Pete Loaf 🤣 when you mentioned Benidorm I thought you were going to say you’d been to see Sticky Vicky 😬😱

Southampton sounds like fun. No doubt I’ll still be brassic by then but if not I might treat myself to a nice hotel and an Abi gig or could do Scotland instead. I’ll sort something.

Definitely need friends like us to lift us up. I’m going to spend the day in the garden on Sunday and just not get bogged down with it all. Russian class seems to have perked you right up 🥰

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Be seeing you….

….in Edinburgh 🤗

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Moving on…

More protests are due tomorrow and many businesses, pubs etc are notifying that they will be closed. Remind you of anything??

All this shit is strategically playing into the governments hands.

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Wow.Didn't know that!All seems normal here in Nottingham....🤞🙏

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Aug 7
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Yes, I’ve read it. Good on her!

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Pete Loaf🤣🤣

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I will be in Italy on 14 June next year, God willing, so I will miss your show in Southampton with Andrew Lawrence. Never mind, I’m sure to catch up with you at other venues

I thought it was great that someone with such immense influence as Elon Musk should called out #twotierkier. Starmer has stoked the flames himself and other than complete civil unrest I don’t think any comments can make things worse. The Police have lost all respect by arresting innocent people who just happen to be part of a rally or protest. We now have 24hr courts, people being held in custody until their sentencing and prison sentences longer than crimes of rape. Twitter is my only platform and I wonder how much longer it will be safe to post my comments before I get a knock on the door by the thought Police. Grim times unless you are part of the community that receives special treatment and kid glove policing.

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Great comments Jan, I deleted twatter 4 weeks ago, I’d be serving a life sentence for the stuff I’ve posted in the past🤣🤣

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Pete Loaf reminded me of the hilarious Star Turn after 45 pints, a piss take of those really naff Stars on 45 tracks in the 80s. Ps are you performing anywhere near Bedfordshire?

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Great news about your Southampton gig, shame it’s with Andrew Lawrence.

His book titled ‘Reasons to kill your self’ is not exactly a crowd pleaser.

He’s a cunt and can fuck right off for mocking suicide and making money off the back of it!

I hope he won’t be featuring on all your tour dates as I just couldn’t support it.

He’s upset so many within the suicide bereaved community and he should be ashamed of himself.

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Rrrr great news Abi your out gigging again you sound so upbeat, it will be brilliant x

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Great sounding up coming gig venues😃👌

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Too soon to get in another ‘vinegar stroke’?

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It's plain more, undocumented, immigrants will be released, from their hotels, to further inflame and destabilise the country. It's proof, if ever it were needed, that the politicians are against the safety and care of the descendants of those who were told twice, in the last century, to fight a war to end all wars.

Having said all that, I'm pleased you're still sounding cheerful, at the prospect of returning to live performances. Beware brown tongued, fake, comedians, Abi's back.

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Maybe God, like Elvis, has temporarily left the building to reemerge, from stage right, accompanied by the orchestra playing Also Sprach Zarathustra and Elvis singing Glory, Glory Hallelujah.

Back to the state (on behalf of the globalists) manufactured civil unrest with the catalyst, possibly being, murder by the son of Rwandan immigrants, after false information about the killer being a recent Muslim immigrant. And his name couldnt be released because his eighteenth birthday was only a few days away. All a coincidence - hard to believe by any rational person.

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