Hi Abi . Great podcast I look forward to hearing them as you raise such important points. Good for you for keeping up with your fitness regime I think its essential we all do something to stay positive in these horrible times. Exercise really helps mentally I find (not that Ive been doing too much of it lol). You’ve inspired me to go for a walk today though. Its totally crafty the way the legacy media are being used by the establishment to conflate protest from the likes Piers, Insulate Britain and Steve Bray who arent universally popular with their crushing of our rights and freedoms. They know that the vast majority of reactionary dumb dumbs will just say “oooh cant stand that Bray glad theyve shut him up” instead of realising just what they are taking away from us all!! At times you do really wonder what is going on with the british they are so apathetic. Many are awake but so many still watching east Enders and consuming their state approved tv with little questioning of whats going on right now. It seems like they wont realise until things become unbearable in this country. I note there is a protest on saturday against all these horrific bills although they are including the brexit freedoms bill in the list so one wonders who is behind it and whether its just the left hoping to get rid of johnson (who I cant stand either but hey Starmer is just as bad).
Any rood, question. Did you spend many of your carefree student days imbibing at the notorious Wind streets establishments?
Couldn't agree more Abi about Piers C's comments, also Steve Bray, who we used to moan about when he gatecrashed MP's rabbiting outside , shouting Stop Brexit. I saw him being harassed and arrested yesterday.. yep, we're no longer allowed to gather and protest..
Yes Abi you are right about the Offcial Coronaavirus Inquiry, it was supposed to commence a couple of weeks ago or so - then suddenly as usual, it's gone quiet. Some (reasonable) MPs are questioning what the hell is going on with it! Flipping Boris as you say is all over the Globe waffling away with inconsequential rubbish every day! And literally siphoning away taxpayers money to the (false) war almost daily. I have steam coming out my ears so often. The MSM reports this with gay abandon, while I holler at the TV, for God's sake bring us the truth and do not cover up the truth that everyone should know about ( which wWE know , but so many are oblivious to) . OK Abs, better go check my blood pressure, before I explode .. See you all tomorrow. Looove J xxx
It's funny you should say that Boris is never in the country. Our PM here in Australia Anthony Albenese whom has only been in power since May has already been given the nickname Airbus Albo🤣
I think he has been overseas 4 times in 5 weeks. He is at the same meeting as Boris atm.
Well done Abi for doing your workout regardless ! You inspired me to do some stretches while I listened ! The We Will Not Comply song by Hi-Rez and Jimmy Levy is a favourite . So moving especially hearing this alongside the heroic Canadian truckers, that pesky ‘fringe minority’ 😂
I love Wales , you can’t beat the rugged Welsh coastline on a wild day. Where is your favourite chill out spot Abi, locally or abroad? Love always, Heather ❤️
Hi Abi. Good on you for doing your workout this morning. It would have been so easy to think 'sod it!', but you didnt and I'm very proud of you lol😁.
I'd say Boris is more like Marty Mcfly 's dad rather than Biff. He's only galavanting around Europe because he thinks he looks all prime ministerial 🤣 and because it's the only place he has friends. What a muppet! 🤪
Neil Oliver says that throughout history, revolutions have always failed and that we need to set up a society where we are not slaves to the WEF and the like and that we all need to start saying no and voting with our feet e.g. keep using cash, non compliance of stupid rules (mask wearing!) Etc...I like the idea of that, but not sure how we can set up a parallel society. I suppose we just work at it as individuals and keep in touch with like minded people such as on here.
I have 2 questions for AAA. Firstly, who do you trust to get information about what is going on? What sources would you say are reliable? I watch YouTube a lot, but wonder at times, how do I know this is true? As we know truth is very much under attack ,so would be good to know who you and my fellow listeners go to for the true picture.
And question 2, are you going to be touring around the country or are you staying London based for now?
On the same page as you Abi. Absolutely nothing surprises me anymore!.
Explain Telegram!! It looks like WhatsApp to me? I'm in my mid 60s so am easy baffled by t'internet! Want to follow you wherever I can. Can't believe we are currently occupying a world where the truth tellers are the ones being banned and censored. Pinch me..is this really happening.
Its an app works very much like twitter. Takes a while to get used to the format but once you do its quite good. There are lots of anti lockdown groups you can join and folks freely discussing things.
A great podcast Abi, you are an inspiration. When you talk about a parallel society where we will all take care of each other, it gives me hope. As you say, God is on our side x💖
Great podcast as always. I find it very useful to hear you talking about the covid and vaccine crimes. This is the biggest issue and threat in our lifetime. Thank you. Nath
Hi Abi . Great podcast I look forward to hearing them as you raise such important points. Good for you for keeping up with your fitness regime I think its essential we all do something to stay positive in these horrible times. Exercise really helps mentally I find (not that Ive been doing too much of it lol). You’ve inspired me to go for a walk today though. Its totally crafty the way the legacy media are being used by the establishment to conflate protest from the likes Piers, Insulate Britain and Steve Bray who arent universally popular with their crushing of our rights and freedoms. They know that the vast majority of reactionary dumb dumbs will just say “oooh cant stand that Bray glad theyve shut him up” instead of realising just what they are taking away from us all!! At times you do really wonder what is going on with the british they are so apathetic. Many are awake but so many still watching east Enders and consuming their state approved tv with little questioning of whats going on right now. It seems like they wont realise until things become unbearable in this country. I note there is a protest on saturday against all these horrific bills although they are including the brexit freedoms bill in the list so one wonders who is behind it and whether its just the left hoping to get rid of johnson (who I cant stand either but hey Starmer is just as bad).
Any rood, question. Did you spend many of your carefree student days imbibing at the notorious Wind streets establishments?
Hope everyone’s keeping their chin up xx
Love you Abi Woberts! ❤️❤️
Couldn't agree more Abi about Piers C's comments, also Steve Bray, who we used to moan about when he gatecrashed MP's rabbiting outside , shouting Stop Brexit. I saw him being harassed and arrested yesterday.. yep, we're no longer allowed to gather and protest..
Yes Abi you are right about the Offcial Coronaavirus Inquiry, it was supposed to commence a couple of weeks ago or so - then suddenly as usual, it's gone quiet. Some (reasonable) MPs are questioning what the hell is going on with it! Flipping Boris as you say is all over the Globe waffling away with inconsequential rubbish every day! And literally siphoning away taxpayers money to the (false) war almost daily. I have steam coming out my ears so often. The MSM reports this with gay abandon, while I holler at the TV, for God's sake bring us the truth and do not cover up the truth that everyone should know about ( which wWE know , but so many are oblivious to) . OK Abs, better go check my blood pressure, before I explode .. See you all tomorrow. Looove J xxx
Your podcast today reminded me of a hymn we used to sing at school. ‘We shall overcome’
We shall overcome
We shall overcome
We shall overcome some day
Oh deep in my heart
I do believe
We shall over come some day.
The other verses are equally pertinent to today.
Love to you all.
I sure hope so Ginny! I am praying every day that this all ends and that there is justice- and I am not religious.
I’d not finished my comment... damn you sausage fingers 🤣🤣
Hope everyone is ok? 💖
You and your bloody Orinoco Flow🤣🤣🤣🤣
Must admit, I felt sorry for Piers and Louise for being fined.
I’ve seen the videos when the police came to her house.
I’m not particularly keen on Piers, yet they are definitely being made examples of.
It is chucking it down here in South Leicestershire Pete 😉👍
My question to the Abster .....
What kind of books do you most enjoy to read?
It's funny you should say that Boris is never in the country. Our PM here in Australia Anthony Albenese whom has only been in power since May has already been given the nickname Airbus Albo🤣
I think he has been overseas 4 times in 5 weeks. He is at the same meeting as Boris atm.
Well done Abi for doing your workout regardless ! You inspired me to do some stretches while I listened ! The We Will Not Comply song by Hi-Rez and Jimmy Levy is a favourite . So moving especially hearing this alongside the heroic Canadian truckers, that pesky ‘fringe minority’ 😂
I love Wales , you can’t beat the rugged Welsh coastline on a wild day. Where is your favourite chill out spot Abi, locally or abroad? Love always, Heather ❤️
Hi Abi. Good on you for doing your workout this morning. It would have been so easy to think 'sod it!', but you didnt and I'm very proud of you lol😁.
I'd say Boris is more like Marty Mcfly 's dad rather than Biff. He's only galavanting around Europe because he thinks he looks all prime ministerial 🤣 and because it's the only place he has friends. What a muppet! 🤪
Neil Oliver says that throughout history, revolutions have always failed and that we need to set up a society where we are not slaves to the WEF and the like and that we all need to start saying no and voting with our feet e.g. keep using cash, non compliance of stupid rules (mask wearing!) Etc...I like the idea of that, but not sure how we can set up a parallel society. I suppose we just work at it as individuals and keep in touch with like minded people such as on here.
I have 2 questions for AAA. Firstly, who do you trust to get information about what is going on? What sources would you say are reliable? I watch YouTube a lot, but wonder at times, how do I know this is true? As we know truth is very much under attack ,so would be good to know who you and my fellow listeners go to for the true picture.
And question 2, are you going to be touring around the country or are you staying London based for now?
Thanks Abi xx
On the same page as you Abi. Absolutely nothing surprises me anymore!.
Explain Telegram!! It looks like WhatsApp to me? I'm in my mid 60s so am easy baffled by t'internet! Want to follow you wherever I can. Can't believe we are currently occupying a world where the truth tellers are the ones being banned and censored. Pinch me..is this really happening.
Its an app works very much like twitter. Takes a while to get used to the format but once you do its quite good. There are lots of anti lockdown groups you can join and folks freely discussing things.
Thank you. I had a quick look but couldn't get my head round how it works...I'll give it a go! 😄
A great podcast Abi, you are an inspiration. When you talk about a parallel society where we will all take care of each other, it gives me hope. As you say, God is on our side x💖
Great podcast as always. I find it very useful to hear you talking about the covid and vaccine crimes. This is the biggest issue and threat in our lifetime. Thank you. Nath