Erm…”Helllloooooo” 👋👋

I reckon Jules, myself and Helen Dellingpole would be great guests.

You lot can talk and I’ll be in the garden, having a 🚬😆

Have a great weekend everyone and great to see Will is ok.



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Oh Trudi, wouldn't that be great fun! How lovely that you thought to add me to this list. Thank you. Lots of love 🙏🥰 xxx

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You’re an old hand at Pods now Helen 😃😍

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Much love to you also Helen and I hope you’re doing well 💖🌸💖

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Will is honoured to be included in the same sentence as Montgomery Toms, another critical thinker. You make Will's evening every time you give him a mention in your pod.

He dragged me along to see the Deadpool & Wolverine movie this week. He said...now to warn you Mum there will be lots of swearing... but you can't complain because you listen to Abi Daily!

Hope everyone has a great weekend 😎

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Oh fuck!!! I forgot Mr Jules- please don’t hate me Mr J 🥴😬😆

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I completely understand what your saying about Douglas Murray, but what I’m discovering is that he’s been in this fight for a lot longer than I’d realised. He’s seen what’s been happening for a very long time and he’s been warning us. Covid, it could be argued perhaps the least of it in the grand scheme of treachery that’s unfolding, and after all plenty of people jumped into the ring for that bout, it was pretty crowded.

If he’d gone full-on re Covid you can be sure he’d have had no platform now. He’s a great thinker and he’s being incredibly courageous about his stance now…not everyone can have every string in their bow perfectly tuned at any one time.

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Its a good job Douglas kept his precious platform to be a mainstream war correspondent in Israel. How would we have coped without his insight and his biceps and body armour?! Vital reporting in defence of people who were coerced into injecting an experimental drug and having green passes. 👀🦸‍♂️

Courage and Murray do not belong in the same sentence.

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Anyone with a platform who kept their mouth shut at a time when their voice was most needed to be heard is not on our side, but their own.

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I know what Douglas Murray was saying and writing pre covid…that’s exactly why he was such a disappointment when covid entered the room 🤷🏻‍♀️ it wasn’t most of our areas of expertise either but we managed.

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I’d be more disappointed with people who are still silent rather than those who are picking up the cudgels that others have suddenly dropped.

Those shouting loud from the rooftops now the ‘truthers’ are being beaten to a pulp in U.K. prisons by Muslim gangs for sharing memes…

Those publicly taking on the likes of Alastair Campbell and calling him out…

Each of us chooses our battles wisely and to the greatest effect, that’s our right.

Abi is doing exactly that after all…

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Great one show ❤️

. Good bad and ugly run though all our hearts .Who hasn’t had a row with a loved one and was full of remorse afterwards. we need to see others as a whole weigh them up and ourselves

I didn’t go along with the shit show. I wrote to MPs 🤣😂 got ostracised in work . Went on marches. ( The media ignored us ). Saw how they tried to provoke violence during these protests. They succeeded this time in Southport, but emotions were off the scales and some of us act from instinct . I bet the agents provocateurs were busy that day . . last time the main stream media were on our side was on the poll Tax demos . We must somehow protect free speech . Evil has infiltrated everywhere ! But we also know their are more like us then they have you believe we mustn’t let them divide and ignore us .

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I struggle to trust the man now or take him and his hair dye seriously, tis all.

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Social media is both a blessing and a curse. It’s a bit like the mobile phone, once it plays a part in our every day lives it is difficult not to use it. I don’t read or listen to anything in MSM. I haven’t used my GETTR account for a long while, I dumped FB 2+ years ago so now just use Twitter as a source of information and keeping in touch with some lovely people. I am trying to step back from social media and do things that give me joy in life. God knows this Labour government want to take away all our freedoms so we have to live for the moment.

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Andrew Bridgen did exactly that but was pilloried here.

Wrong sort of voice?

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Pilloried is a bit strong when just voicing opinions and very valid opinions at that. I tell you who was pilloried, US, the ones who actually had their lives obliterated, never to be the same again…..for standing up for what is right, we lost loved ones and our livelihoods to the jabs and lockdowns they pushed or stayed silent on. Sometimes I think the quiet ones are worse than the ones who pushed it. The pain of the last 4 years is unbearable at times. These cowards and glory seekers can do one. As Abi said, you don’t need to have a medical degree to see how morally wrong everything was. If people like Bridgen and Murray had stood up at the time we might not be in this dire situation. We’ve now got Jacqui Deevoy (who’s done some great work) now fawning over Ricky Gervais on Twatter, blows my mind. Thoroughly disappointing and depressing. I do hope at some point in time I can find some forgiveness in my heart for these people, it might help if they actually asked for it 🙏

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Fawning over Ricky Gervais!!??? Dear god

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No forgiveness incoming anytime soon from me Jules.

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Having just listened to the two Delingpods with Douglas Murray I think it’s fair to say he was out on a limb and calling everything out long before Covid hit, and long before many others woke up, so I personally won’t lay blame at his door for what happened next. He was nailing his areas of expertise, eviscerating the woke culture, offering solutions and wrote of what he knew.

He has books in print that sell in their millions around the world…he’s doing his bit.

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Bridgen voted for three lockdowns and endorsed the jabs. He is up to his neck in it. His saying that he was fooled by wrong science doesn’t cut it when he voted for things that were morally reprehensible and of knowingly doubtful legality. Any opprobrium directed at Bridgen is entirely justified. Sorry.

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Completely agree. And even IF covid was even real, and a 'threat' it still doesn't make it acceptable to try and force a person to have an injection of something they do not wish to, with the threat of losing their livelihood hanging over their heads. Its blackmail and just abhorrent behaviour.

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Graham, 👏🏻👏🏻💯

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I thought that once too, and way more strongly than that.

He was one of hundreds who voted but alone in standing up to it eventually.

Atonement means different things to different people, and for many different reasons. To my mind he atoned in ways that hundreds of others did not.

Others see it differently, that’s fine.

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Except he hasn’t atoned, he’s just tried to reinvent himself as a freedom fighter. He is an utterly fake ally because he still wants “the science” to drive policy, just better science. His behaviour is that of the narcissist, with an agonising desire to be the centre of attention. He has been as successful at that as he was successful in locking us down three times and successful at endorsing the harmful vaxxines. A decent person would show some humility and quietly leave the stage, but Bridgen is still getting what he craves most - the limelight.

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At least he’s not dead like my son is BECAUSE of the voting that bastard did!!

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I do understand where you are coming from. We want people to see the light and change sides then when they do they are pilloried for not doing it before. I have no trust or faith in Bridgen though. He doesn’t ring true...Another misdirection agent for me

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Note how so many of the voices that shouted so loud through Covid are now silent and have left the battlefield the minute things get deadly serious.

What would you prefer…people to speak out or utter silence all round?

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Sorry no. Douglas Murray is a posturing phoney. Bob Moran got him spot on

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Aug 17·edited Aug 17

Have you read his books?

I’d be interested to hear what you think if so.

I’m new to his writing and approaching with an open mind, watching a few interviews too (the Delingpod for one) and all in the spirit that Abi champions here of doing my own research and being prepared to change my mind and then, most importantly, having the courage to admit it.

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He had a certain platform and intellectual credibility as a cultural commentator which he forfeited by completely ignoring the rampaging herd of elephants in the room that was the scamdemic and then entering Clown World with his war reporting in Israel. He now has the brass neck to attempt to re establish some cred. I’m sorry but it’s laughable. I applaud open mindedness but there’s a line between open mindedness and gullibility. One lesson we have learned this last four years is that sometimes, the people saying what you want to hear are not to be trusted.

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I couldn’t agree more…

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Yes I was following him quite closely pre “Covid” as he seemed to have something useful and sensible to say about wokeness. Unfortunately he is now filed under the label establishment misdirection agent along with Nurse Dr John Cambel and the Triggernorms. People who are put there to catch and misdirect those who might otherwise properly understand the depth of the deception. I reserve a particular dislike for these types. It’s the same reason I find the Guardian (which I used to read) way more offensive than the Sun

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Having read it through several times I have upgraded Inner Prayer to a daily read and will use it in that way in future. I’ve also been reading a biography of Father Alexander by Wallace Daniels and that has given me a new perspective on so much…faith in the most dire of circumstances, suffering, being wronged and persecuted, grief, fear, despair…you name it he dealt with it.

I find myself thinking ‘How would Fr Alexander have suggested I approach this?’ and I always know the answer.

Paul Kingsnorth’s community at The Abbey of Misrule is a haven of kind, gentle and patient commentary from people around the world that is helping so many people find their faith again, or for the first time. Not everyone’s cup of tea but I’ve learned so much there.

I’m sure you will find that peace eventually too Jules 🤗

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