Jun 19, 2023Liked by Abi Roberts

Hey peeps, massive apologies for my absence last week, have caught up finally! Got some stuff going on with Elena atm which is, well, not great, so bear with me if I'm not as present as normal πŸ˜’ but I'm always here in spirit 🫠

Loved hearing about the party Abs, it sounded like a blast, and fab pics of fab people, will not miss the next shindig, no fucking way jose !

Douglas Murray got me tonight 😁 grecian 2000🀣 oh I hooted out loud. It doesn't surprise me that much of the audience didnt know who he or Jordan bloody bloody Peterson was, the more life goes on I'm realising the masses know fuck all about most people and most things πŸ™ˆ

Cathy Crunt had her pussy groove on today 🐈 😻 bloody excellent!

I hope the parents of those girls have that teacher bang to rights for how she behaved, I'll go see her 😁 I'm in that frame of mind right now 🀨

Ooh you can't beat crispy bacon, streaky all the way, or pancetta, especially on the old spaguetti carbonara πŸ˜‹

Still listening, so ciao for now

Love to all the group 😘 and all new fellow warriorsπŸ™

Rach xx

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Jun 19, 2023Β·edited Jun 19, 2023Liked by Abi Roberts

When cunts like Constantin talk about re-establishing trust in "the science", he really means keep the narrative alive at all costs pursuant to the demands of his overlords, another traitor.

"Science" is the religion of the state used to manipulate it's citizens. More accurately, "science" is the direct result of secular humanism.

Eustace Mullins said it best "The basic premise of secular humanism is that human interests should take precedence over all things. Because of it's insistence that "government interests" are the primary instrument for implementing the good of human interests, secular humanism has become the primary advocate or statism, big government, which means of course, totalitarian government.

Marxism is the falsification of truth, which is a direct result of secular humanism.

Was great to see you on Saturday night, see you at the next Speakeasy.

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Jun 20, 2023Liked by Abi Roberts

Subscribed to Abi's wheelhouse 😁

Good luck reeling in rich cunts with the fabulous offer of a threesome with Isabel and Toby 🀣. Maybe up the ante with a platinum plan where Lozza will make a cameo appearance as... well, whoever you want!

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Cathy Crunt and the cat .. I actually laughed so much I was just hysterical. It’s just so funny, honestly Abi it’s genius x

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Jun 19, 2023Liked by Abi Roberts

It’s Adam Rowland you’re referring to, his tweet was superb.

Loved Crunt... meow 🐱

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Jun 19, 2023Liked by Abi Roberts

Your Nookie bear impression made me chortle 🀣🀣🀣

Great first pod of the week

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As always brilliant podcast. Constatien knows exactly what he's saying. He's trying to pretend he belives in free speech and medical ethics, but the reality is that he would have happily put the unjabbed into cattle cars last year if the medical tyranny hasn't been stopped by massive protests in 2021/22

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A very good friend of mine who works doing rehabilitation on spinal injuries, for health reasons prior to the shit show she was already in isolation until her meds were sorted out.

We unfortunately couldn’t meet up face to face to speak due to her circumstances until after the first lockdown. By then she was back at work and said loads of mad protocols were in place now and how they get a weekly email of how many covid cases they had.

She did however mention an observation at work about masks that some doctors were wearing and had questioned why all staff had been given the same equipment.

The doctors she’d observed had the full suits on with the masks attached to oxygen tanks. I actually said to that they’re the only masks that work to stop transmission, the rest are all just window dressings, she’d already got the jist that the mask wearing was all just theatre after seeing the doctors dressed up like this.

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Great first pod of the week and Cathy Crunt was a corker and great meow!

Your little rendition of Respectable by Mel and Kim took me back.....me and a friend choreographed a dance routine to that song when we were around 15/16.....it wasn’t very good 😩

Love to all xx

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🎢🎡 Never gonna be James Delingpole 🎢 🎡

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