Jesus Abs you make me laugh so much you really are a national treasure, I have a request, can you please do a knock knock joke in Russian, I won't know what the FUCK your saying but I'm positive it's gonna make me laugh.. God bless Abi Roberts and all who sail with her..❤❤❤

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I agree about GB News. Its definitely gone down hill. I've never watched the daytime stuff, but I used to like Mark Dolan when he moved over from Talkradio. I find him irritating now and the other day he was talking BS about how inflation had peaked. What an idiot! I'm no economist, but it hasn't peaked. They want to crash the economy. I imagine they've got people shouting in their ear piece, so they follow the narrative. Dan Wootton is also disappointing and where does he get his panel guests from? Christ! They have no idea. So I do watch Mark Steyn, he's great on vaccine harms, grooming gangs woke police stuff. And Neil Oliver is good too I think, but feel free to disagree.

Question for AAA: as you know I'm starting my new job next week. What's been the best and worst job you've ever had? My guess is that your best is what you do now and the worst, being on GB News with Jon Gaunt! I😂

See you tomorrow xx

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I hope your new job goes well Louise. Mark Dolan is jabbed and no doubt Dan Wooton is. Sigh say no more. TBH seeing Dan Wooton weep for the Queen pretty much said it all. Yes about inflation, it's likely a long way to go. They want those left who haven't been culled begging to live enslaved in a smart city shoe box on UBI. If only this were a joke.

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I truly wish it was a joke. I'm sure we'd all give whatever we had to take all this shit away and go back to 2019. It wasn't perfect , but I miss those daysm

Thanks for your good wishes for my new job xx👍😊

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Suzyv, yes Mark Dolan & Dan Wootton have both said they are jabbed. Both of them do not believe in vaccine mandates or vaccine passports so that’s something I guess.

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I thought as much! The thing that is very clear now- well to me and others I know is that these jabs are also affecting cognition and a number of Scientists and Drs have confirmed how they affect the brain. So we have to prepare and expect a lot of nonsense. My husband comments about it now with his work, he says they just don't seem to get it. Strange nonsensical decisions being made.

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People seem more aggressive to me. I don’t know if it is the effect of the jabs or just the times we are living in. May be it took the ‘pandemic’ to get these nasty people to reveal themselves.

Mark Dolan also got his son, a young teenager, jabbed so that he could visit his family in Europe! Dolan said he was very angry with the government for having to jab his son. NO, he should be angry with himself for putting his son at risk from the 💉just for a holiday.

OMG, it’s housework now or a G&T, what do you think Suzy?😂

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Haha it's after 12 on a Friday I reckon a small tipple! Yes Mark Dolan cannot see the bigger picture and should be ashamed of himself for putting his child at risk for a trip. Those of us who used our common sense just knew and were literally prepared to go to jail or die rather than let them inject us. I have had 2 incidents of road rage recently, never occurred to me before I can't help but wonder. Perhaps the stress of the last 2.5 yes but various Scientists have said how these jabs can affect minds and certain energy healers are picking up on it too.

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Louise, nothing could be worse than sharing a sofa with Jon Gaunt. I find that Mark Dolan has gone all lightweight . I wish Dan Wootton would get some different people on his sofa, the same irritating lefties every week. Amanda Patel is a bore too.

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Great question Louise👍wishing you all the best on your first day in the new job💪💪💖

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Thanks Trudi xx🥰

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1. Is there a particular favourite moment when you have been performing to a live audience that sticks out in your mind?

2. Can we submit more than 1 question?

3. If yes ignore question 2. Do you ever get nerves pre performance's when about to go live on stage? If so how do you deal with it?

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Good questions.

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Thank you Abs, I so needed yesterday podcast, the last 7 days have been shit for me and in literal sense ive been recovering from food  poisoning or a stomach bug since last Friday.but come Tuesday feeling a lot better and enjoying listening to you as it makes me feel like am not alone in this world of bollocks. I wish I could write to you and tell you my story but am crap at writing plus it would be a novel. But yesterday omfg so meet up with my best friend, the anger I felt after our afternoon is  indescribable. We have been through everything together.. But her father 78 who I know very well as we have been friends for so many years. This strong man who has never been sick in his life, never been in hospital etc and has just retired this year. Well he had a routine blood test, just to make sure that he doesn’t have diabetes. they found something in the tests , he goes back for more tests , then scan and bone marrow biopsy . He’s now been diagnosed with a rare blood cancer. ffs yes she knows my feelings on the how dearth shot etc. last year her mother was diagnosed with cervical cancer at 75 Yes, they are boosted. I don’t know what to say, but I screamed yelled yesterday after she left calling everybody cunts basically. when is it enough. When is it going to stop how many more have to die or be injured or be ill because of this sick Satanic narrative? Am so angry , upset. I did say to her in a round about way that there is an uptick in unusual cancers at the moment, and there’s three schools of thought. But she turns round and said they think it might be he’s age 🤬🤬🤬🤬I know she knows. Thank you for letting me vent

Thank you for being a light in a sea of bullshit darkness. ❤️❤️

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Aww, bless you Sarah and it’s always good to have a rant:

Hope you’re feeling a bit brighter now👍💖

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Thank you , I do after a rant 💖

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Sarah, you cannot help those people who refuse to acknowledge the truth. It’s not as though there isn’t enough evidence out there to show that the jabs should be pulled. I know it is frustrating as all my extended family have had multiple 💉I’m the only 🩸and it has cost me all my friends.

I recently had a scan and mammogram at Maidstone hospital. I told the nurse that my husband was damaged after the second 💉and she told me that is when most of the injuries occur. The nurse said she had 2x💉and that she bitterly regretted it. She also told me that the increase in breast cancer and lymphoma they are seeing in the Breast Clinic is phenomenal since the jabs. I never expected to hear that from a nurse still working in the NHS.

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Thank you Jan for your kind words, like you all my extended family are 💉💉to high heaven. Haven’t lost my family but they think am nuts and I too have lost some close friends. My husband had two and is injured he will not have any more especially after he did his own research after many conversation with me. I just get so mad and upset when you see what all of this has done to people. Especially my family.

Am glad am an awake fierce mommy bear that has done everything I can to not let any of this near my kids as much as possible but it has taking it’s toll on my children lockdowns etc.I have been call names etc for not getting the 💉or getting my kids💉.

These people can go f spiders.

I know of a few national health nurses and doctors are now coming out, saying about the uptick in cancers and stuff. I know a few myself but they’re scared to go public . 

I just want this crap show to end it’s overwhelming sometimes and frustrating . It’s like look 👀 plain sight, the evidence . but crickets . Thank you again ❤️

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Sarah, like you I feel both sad and angry at the propaganda and coercion and frustrated at the people who do not or will not see what is happening. I don’t know if my 11 yr old grandson has been jabbed. My son was all for it but my daughter-in-law was against. Sometimes this shitshow is just overwhelming. Keep going hun, we will overcome xx

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Thank you 😊 it is overwhelming and today that’s how I feel overwhelmed and incredibly sad . But we will get through this somehow xx

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Take good care of yourself Sarah 💖

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Loved the Crunt today, just what I needed👍😊


So, the C19 inquiry has begun, I submitted my pennies worth back in May regarding the LD harms , suicides and harms to MH etc.

What do you think the outcome will be of this inquiry?

Lots of love.... moi 💖💖💖

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Maybe just your thoughts on it please Abi, I personally think it will be a complete whitewash and a shambles. Plus, whatever it’s outcome, it won’t bring Benjamin back. I just wanted to be heard, Benjamin deserves a voice, as do all the others lost during this time 😔

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Jon Gaunt been ill for 15 weeks and refuses to say what. Maybe it's climate change 🤣🤣

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😂😂or may be the clot shot that he thought should be manadated😂😂

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yesterday and this mornings negative posts in the chat got me thinking....my question is are you a Satanic high priestess ??!! Lol


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Is Derek Fiste on Twitter a parody account, it surely must be.

Yes, all those celebs that promoted the 💉 are criminals not celebrities ....these people are monsters. That Nana woman on GB News was particularly vile about the unvaccinated. I remember her saying that she would be happy for Tesco to bring in a vaccine pass as she didn’t want to shop with 🩸people FFS.

Mark Steyn is the best show on GB News, he doesn’t hold back on the main issues. Dan Wootton’s perma smile is a bit creepy! Daytime GB News, well forget it. Toby Young gets on my tits too😂

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He must be a parody 👍

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