Hi Abi you are so, so funny and you've really made me chuckle tonight. I loved your reference to Hong Kong Phooey. You don't look old enough to remember that. I really like Mike Graham too and from the early days of the scamdemic, his show was one place you could hear alternative views. However, I dont like the new format. It's very 'American ' in style I think and it doesn't quite sit right with me. One reason I liked Talk Radio was because it was different, so not sure how long I'll keep tuning in. I agree too about the anger over the governments policies, Lockdowns and restrictions on our lives for what seems like forever and I don't understand people who can't see it or who just accept in lying down. I often say I feel as if I'm living in a parallel universe and would love to join you in your parallel community. I genuinely mean that because the alternative scares the you know what out of me. My sons are the reason I keep going. I want them to have a good future, not one where they're controlled and coerced. As you say 'we can get through this '. And although it's hard sometimes, I really want to believe that. Sorry for the essay, but I love what you have to say and I feel as you do about all the craziness that's happening right now and more importantly you've made me smile. As Neil Oliver says 'it's like balm for the soul '. Thanks Abi xx

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Love you Abi! You speak for so many of us - love your ramblings and you really make me giggle so thanks! Your daily musings will be the highlights of my days now! Much love x

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If Douglas Murray was anti-vaxx he would lose his gig as a Fox News contributor.

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I've found a new favourite podcast. It used to be London Calling but Toby Young's refusal to acknowledge the obvious was giving me cognitive dissonance. You and James Delingpole are the two commentators whose every word I agree with. Great stuff.

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Oh Yes !! Love the rambling wisdom … and humour. Absolutely on the button. 👍

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Thanks Abi , enjoy the rest of your evening xx

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Cheers Abi … throughly enjoy your musings and insights xx so very much needed and appreciated xx Thank you xxx

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Enjoyed listening to this Abi and look forward to/can’t wait for some impersonations! X

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I'm glad that I'm not the only one disappointed by Douglas Murray's lack of condemnation of the covid narrative. Considering he wrote a book called The Madness of Crowds I would have thought he would have been someone who could have spoken out.

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Liked it

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