Wow. Thank you so much Abi. Very much appreciate the shout out for Barney! Thanks for prayers. Just amazing!

Here’s an update, he’s got a bed now in a corridor. IVs and ABs seem to be working. Looks like he’s got another couple of nights in there. His spirits are up. Night shift will be the problem with the strikes.

Thanks again!



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Pleased to hear that Barney is on the mend, bless him 💙

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Thanks trudi. So kind of Abi to ask for prayer.

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The nhs is such a shower of doo doo. Good luck to your boy

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Best wishes for Barney🙏

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Further update: In an answer to prayer, since the show went out, they’ve moved Barney from the corridor to a ward and also realised they had administered too many nebuliser doses which had sent his heart rate through the roof. They’ve corrected that now and so he’s more comfortable.

Thanks for prayers everyone! What a fab community on here!

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Wishing Barney a speedy recovery 💙

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I’m currently having a situation with “pals” I’ve had all through convid. I was on a WhatsApp group with my coz and 2 friends and have been red pilling them since da covid by putting articles up which they largely don’t reply to. One of them (an nhs lower level nurse) has now left the WhatsApp group as myself and another friend were discussing something she doesn’t like and she started attacking me in a hissy fit. I know it’s due to my anti jab stance. She lies and exaggerates about what’s happened while she’s been working during covid. She totally let clap for nhs go to her head and suffers with mental health issues so is hardly ever at work. All her insecurities are now being turned on me because I’m not buying the group think BS. She’s now set up a WhatsApp without me on it. Aren’t these Pratt’s childish? Pathetic but hurtful considering I’ve been very kind to her over the years when no one wanted to know her over her mental health problems. Sad really. Another friend on the group now tells me she’s spoke to her and maybe it’s best if we don’t discuss politics. I said sorry I’m not being told what I can say people died in 2 world wars so we can have free speech otherwise we are like communist China! No reply. People are often so gormless aren’t they? I’m a people person but over convid im finding it hard to keep the faith. Rant over! Xx

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I've also had the 'it's best if you don't discuss politics' thrown at me on more than one occasion. It's usually after the offended have thrown out a provocative comment, daring anyone to disagree so they can be silenced. Once, I was taken aside by a married couple who told me not to be so opinionated, after I said lockdowns were disastrous for many businesses.

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Oh Brian I guess weve all had this crap on our side of the argument. Thats almost textbook what happened to me! My “pal” brought up at a recent meeting with me and my other jabbed friend how she knows a young woman with no underlying health issues who has died (she works with the elderly at home so doesnt have young patients so I know this is another lie). I said “oh really, did she have all the jabs?” She was waiting for me to disagree with her. She didnt like that. Then she started to quote how convid was worse than the Spanish flu (not taking into account the population was so much smaller then!). I wasn’t expecting the onslaught and often treat her with kid gloves as she has anxiety and mental health issues. She started telling me about how her manager has had to have time off for trauma after all the deaths they have seen. I pointed out the average age of death with covid was older than the general average age. All she could do was shout “no, no, no” at me. She said old people would have to be trapped if we all hadnt had the poison. I said they were trapped in old peoples homes anyway where they were deliberately infected and midazalam was used on them so that happened anyway. Also I pointed out how lockdowns meant my friends 23 year old son died alone from cancer as his mum couldnt get in to see him (this was mentioned in parliament) while Hancock was grabbing a bit of arse. She was beside herself with rage and said to me “I am a scientist” then proceeded to tell me that she only had 3 jabs because she worked for the nhs and had to. My other friend then said we will have to agree to disagree (she sits on the fence). I actually feel quite sorry for her as she is mentally ill but it really sums up the type of people that fall for this crap.

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Also the other jabbed friend who sits on the fence her sister who has MS is now suffering from a breast cancer in her 40s. I wouldnt say anything but what a coincidence!

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Many seem to accept and run with anything they're told by people in positions of authority who, they believe, should know better. Show them a graph, or survey, and their herd instincts take over. Even when the multi jabbed are confronted with illnesses that have suddenly become more prevalent, they simply can't, or won't, join up the dots. Those of us who chose not to have the MRNA injections are a control group that pharma and governments were keen to smear. That's why, like Abi, I find the celebrity and political classes who promoted sectarianism, for profile and money, despicable.

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Vile creeps that will do anything for, as Abi said, baubles and money. X

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It's so frustrating isn't it Brian. I've had all this too. I got told to get off my soap box and stop with the anti vax talk.

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I get the feeling you and I will not be tamed by propaganda. I still hear 'isn't it terrible what's happening in the Ukraine - they only want democracy.' God help us from Jeremy Vine brigade; they know not what they watch. The UK has an unelected Prime Minister, Foreign Secretary and a, universally disliked, globalist placement as Chancellor. Sir Fear Harmer will lead the gullible by the nose back into the EU, after we voted leave - some democracy!

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I felt frustrated for you reading that and could even picture the scenario, I'm glad you managed to at least say all that out loud, even if it did fall on the ears of someone who vehemently disagrees. I've been deleted by a few friends who didn't like my posts, and as much as I know it's good because I don't want them as friends, a part of me is angry because well, how dare they delete me when they are wrong!

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Thanks Lillither and sorry to hear you’ve had the same!! The thing is she doesn’t even know that she’s right she just doesn’t want to believe she’s wrong!! She’s scared as I believe she took the was it £12 a time to push the jabs and my other friends have also had them. It’s pure denial that’s fuelling their anger and you cant even give them facts without hysteria. When I said lockdowns went against our countries pandemic plan she didn’t even know countries had a pandemic plan!!! She says “they didn’t have a plan!” Honestly you just want to bash their heads together metaphorically speaking don’t you. It’s far easier to believe the convenient lies over the inconvenient truth sadly!! Xx

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Absolutely. It's just such a shame that very good, very long friendships have come to an end over this subject. Hopefully on the upside, we have met new friends with similar views and values we normally wouldn't have. Oh, and you sounded lovely when you called in to the show, good on you ❤

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Very true and Tks will try and call again and be a bit more positive. Incidentally the same girl has now added me back to our WhatsApp group but the implied threat via my other friend relaying a message is that I don’t bring up any more contentious subjects again 🤣. Don’t think I’ll be on there for much longer 😂😂😂👍

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deletedJan 19
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Wow thanks Shouty I was so nervous! Had to get that off my chest! Abi is so brilliant at the show isn’t she! What a force of nature!! 😂. Will try and ring again but be a bit more positive next time! Xx

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Charlotte is right, just grab every opportunity that comes your way. Great show on TNT again today. Francis O’Neill is very kind on the eye and his take on not being able to trust John Campbell and similar people was spot on.

I wonder if your guy from Sydney who has called each day on TNT is for real😂 I keep expecting him to break out into a brummie accent and say gotcha!

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When I see you on the morning show, in your glasses, all bright eyed and bushy tailed, something tells me you have something up your sleeve.

Then you continue on with a subtle "fuck, or shit, or arsehole". I'm in my car laughing my head off, because I know they at TNT love you and also you can get away with it.

I'm just waiting for the fleeting "cunt" in there at some point. And i'm sure you'll do it. 😂.

Keep going, it makes my day.


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Siv has been calling into radio shows for years in Australia so pretty sure he’s Aussie ! He’s a great voice of sense !

Your transition to TNT has been fabulous & much preferred to Katie Hopkins for me, always hear you & never bothered with her after a few listen s! Thanks for getting up early to inspire & uplift us!

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I will in include Jonny's son, his entire family in my prayers.

Love listening to you Abi, I need the laughs. Thank you so much from Canada.

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After looking through the December issue of UK Vogue my blood was boiling. There were all these daft artists,designers,actors and models talking about their hopes for 2024...They all wanted a change of government...to the Green Party or Labour! What ignorant hypocrites! It's such a shame that even Vogue is now working for the Socialist WEF agenda too.What a farce!😡

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Great pod Abi and im so happy how this year has started (TBC also) for you !

Thanks for articulating the whole lefty arts thing . I lost my ex - big musician and just as you describe - to this . We were together for years, great friends afterwRds and I was so (initially) shocked that he saw NOTHING ! Waited for the penny to drop … still would be if I’d hung around. I loved R and G are Dead ..

Prayers to Johnny and his son 🙏🙏💙

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Oh wow poor jonnys son!! Prayers for him poor young guy! Meant to call this morning will do tomorrow (set the alarm!). Can we listen on catch-up?

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I feel for you Alison, I've had the same shit thrown at me. I felt that all the Christmas meet ups were an ordeal with some of my friends. One friend had a numb arm after her 5th jab. She had gone to the doctor about it who told her she had been jabbed too high up in her arm! She was completely convinced by this and despite having 6 months intense physio to get feeling back in her arm she was going to get her 6th Jab along with the flu, shingles and pneumonia jabs. I was choking on my parsnips! Idiotic doesn't even describe it !

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I've been trying to subscribe but the button doesn't seem to work....

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Dear Abi, Any shows coming up in England?

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