You are really clued up Abi, morally intellectual and a bloody good lass at heart. It takes a real woman to look from outside and see we are all working towards the same goal whether religiously or spiritually. Your words do sum up what life is about thats why I listen to your humourous, honest and insightful pods. x

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I felt deeply that it needed addressing. Thank you so much for this kind comment. X

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It takes a special person to admit you may have got some things not quite right & write as you’ve done & you are a very special person. I too have my own concerns with Icke’s more esoteric ideas & appreciate your honest appraisal of his show. Thanks for being a ray of light & love & fun in an increasingly crazy world.

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I'm glad you wrote this Abi, much more measured and fair. David talks about spirit rather than soul. The man has been at the forefront of so many difficult and challenging things, endured more riduiclue than anyone else and probably works harder than anyone else we know. He doesn't flinch from telling us all that he is discovering no matter how difficult. Whatever our views, that man deserves to be treated with respect. Pretty disgusted to see James' behaviour since.

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You have written exactly what I would have liked to have said, except you have put it a lot better than ever I could have. Thanks Hani.

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II can't get onto Telegram. Would you mind outlining what JD has been saying?

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I'm not on telegram or twitter Deborah. James' twitter and telegram responses, both very different, were posted on David Icke's website a few days ago. It's still there if you would like to read it.

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Thank you very much, Hani. I will look now.

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Thanks Abi - I really appreciate your thoughts and humility. We are all human and lovely and well meaning and also flawed. This to me is one of the biggest gifts of the insanity we are living through- the opportunity to do better , to be grown up , clear , humble and kind.

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Brilliantly put.

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That’s a great reflection, Abi. It is so important to be able to criticise ourselves in a productive way.

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The best humans on this rock have the ability to lose sleep over things they have said and done, myself included.

It’s gods way of reminding us that we need to keep our minds open to others way of thinking.

We never stop learning.

Love you Abi 🙏

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Good on you Abi. It’s an incredibly rare attribute (imo) to self reflect and re analyse one’s words and if and when necessary, to apologise. This is something that is missing in abundance in today’s society. Perhaps it always was, who knows. Could really do with a boat load of it from the powers that shouldn’t be right now!

We’re all guilty of it, the spotlight is on you given your following but doesn’t make it any easier. I wasn’t there on Wednesday so don’t know what went down but hats off to you for your reflection and honest & wise words. Love you, keep on keeping on. DtP xx

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Thanks Abi for setting a good example - a fantastic example of self-reflection and awareness and how to make amends if you feel they are needed. As ever you are a lovely writer and very good at expressing yourself - I personally think you are as close (closest even) as anyone prominent in this fight at getting a good balance and at really getting down to what is important. I increasingly look forward to your podcasts. I do think you are being a little hard on yourself here - your podcast is like a chat with friends - an opinion piece and it's your openness and uncensored manner that is so appealing and refreshing (in a world of approved scripts). I am sure David can easily take on the chin a bit of ribbing about his use of the word "yooman" etc...but I am also sure you have done the right thing by writing an explanation to balance your approach in the podcast. It's a very serious article and I took it as such but I did for some reason get the giggles (possibly because the rest WAS so serious) at this: "Even if our bodies are meaningless floating meat blobs"!

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Well said Mrs Rosie 👏

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Yes we’re all fumbling around in the dark. Impossible for any of us to get it all right. Learn from each other, learn from

Our mistakes.

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A welcome addition to your pod. Could Icke’s transatlantic-isms actually be Leicester-isms? (Or is it Coventry?)

Yes, I suppose judge that ye be not judged ain’t a bad thing to aim for.


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Hi all,

Well reading Abi’s article made me ponder my verbose contributions to Thursday’s comments section. I was exercised by a slice of Icke’s stuff but didn’t do a good job of setting out what I don’t know and also what I’ve appreciated about my first Icke experience. Sorry for a lack of balance and enjoying a take down far too much.

To add some balance here is what I wrote in JDs telegram group in response to the tension that has arisen.

I’ve been seriously energised since Wednesday (and so have been constantly posting) because I found my self in a group of people with diverse beliefs, a sense of unity and freedom to discuss those beliefs and no one freaking out and taking their ball away. It energised me because the branch of evangelicalism I’ve been part of can’t cope with that, fell for all the nonsense and is stifling and actually fails to engage with the world and culture. We need to talk to Ickes gang and others because the asleep world won’t talk beyond the political and the accepted narrative both inside and outside the church. Thanks James for doing the event. I guess as well as exploring ideas you also constantly need to fight a rearguard action to maintain the space for proper exchange of ideas.

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I think you misunderstand Icke's philosophy, perhaps through lack of familiarity. The notion of connected consciousness and a simulation is not bleak or without meaning, nor is it mutually exclusive from God. There must be a creator and there is right and wrong, good and evil. What is God's created Earth after all, if not a simulation of sorts, a testing ground for souls. It does not have to mean a cold computer-generated, meaningless void, lacking in beauty and joy, something that Icke has expounded in his works for 30+ years. His viewpoint and theory is essentially Christian, minus the organised Church and the walled garden (of Eden?) of Biblical theology. It is a search for truth, rather than an acceptance of absolutes. It therefore differs only by degree.

The most important thing about his work is his unending exposure of hidden agendas and a refusal to adhere to the limited hangouts so popular in the growing 'alternative' movement. Nothing is off-limits, the cause of so much derision, hatred and censorship he has had to endure, and for this he surely deserves the greatest of respect.

Nice article, Abi, very humble. Everyone is entitled to their view, and it was not necessary merely to placate fans of either Icke or Delingpole, which, of course, we know you wouldn't do anyway.. 😉

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Excellent reflective piece Abi. We are living in such strange times, it’s easy to be knocked off kilter and Icke does seem to evoke all sorts of emotions in people, as does James, it would appear. x

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Great considered piece Abi. Thanks for readdressing it but not losing your true opinion on route.x

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Thank you Abi. I adore the way you wrote this. I find that if I stopped listening to anyone I disagreed with on some specific point, I'd not be listening to anyone. Also appreciate your humility in this piece.

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Rrrr Abi never apologise for speaking freely some of David's stuff is spot on & some is too complicated for me , I knew instinctively when no pod Friday the comments... I couldn't understand most of them lots of love, my Freddy (jrt)says get yasell a dog you get no negative shit just the sort you can bag up xx

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Hi Jane. I wasn’t apologising for speaking freely, I was apologising for my lazy appraisal of Icke. Don’t worry, I won’t ever say sorry for speaking my mind!! ❤️

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Hi Abi, you have redeemed yourself. After your Dellingpole/Icke podcast, I chose to unsubscribe your Substack, as the was too great a gap between our world views. Icke has been ahead of the pack by 20+ years, we might be trailing by less, maybe some 10 years. He will expand our views because he has many prophetic views. Today's written blog acknowledges the journey we are all on to consider deeply what our reality is. Icke's simulation world view stretches our mind in a way that the Matrix has been designed to reject outright. It deserves further consideration.

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It's not about who is 'right' or 'wrong', it's about making room for expansive views - doesn't matter if we agree or not in the end. Icke most definitely deserves our respect. Layers of unraveling going on - he's been a leading edge for decades.

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