👍😉

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Trudi I did something similar at the Backyard Comedy Club. I was at the bar with my husband and I saw Abi with Charlotte. In my excitement I turned around to say hello and I poked Abi in the stomach. I was very embarrassed afterwards and I did message Abi privately to apologise as I'm sure she thought I was a proper nutter! x

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Hi Trudi That June has become a joke now. Have you watched any of her videos where she shows her vast garden with a lake. Talk about showing off hahaha

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😂😂Tracey here😂😂 June Slater might at least have got your name right! Have a lovely weekend sweetheart xx💖

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How dare June slag our Abi off & call her boring !! Silly cow she must be lighting candles as we speak 👎

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Lmao... you too Jan 💖

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Fucking hell Trace PMSL.

Waving like she was Santa 🤣🤣🤣

You and Stu need to meet in a Starbucks. I remember a documentary about a porn star, I think her name was Annabelle Chung (Stu will know) she did the worlds biggest gang bang with that weirdo Jeffrey who has just been in court. If memory serves me correctly he had to go up the tradesman’s because had a skinny dick?? TMI I know but she ended up leaving the ‘industry’. Mental health an all that, not surprising.

Anyway apologies to all the brilliant minds in here for lowering the tone.

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I nearly ran my car off the road laughing so much listening to this podcast. Abi you are a shining star 🌟 Don't let the mob get you down. We love you dearly ❤️ I was so sorry to hear Lisa's story about her Mum and Dad. I can relate. I lost 2 years of spending time with my mum. She was locked in a nursing home for 2 bloody years during the shitshow. I'll never forget her crying on the phone because she thought her children had abandoned her because the damn joint wouldn't let us in, vaccinated or not. She never had dementia but her mental state deteriorated so quickly. There are some moments during the day when my heart hurts thinking what she went through 💔. She never ever deserved to go through that. We lost her in July last year at 91 years of age, albeit she went peacefully and I had the privilege of being with her when she went. Thank God she's at peace with Dad. So many thousands had to endure loss. We lost so much 😔

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So sorry to hear about ur mum Alannah, it was just devastating what our vulnerable relatives went through and like you i had the multiple phone calls every day sometimes 50/60 calls a day from my mum crying,when i think about it( which is every day) my heart hurts so much. My dad was found dead at home ( after being told to stay at home by 111)at easter 2020 so i suppose he escaped most of the tyrannical and i humane rules it was my mum who was subjected to them.My mums mental state deteriorated it was even in some discharge notes that the precipitating factor was social isolation due to covid-19. We did manage to get her home after 4 months and the improvement in her visibly and mentally was incredible just after a few weeks. I moved in with her initially until we could get care, it was during this time looking after mum i had a breakdown as i suspected i had got breast cancer.I won’t rest until someone is made accountable for what they have done to everyone. The time has long past for people to stop being so offended,i absolutely love Abi’s honesty and sense of humour its a shame there aren’t more people like her.......Lisa xx ( the Diana voice......just brilliant🤣)

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Dear Lisa you have been through so much, I am so sorry. I too want to see accountability for the evil they have perpetrated.Much love to you. x

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Thanks Wendy xx

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Sending you love and strength Lisa... always 💖

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Oh Lisa it is just beyond anything I am so sorry 💔

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Thankyou x

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Mar 4, 2023
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Thanks…..it was a nightmare probably the worst time of my life and believe me i have had a few its probably why i am still having counselling / alternative therapies 2 half years later. It been bloody hard picking myself up after everything and i know its not been easy for my hubbie, kids and grandkids.But there are people in a worse place than i am like the lovely Trudi who lost her beautiful Ben i don't know how i would have kept going if i lost one of my kids.A friend of mine lost her husband a few weeks back to an aggressive cancer only about 3 weeks from diagnosis to passing away…….at least i have had 2 & half years even though its been crap.Anyway we soldier on and pray for better times🙏🏻….Lisa xx

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I’m with you there. There must be better times ahead ❤️ Xxx

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I'm so angry. The kids I work with have had their social, emotional and language development severely delayed (littlies). The adolescents are fighting depression, anxiety and the suicide rate is through the roof. The parents are barely fucking coping having had to be jabbed to insanity to keep their jobs or their jobs and small businesses being lost and for what? For what? We all knew this was a pile of Bollocks since the Diamond Princess. The outright lies, and Human Rights abuses by so called liberal democracies. I'm so sorry about your mum. I'm glad you managed to be with her at the end.

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Operator J my brother in law’s parents were on that cruise liner when the shit show went down.

Neither had it until they were locked up and confined to their cabin.

His father had Parkinson’s but was ok in health apart from that contracted it while locked up by them. He died of renal failure because no treatment was given or even offered. Seems this was the get go protocol from the get go to get those numbers up to scare the shit out of the sheep.

All the sheep in my family bent over and took it up the arse as ordered. My sister in law even locked my brother in law in the bedroom and wouldn’t let him out when he had the coof, she left him food and drink on a tray outside the door just like a prisoner. She had to ring for ambulance when he took a turn for the worse and couldn’t breath.

You can guess what the paramedics told him while they gave him oxygen, yes, it would have been worse had he not taken the darts.

Meanwhile unbeknown to us as we’d been away that he had it, I went down with this deathly plague and my unjabbed arse had a sore throat for four days, I didn’t even get a temperature and wouldn’t had known I’d had it if I hadn’t had to provide work with a lft before I could return.

We never had a pandemic of the unvaxxed, we had a pandemic of not treating ill people and the fuckers in charge laughing about it at their cheese and wine parties.

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The lies, Lizzy. The pathological sociopaths who withheld treatment and enabled this to happen.

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Dear Alannah, I am so sorry you missed out on that precious time with your mum. I too lost that time with my dear Dad as he was in a nursing home and the home was constantly opening and shutting and constantly changing the rules which got more and more restrictive as time went on. he too passed away last year. What was done to us and our dear parents is unforgiveable. I hate everyone involved in the shit show. Love and hugs to you. x

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It was inhumane Alannah.

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Alannah, your story and so many others is heartbreaking x

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your energy is infectious

thank you, dear heart

easy to be bland and safe- thanks for not ticking that box

bless you

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“Ooh Abi, you’ve gone off the rails. I find your podcasts boring , yet still listen because I’m rather pathetic you know.

I must dash, I’ve got knitting to do and must soak my feet. It’s my age you see”

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Eee Our Trayceh yer gerrin a bit too forward.

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Shouldn’t people her age be doing cross stitch or similar? Imagine craving attention like her at that age? Cringe fest. Joe Public? More like public toilet🥴

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Never mind cross stitch she does bloody furious stitch!

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Sounds like you’re better off out of that WhatsApp group Abi, what a shower of shite they are! Despite you having such a crappy day that was one of the funniest podcasts ever, the elephant man doing mastermind was pure comedy gold I was actually crying with laughter - thank you!

By the way your outro with bass sounded just like June Slater saying “in’t it” I thought you were doing a special Lancashire cover version 🤣

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Great Pod....v funny considering the shit day you’ve had. Don’t let the bastards grind you down. I’ve had a similar what’s app cull this week,not fun. Being ‘off the rails’ is the gift that keeps on giving.

Loved the John Merrick impression but June and Princess Diana are exceptional. I will never listen to June’s voice ever again without thinking about this pod 😂

I have been blocked by 5 people on Twitter in around 4 months....never interacted or followed any of them. H from Steps (bizarre cull) Leo Kearse (for associating with Abi) Cat Protection (for sending a pic of my dog to Abi) Anna Brees (for calling her interview excruciating) June Slater (again for associating with Abi and quite possibly for calling her June Shitfield on here and she’s seen it when she’s been spying). 😂

Hope you’re doing ok Trace?

Have a good weekend everyone,hang in there xx

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Cat protection??😂😂😂😂

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Just checked,it was Animal Adoptions 😂

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Blimey, they must be very sensitive😂

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You have to do you Abi, warts an all. Not everyone will like it because you don't try to water down who you are to please people and the truth can hurt.

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Great show tonight Abs ( as usual ), you got me in full Mutley mode again and as for the Shakespeare and the colour yellow reference I had no idea.. Have a great weekend and you can do me a favour.. DON'T CHANGE....❤❤❤❤❤

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With regards to the WhatsApp pile on it’s a shame that some people can’t take a bit of banter.

Great pod as ever 😊❤️💫 xx

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The fact is most of these people you mention, they haven't a clue what in reality is really going on and how bad this is. And I hope they are reading this because yes, you haven't a clue and especially those saying hooray for Isabelle Oakeshott and Malhotra. They can't see what is real and what is put out to mislead people and that's just for starters. They also sound to have no sense of humour. The difference is Abi is that you get it and you genuinely care and have very high integrity. Who cares what others think if speaking out, if it saves one person then it's worth it.

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😂😂😂 good podcast. Elephant man = Anthony Albanese PM of Australia with his new teeth. As for 80s porn stars, anyone remember the young guy from Blue Peter who was sacked when his porno days came out? And what about Valerie Singleton? Was it all a hotbed of lust? Get down, Shep! No wonder that female ginge presenter's hands were shaking. Yes to criminal proceedings against our governments, but at the moment I think the social contract between people and government has been broken and I don't trust any systems. It's either civil disobedience ie refusal to pay taxes and energy bills or worse. I'm putting trust in my local community, cash + farmers markets/home grown food and bartering. Sod the whats app group.

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Trust no one and question everything, will be my motto. Yes, farmers markets and cooperatives are a great way to shop. The WhatsApp group seems to have got out of hand.

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Don't take any shit from the haters Abi were all 100% behind you. That blowey joke you made cracker me up as a lot of your podcasts do because you are one fucken funny comedian. 💖Have a good weekend xx

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Don't let the bastards get you down Abi! Like Stu said in the comments 'Don't change '. We love you just the way you are...isn't that a song lyric? 😁. Anyway great pod tonight Abi, see you Monday. Have a lovely weekend all 🥰xx

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Terrific outro, the energy! 😅

Glad you didn't get to my (email) question considering the day you've had today, I consider it shelved unless you're thinking of taking a case of grenades and watch that shrapnel fly 😝

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Dr. Paul Elias Alexander's Substack Newsletter: on Dr Malhotra


Have a lovely weekend xx

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A great read, albeit rather longwinded. It was good to see a pile on for Malhotra in the many comments. Malhotra deservedly is called out on not coming to the table for 2 years. He has blood on his hands but ‘sorry’ won’t be one of the words he utters.

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Yes! He could’ve reduced it by at least half! He repeated himself numerous times and although I understand he wanted to be respectful,he fawned over Malhotra’s credentials again and again,once was enough 😂 it would’ve been an excellent piece without the long winded repetition x

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Jules, I agree 💯

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This is good,long but good 😃

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OMG that porn star thing was hysterical 🤣🤣🤣 proper spat my cup of tea out it reminded me of those "Confessions of a Window Cleaner" type films in the 70's oooh missus.

Just stay true to yourself Abi. I like listening to you because not only do you get it, you make us laugh in dark times. Take care xx

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Thinking of Suzanne and family and of course Nick .. Much love to you all 💙

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Thank you Abi and of course, never change..You couldn’t!

You’re real 💎

And proved that laughter really is the best tonic 😂🧡

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Hi Abi, when I listened to your Thursday podcast, my husband heard me laughing so hard he said that I sounded demonic. Thank you for the laughs.

I am a student homeopath and I have made up from remedy kits containing 10 remedies and a symptom booklet. I have been asking for a £5 donation for these as this covers the cost of the kit, but I am happy to cover the UK postage costs - I would like to send you a remedy kit free of charge as a thank you for keeping my spirits up.

If you could email tracey@simply-homeopathy.co.uk I will send one to you xx

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Abi I’ve only recently stumbled across you and you’re a breath of fresh air against the pc woke bull shit they’re constantly projecting.

I’ve no idea how far down the rabbit hole you’ve gone, I will however share with you and others who may not know of two vaccine events, which preceded the whole coof fiasco.

Italians in the regions of the biggest outbreak and deaths had been the focus of meningitis vaccinations prior to the scamdemic. While age and health is a factor, many Italians buy retirement homes in these areas, not once was this ever brought up of the vast differences in cases and deaths between north and south. This wouldn’t ping on anyones radar if it wasn’t for a second incident going on thousands of miles away.

Another one to dip your toes in and read about is Samoa, unicef dropped measle vaccines off to do routine vaccinations.

Now before those drop off they had no issues, no breakout, serious illness or deaths. Not so after, the shit really hit the fan for these people, cases went from nought to sixty.

As you would expect it didn’t miss peoples notice that problems had arisen post vaccines and vaccine hesitancy set in.

Not to be defeated in getting this shit in to people the New Zealand government locked all none vaccinated islanders down.

The bastards in charge brought in the Chinese army to vaccinate them, if they didn’t comply, they were not allowed to leave their homes. All the while cases were rising like never before, same with side effects, even Children’s deaths didn’t deter the government from this insidious policy they were forcing.

A strange thing happened there though after covid hit the island.

The island and its people were barely affected by this wonderous virus, it seems they bucked the trend for infection and deaths.

These bizarre events had some in the medical community question exactly what was in those vaccines that caused so much damage in 2019, yet left islanders resilient to a virus that was sweeping the world. They asked this question because the measles outbreak should have left the population at risk and susceptible due to t and B cell depletion that takes up to 2 years to recover from.

The Midwestern doctor here on substack is a great source of information and education for those who don’t buy the bullshit.

In my own personal opinion Jacinda Adern should be swinging from a lamppost, it’s a pity those fucking crocodile tears didn’t choke the bitch in her resignation speech, she was never kind, or even resembled a human being in what she inflicted on New Zealanders.

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Quality podcast, Abi. Hilarious in parts.

I can confirm - that Abi Daily, really is enjoyed best with alcohol. Cheers!

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Haven't laughed soooo much in ages!

Thanks xxx

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Absolutely hilarious Stu and his porn stars - I had an Aunty Vylie (Violet) she could have been one, she used to roll her eyes at men haha. My brother and I used to be fascinated with her, think children like Jane and Michael Banks from Mary Poppins. She once said to my Nana, have you seen that new Durex paint I’m going to have the whole house emulshitted. When I see a tin of Dulux emulsion paint I want to change it to Durex Emulshit. Keep the faith Abi we all love your podcasts xx ❤️

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