Abs, you’ve expressed perfectly why it’s essential to have real life human contact.
I’ve been feeling beyond flat these last few weeks and work has bled me dry. A good old natter with the best listening ears works a treat (thanks Jules).
It’s definitely good to have time to yourself to take stock and reflect. Conversely, I’ve had way too much time by myself over the last 10 years. I wrote a poem about it called “Waiting” for meaningful Wednesday but I didn’t send it to you. I decided it was shit and depressing AF. The moral of the story; spend time with good people if you can.
Looking forward to hearing more about the Hot Banana and another AKT. Sorry I missed the live and for being a bit absent.
Johnny, I hope you’re feeling better after the crap NHS experience and your BP is down. Great to have you back Suzanne, would be lovely to hear all about it in person. Jan, let us know you’re ok, I’m still praying for the pool boy 🙏
I zone out of the Trump stuff and like you I don’t mind a difference of opinion. I love a crypto chat but I’m not sold on Bitcoin.
Trying to book things to look forward to but not meant to be. I’ll be in Laaandon in a couple of weeks, big rugby game in April and hopefully up to Scotland then too. Until then I’ll count my pennies and my blessings xxx
Lovely comment Lisa. I laughed at ‘shit and depressing AF’ I think we can all relate. If I put pen to paper right now it would be exactly that 😫 Times are tough, think how long we’ve been at this for, it’s unbelievable that years have passed, it feels like the mother of all endurance tests. My stomach still flips sometimes at the thought of it all, it’s surreal af. Your job sounds incredibly tough in itself and super hard when you are living in a different reality to all your colleagues. Things will get better we just have to keep swimming and keep each other going in the meantime. And yes meet ups, i’d do it every week if there wasn’t the small matter of a 800 mile round trip every time 🥲 Lets get something organised and you can read me your shit and depressing poem 🤣
I really want to hear the 'shit and depressing' poem too. 😂 I am pretty sure I will appreciate it. The shitter and more depressing the better really.
I cannot BELEIVE that so much time has passed and that so little has changed. I have aged at least 10 years in 5 although I remain confident that I can reverse at least some of those if I make an effort. xxx
Ah yes that sounds good doing the lives another way as it looked like I needed a smartphone to watch- wanted me to scan PQR code or whatever they are called (and I don't have a smartphone) xxx
Happy Friday everyone! 🥳
Abs, you’ve expressed perfectly why it’s essential to have real life human contact.
I’ve been feeling beyond flat these last few weeks and work has bled me dry. A good old natter with the best listening ears works a treat (thanks Jules).
It’s definitely good to have time to yourself to take stock and reflect. Conversely, I’ve had way too much time by myself over the last 10 years. I wrote a poem about it called “Waiting” for meaningful Wednesday but I didn’t send it to you. I decided it was shit and depressing AF. The moral of the story; spend time with good people if you can.
Looking forward to hearing more about the Hot Banana and another AKT. Sorry I missed the live and for being a bit absent.
Johnny, I hope you’re feeling better after the crap NHS experience and your BP is down. Great to have you back Suzanne, would be lovely to hear all about it in person. Jan, let us know you’re ok, I’m still praying for the pool boy 🙏
I zone out of the Trump stuff and like you I don’t mind a difference of opinion. I love a crypto chat but I’m not sold on Bitcoin.
Trying to book things to look forward to but not meant to be. I’ll be in Laaandon in a couple of weeks, big rugby game in April and hopefully up to Scotland then too. Until then I’ll count my pennies and my blessings xxx
Lovely comment Lisa. I laughed at ‘shit and depressing AF’ I think we can all relate. If I put pen to paper right now it would be exactly that 😫 Times are tough, think how long we’ve been at this for, it’s unbelievable that years have passed, it feels like the mother of all endurance tests. My stomach still flips sometimes at the thought of it all, it’s surreal af. Your job sounds incredibly tough in itself and super hard when you are living in a different reality to all your colleagues. Things will get better we just have to keep swimming and keep each other going in the meantime. And yes meet ups, i’d do it every week if there wasn’t the small matter of a 800 mile round trip every time 🥲 Lets get something organised and you can read me your shit and depressing poem 🤣
I really want to hear the 'shit and depressing' poem too. 😂 I am pretty sure I will appreciate it. The shitter and more depressing the better really.
I cannot BELEIVE that so much time has passed and that so little has changed. I have aged at least 10 years in 5 although I remain confident that I can reverse at least some of those if I make an effort. xxx
Although no pressure Shouty Mum! I imagine the poem being read in a shouty mum voice. xxx
Abs, you had me at ‘It’s Fucking Freezing’.
Another superb pod while pruning my 36 tomato plants and brewing my next batch of Merlot in the Upside Down of Christchurch NZ.
Are you planning on another Abi Round Table?
Kia Ora Pixie xx
I don't know the Ship & Shovel but have always loved Gordon's Wine bar on Villiers St.Sadly, it's alwsys just too busy to even get in nowadays
Ah yes that sounds good doing the lives another way as it looked like I needed a smartphone to watch- wanted me to scan PQR code or whatever they are called (and I don't have a smartphone) xxx