Jun 17Liked by Abi Roberts

Thanks for this paragraph: "I have been thinking a great deal about how to navigate these fucking weird times. Millions of us have woken as if from a deep sleep. Some of us have had at least one eye open most of our lives, and even then it has taken an enormous toll because to be truly independent of thought is incredibly lonely. You can sometimes feel like an outsider, even in your own tribe"

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Yep. And to continue the 'sleep' analogy, some of us have made it to an upright position in the bed. But we have yet to step onto the bedroom floor, let alone go downstairs to see what the hell is happening there!

Fun times!

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I’m glad this resonates x

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Jun 17Liked by Abi Roberts

Good piece Abi. I totally agree that it is an improbable coincidence that 2 members of the Royal Family have contracted cancer at the same time. The last royal to die from cancer was King George VI in 1952 when cures were rarely available of course.

Assuming they all took the Covid “vaccine” at the recommendation to all of us by the Queen herself 🙄, it seems probable that this has caused their unexpected cancers.

However, it’s not only Charles and Kate who have cancer.

The Queen herself died from blood cancer very quickly, the Duke of Edinburgh from pancreatic cancer. Sarah Ferguson has had both breast cancer and melanomas.

I wonder whether anyone in their circle will ever join the dots..I’m sure their consultants will never admit it!

Strange times…

Are the powers that be trying to change weather patterns in the name of “net zero”? Of course they are..even the Met Office admit to geoengineering.

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Jun 17Liked by Abi Roberts


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Jun 17Liked by Abi Roberts


Pretty much all 'vaccines' are unhealthy. And it's becoming increasingly

difficult to get any real traction on what might, even remotely, be true.


Part of the problem being: the powers that shouldn't be, have us by

the bollocks, in so many other departments; general gaslighting [first floor].

central, and world banks on our cases [2nd floor. toilets as well],

The English Press [ Basement, for sure]. I think Washington owns Brussels

[and therefore the cesspit that is the EU and all associated nonesense: Inc.

Brexit; we're supposed to assume that's all gone through, to our benefit,,,]??

'Intelligence' would have us believe everything is hunky dory. And we should all

get back into the social and political landscape that we temporarily left behind,

a few years ago [remember the land of steaming hot bread and butter puddings;

freedom of expression; And politicians who fought tooth and nail to keep us

safe in our beds.. No ?!!] as if we 'd been living the dream - pre coronacircus, and

having it all our own way. No - not that one. The real one; with muppets who were

instructed by Venemous predators, further up the food chain, to Lock us down,

close our businesses, and Flatten our fucking souls... remember that old chestnut.

So yes, Mistress Roberts, I feel your pain. And doubt. And scepticism. But it's all just

grist for the mill... The bittersweet melancholia of life's little visissitudes. Fuck Them !!

Have Some Memes.....


Enjoy. XXX

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Courtenay is now in the clink on the libertarian IOM for “losing the plot”…”not listening to reason”…

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Jun 17Liked by Abi Roberts

" look at what our sausage-fingered King believes in terms of the Net Zero insanity"

Oh but he has done very well out of Agenda 2030.

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Gullible and rich. A dangerous combination.

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It has crossed my mind a few times that "they" might be trying to hoik the Royal Family out of the way. It would be in line with the plans they seem have for Great Britain and, bearing in mind Frances's idea that they're all about to sod off to Astana and take the economy with them, explains why they have ruined London - as everyone now seems to appreciate.

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Thanks for your comment, Christian. This is indeed a possibility. I feel sure that whatever happens next, we need to try to keep our reason intact. I'm not letting the bastards take that.

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Jun 18Liked by Abi Roberts

Very much like your uncensored opinions Abi, and so recognize how you feel. Thanks for sanity ❤️

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Thanks, Tonetta. I try to keep a balanced mind and speak what's actually in my heart, without trying to appease one group or another. It's not easy! X

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That was rather nicely written. Funnily enough JD and Coke - or with some other whisk(e)y - used to be my fuel too. Sadly, for both of us, I can't afford to drink spirits these days; in fact I hardly drink, ever, though that last quote from F Scott is in line with my future expectations. :)

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Thank you, Christian. F. Scott was on the money about that. Here's to enjoying a glass of Scotland or Ireland's finest one day soon X

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Ah, I'd forgotten about Irish. A school friend of mine who now lives in Dublin gave me a bottle of Bushmills a few birthdays ago. It was fantastic.

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Jun 17Liked by Abi Roberts

Yes Pfizer has left a ‘Royal’ trail in its wake. As you say Abi it doesn't give a flying fuck. Very like the Daleks thinking about it.

Hoping you are having a better week.


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Jun 17Liked by Abi Roberts

maybe the sun isn't a psyop, but the man made weather manipulation is over ridding the sun's effect. but that is going too far in dismissing the suns influence

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This is another great peace Abi.

There is a strange human tendency to explain things by two moves: 1) by looking down to lesser things to explain away higher things (eg explaining humans by looking at apes or explaining thinking and reasoning by looking down to computers we’ve created); 2) to reduce the immense complexity of life and the world to simple cause and effect relationships between a handful of observable variables. Together these two ways of thinking fool us into believing we can understand life and control it by manipulating a few variables. That’s the view of the WEF technocrats who seek total control and total knowledge by reductionism, ruling out anything above and beyond their control or understanding. However, the awake movement needs to resist analysing and explaining events in the same reductionist view of ourselves and reality. We must acknowledge things bigger, beyond and higher than ourselves and our understanding to properly apprehend (we can never comprehend) reality and our place in it. We must assume that not everything is the result of human control. That includes the spiritual and things like the sun in the sky.

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I follow several geophysicists and massive solar flares are going to be much more devastating than contrails or chem trails if they even exist. The polar shift is another thing that can happen any time soon and would mean another Noah’s Ark event

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As a near daily S0 listener I detect a bit of Ben Davidson in there. 🤨 I heard someone describe his channel as something like a pseudoscience cult. I don't think so but he is a bit heavy on the fear. I'm not going to worry about about it and I'm certainly not going to spend important years prepping for disaster. Law of Attraction and all that ...

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Yes, I've watched Ben's channel. While I believe he's on the money about some things ( the outsized influence of the sun on Earth's weather) I refuse to get demoralised or controlled by fear from yet another disaster scenario.

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I take much the same attitude. I'm happy to believe that Ben is on our side (though the money raising for the film is a little sub-optimal) but that prepper's paranoia inevitably slants everything towards "You should be frightened too ...". And I'm certainly not going to move house or stockpile food on his say-so.

I'm afraid I must disagree with you vehemently on "the outsized influence of the sun ...". The Sun is the source of **ALL** the energy that we use on the planet, all of the energy got from wind, water and solar, as well as ALL the energy stored in the vast reserves of wood, coal, oil or gas. Every single chemical reaction and physical change on the planet is powered by energy from the sun, including every one of the millions of reactions going on in every living thing on the planet (and quite a lot of non-living things too), starting with the photosynthesis of water and carbon dioxide into sugars. The sheer scale of the energy from the Sun is one important reason we can know that Climate Change is utter nonsense. There is nothing us puny human beings could do to even put a dent in the process and it is beyond grandiose to think that we could. We cannot even comprehend the scale of the energy that has come from the Sun and is stored here, let alone believe we can master it. It really is just more arrogant, elite horseshit.

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I completely relate.. It is extremely lonely being someone who thinks somewhat ndependently. Like you I've always had one eye at least partly open. After the experience of the last four years and my repeated self pinching to try to break myself from the reality that appears to be playing out around me nothing can be completely off the table as far as wacky theories go. I also agree that the psychopaths behind the shots do not give 2 fucks about who dies or is injured as long as it is not them. When I heard about Catherine the PoW"s diagnosis it crossed my mind that to those in control she is expendable ( & ditto Charles & Fergie) now that she has completed her role of birthing the royal progeny. Also I doubt that Wills received the same shot as Catherine &, iif he took it at al)l, he will have been provided something harmless.

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My boy, for some strange reason, loves the Royals and the tradition pomp and ceremony of the military. My husband and I were thrown in at the deep end and have over the past 10 years accompanied him to many Trooping the Colours, concerts and occasions. The happiness it gave him and us was immense, until Covid.

I’m torn and am finding it hard to let go and my gut tells me I should, I just love the tradition and ceremony, I accepted it into my life for my son. People, I’m sure will think it strange that I’m aware of what is happening, but am still clinging on.

I think they probably did take the vaccines (maybe not William or the children), I also think that the King and Prince William were given a choice to join the WEF or the monarchy dies, or they are happily choosing to give up Royalty as they are right there at the top or that William will be given a Leadership Role in the New World Government, I think when Charles dies, the Monarchy dies too and will become slimmed down or a token tourist attraction.. That’s my prediction!

I have to say, my son is wide awake to the Covid scam though. He also loves the church and was baptised and then confirmed 2 years ago, again we had nothing to do with this.

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The mRNA covid19 jabs destroy our natural cancer fighting T cells.

I still think that many of the Royals took the jabs anyway....

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It's baffling that they might have, isn't it? In some ways it just doesn't compute. I know that reality is frequently on a knife edge and appears to always be able to fall one way or another and we often see something truly fearful just melt away but even in those sort of constructions the Royal Family just doesn't fit. I'm afraid a part of me would still like to view them like I did as a child, seeing them as a part of the order we live in. Can't see an order at all these days.

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