Is it a bird, is it plane, NO.. It's a wasp who smokes 40 Woodbine's a day with COPD. God love you Abs .

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Lmao Stu 😂😂😂

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Loving the outro Abi🤣 brilliant!

Talk about people being in the matrix. Did you see Mark Dolan's tweet earlier. Something along the lines of ' I do hope the vaccines are not harming or killing people '. FFS! Wakey, fucking wakey! 🤪

Where have you been? Jesus christ! We all knew this, for what is years now. What a moron! I've lost count of how many times he told us he was vaccinated AND he had his son jabbed to go on holiday. Unbelievable!

And for such as June Slater, how can she even contemplate the idea that voting will get us out of the shit hole we're in? Again I just want to shout Wakey, fucking wakey! They're all in on it June. They all voted for the shit show and guess what? They don't give a flying fuck about rights, freedoms and democracy.

I tell you something, I'm not the sharpest knife in the drawer, but I smelt the shit a long, long time ago. What is wrong with these people? They are in denial or hankering after the old world. Well sorry June, breaking news IT'S GONE!

Great podcast Abi! I too love music. Particularly film scores and from games my boys play. My son downloaded the music from one of his games for my Christmas present. Its called Civilisation beyond Earth which is a game about mankind having to leave Earth to find a new planet to build a new civilisation. Sounds quite pertinent doesn't it? But the music is absolutely beautiful. Music is balm for the soul and so I can understand why the gospel music moves you so much, amazing talent. Rather like yourself Abi! Anyway I'll leave it there, dont want you getting big headed 😉😁.

See you tomorrow 🥰 xx

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Here’s my rap

Re election not reflection

Getting a grip on the situation

Let them know how we feel

A uni party keeping it real

Brap, brap... Boom mofos

What a twat!!!😂😂😂

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Evening all, aww thanks Abi, mum and baby are doing great💙💙💙

Sound effects are outstanding, I keep telling you to contact The Archers🤦‍♀️🤣😂

As soon as you mentioned the write to your MP shit, I knew who you were referring to.

I’ve nothing against her, but she gets on my tits .. My opinion 🤷‍♀️

Hungry for a stint on GB news if you ask me... 🤷‍♀️

Hi June, if you’re reading this... no fucks given😂🤣

I did a tweet the other day about writing to your MP is a waste of time, I followed up with the emails I sent to Neil O Lyin.

Not watched anything decent for ages, my concentration is crap at the moment.

Right, im off to email loads of MP’s, and leave messages on their answerphones🙄🙄😂


Much love to all 💕💖💕

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Abi, thank you for all the tips for what to watch on Netflix......I don’t have Netflix😳😂

The State is definitely behaving like God, we must not comply at any level.

Writing to MPs as June Slater suggests is a complete waste of time. Our MPs are part of the problem and at best a standard reply will be the response.

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I laughed out loud a few times then! June is trying to be gentle with those who are still in denial of what is and has been happening. I have kind of taken the same approach with my partner and am gradually getting through! People are so deeply under the spell of the matrix that they find it so hard to accept true reality. If we shout too loud they just switch off completely. Let’s be kind but firm, we need to get them to see for themselves. Hope that makes sense. We need to welcome them into our space and nurture them.

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I’m not a fan of hers, I used to follow her but nah, not for me

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I get that, she means well and that is the main thing. We need numbers to get this shit show to stop. Let’s stick together. ❤️

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Funny lady. Cheered up a crap Monday with your wit and honesty. People like you spur us on.

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That song ‘Happy’ makes me think of my kids Dad. It is one of their most vivid memories of them all dancing to it in the garden. Whenever we hear it we say “Daddy’s song!!”

I miss him so much. Like Terry he would’ve seen through all this shit.

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Precious memories 💙

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Great voice and great accents Abi!

Thanks for the joy and laughter, so, so welcome.

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Oh Abi you do make me laugh!

Whispering quietly....hippy that has fallen way down many rabbit holes.....I don't think everyone is ready to hear the truth. We are all on our own journeys. It is painful to realise how much our government really don't give a shit about us! All we can do is support folk once they see they have been deceived. Anyway, thanks for making me laugh!!

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Wow watched Madoff too. Someone in the SEC was on a backhander surely. There is zero regulation in the finance world after watching that. Its no wonder the world is like it is with Biden etc. in charge.

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Loved the outro 💖💕💖

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This is an interesting conversation between Ekhart Tolle and Geneen Roth who lost all of her life savings to Bernie Madoff. Must have been terrifying at the time.


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Glad you mentioned the criminal banks. Have you watched the great British Mortgage Swindle? https://www.thegreatbritishmortgageswindle.net

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