Do you know I missed these podcasts when you were away, but I didn't realise how much until listening to today's belter.

You are fabulous Abi and I share your anger about bringing the bastards that did this covid shit show to justice. And it's for those people like Trudi and her amazing son, Benjamin that I get so angry. I too unfortunately feel the inquiry will be a waste of time. Look at Mark Drakeford in Wales. He doesn't want an enquiry because and I quote ' the world has moved on'. Bastard! Let's see how he feels when one of his children is murdered because thats what it has been. Old and young, they don't give a shit and are still pushing the lies and propaganda. And if they aren't brought to justice in this world, then I hope and pray they will get it in the next. Do you remember the film Ghost with Patrick Swayze and Demi Moore when the demons come at the end to take his friend to hell. I'd quite like to see Matt Hancock, Patrick Vallance, Chris Whitty and all the celebs who've backed this shit getting their comeuppance.

Sorry, the anger just swells up doesn't it?

So glad to be part of the substack family and it's great to know all of you.

Have a good weekend all xx

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Hey Louise, I completely agree about Hancock, Vallance and Whitty being held to acccount, the bastards have blood on their hands. The covid inquiry will probably be a whitewash. Thank God for Abi and SubStack.

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Agree with everything you’ve said Louise and yes, to see them being dragged to hell would be good.

Have a great weekend too my lovely 💖

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Oct 7, 2022Liked by Abi Roberts

Tommy Lee jones

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Thanks Alison. I got the Tommy and couldn't get the rest. As Abi says, senior moment! 😂xx

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Tbh that’s usually what I’m like too 😂

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All the time for me🤦‍♀️I went to put the kettle in the kitchen cupboard the other day😳😂😂

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Good luck with the job too!!

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Thank you! xx

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Oct 7, 2022Liked by Abi Roberts

Sterimar is great stuff!!

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Crying with laughter... You as a pig and being a satanist covering one eye.

We don’t need to know what you’re dressed up as😂😂

I’ve just got myself a ticket for the backyard gig, I’ll be a saddo on my own, so if anyone on here is going as doesn’t mind sitting near me, please let me know.

I’ll be the fat bird wearing a T-shirt with Benjamin’s face on( my boy would love it)

Hope I get to meet you Abi( that sounds extremely creepy 🤦‍♀️😂😂)

Thanks for a great pod, have a great weekend everyone 💖💖💖

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Hello u lovely people.

Thanks Abi,that was great....and thanks for answering my question confirming u are in fact a satanic high priestess 👁👌🤘🏼

Trudi,we are going the backyard gig....I actually seriously thought about getting u a ticket but didn’t want to impose or be over familiar so I just left it🤷🏻‍♀️Would be great to meet up and sit together and I think there’s a few on the chat going too! We will be in London for a couple of nights,so will def be in touch re our plans nearer the time. I hope Abi has plenty room at her place 😀

Been down at my mums all afternoon. She got her scan results today and has bn referred to oncology,scan showing multiple lesions....I don’t even know what to say anymore,I feel numb. She had an ovarian cyst diagnosed in March 2020 nothing to worry about,it’s grown to twice the size and there’s a good few more lesions spread around. They haven’t confirmed it’s cancer yet but the referral to Oncology kinda says it all. I could scream. I feel like I’ve predicted it all,my Dad dropping dead after x2....mum slowly going downhill since,cognitively too....and I pleaded with them not to take those fucking jabs. Not looking for sympathy,just to sound off and let people know it is fucking happening,it’s not even a shock,it’s just like Ive bn waiting for it.

Have a great wknd everyone,love u all and all your chat ❤️

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My in laws are jabbed to the eyeballs too Jules, so shout it from the roof tops, these jabs are killing people! Some straight away and some more slowly. My mum in law has been suffering with her memory and repeats things a lot. She's now had 5 fucking jabs, FIVE! and my father in law has just found out he has problems with his white blood cell count and has to have some treatment for that. God knows what. He's not long had his bladder out due to cancer, but they can't see it. I dont expect them to be around much longer. It's so sad to see them deteriorate. I feel for your situation, but as the saying goes ' you can take a horse to water, but you cant make it drink'. It just makes me so angry, so,so angry. Sending lots of love to you and yours Jules 🥰xx

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Oct 7, 2022·edited Oct 7, 2022

Omg isn't it awful, I feel so full of anger this week about it all 😡 a good friend of mine has a problem with his hand, gone numb, can't lift it up very well, just woke up like it, not saying it's related but knowing what we know, anyway I said to him, don't get angry but can I ask you a question? He knows my feelings and last year said oh just get the vaccine Rachel, and has no clue abt what is happening!! So I said have you been jabbed recently? He said no but his booster was booked in for Friday (today) I was like..no pls don't, at the very least until you get your hand looked at etc..and then just asked him to watch the A Second Opinion film on YT and Dr Aseems conference, and then make an informed decision! I don't know whether he got it today, I am hoping not but think he prob has! I asked him why and he said I don't want to catch covid!! Ffs..he is 56, hardly drinks, no drugs or fags, in good shape, plays football twice a week, it worries me 😓😓 my sister is the same and all rhe family, think the jab is wonderful!! My 85 Yr old mama bear knows the crack though and will not have any more 🙏 she has shingles and I know its the vaccine that caused it, she's been so poorly 😢 anyway sorry for long post, just feeling the frustration this week !!! Have a fab weekend everyone xxx

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Rachel, we all seem to have similar stories to tell about the 💉 Those that were brainwashed by the government and MSM don’t want to listen to all the evidence. It’s like hitting my head against a brick wall.

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I know Jan, it is so frustrating, I was in town today and walked past the vaccine centre where argos used to be and I looked at the queue with such sadness and disbelief, I wanted to run in there and scream STOP! I think what is so scary is that this experiment to test peoples trust and compliance has, for the most part, worked exactly how they planned! But, we will continue to fight the good fight, we have to keep the faith that good always overcomes evil in the end 🙏

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All these symptoms people are experiencing is off the scale. My dad got shingles within days of his 4th. No idea when the next one is due😳

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Omg Louise, my mum does this too, both my parents have had all their jabs, I’ve tried to educate them but to no avail.

Love to you all 💖💖💖

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It so sad Louise....what have they done to people?! Good luck with the new job,hope it’s everything u hope for. Look forward to hearing all about it xx

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Thanks Jules x

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Yes, my family all fully jabbed except my vaccine injured husband who stopped after 💉💉 They are totally sold on the jabs and are not for turning. There is nothing I can do, they just blank me when I disagree with them🤷‍♀️

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Oh Jules, your poor mum. I do hope that it’s not anything sinister. Bless you🥺

Referring the gig, yes, I’d love to meet you all and hope that’s ok with you.

Just been looking at trains and nothing suitable is showing up, maybe it’s too early to book one🤷‍♀️

Please know that I’m thinking of you and your lovely mum and sending love to you all 💖💖💖

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Thank you Trudi. I will look forward to hanging out with you,it’ll be a giggle. Xx

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My god, we need a few of those 😊👍💖💖

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Jules, I’m so sorry to hear about your mum, I pray she will get the treatment she needs to make a recovery. As if the death of your dad hasn’t been enough to deal with.

I would like to go to the comedy gig in December but I’m not sure if there will be train strikes that weekend. I need to get back home to Kent that night for my greyhound. I will make a decision nearer the time if it’s not sold out.

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Shame the Russians don't have any knock knock jokes maybe there doors are just shit, anyway Louise all the best with your new job ( probably best not to talk politics ) , I don't think any Covid enquiries will make any difference it goes to the top but you never know, look at Epstein everyone knows what went on but when your in the elites your probably untouchable. Off to watch Duncan Mc.. ❤

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Thanks Stuart x

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I cannot understand why GB News won’t have you back Abi. Ofcom are supposedly investigating Mark Steyn but he speaks out on his show all the time about vaccine damage, grooming gangs and he trashes Police forces up and down the country and their Police Commissioners.

My husband said that he couldn’t believe that Neil Oliver didn’t defend you against that awful excuse for a man, Jon Gaunt. I have zero sympathy for Gaunt being ill. Gaunt’s hatred and vile comments about the 🩸people was unbelievable. Gaunt can dish it out but when anyone even politely criticises him then he blocks them. The guy is a pathetic bully.

Yes, we all love Crunt👍💯

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Yes very fishy as Stein is far more outspoken now than Abbie even was back in the day. Perhaps because she wouldn’t have the tests and go along with all the cobblers that was going on there.

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That’s true Alison but no reason not to take Abi back now. John Cleese will have his own show on GB News next year and he will be allowed to choose his guests with no holds barred apparently.

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After party at Abi’s, she doesn’t know it yet 🥳🥳😂😂😂

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