I think the 4 no go topics of discussion are vaccines, BLM, Trans and Ukraine. Free speech expired here in the U.K. many years ago but with alternative media sites like Gettr, V.K., Rumble etc at least some of the message is being spread, however you talk to friends about alternative media and most have no idea they exist. I'm still seeing a few masks in my local shops but probably only 5 to 10% still to many. Anyway Abs thanks for the content and for fucks sake don't change..

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Stuart, you are spot on with the 4 topics that people avoid discussing. There are still people that I have spoken to who have never heard of GB News!

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You're right Abi, here in Australia in NSW it's mandatory still to be vaccinated for healthcare workers.

It actually says on the NSW health website that the vax is highly effective against severe illness , hospitalisation and death and will keep staff,patients and visitors "safe" from covid -19.

It's hard to believe they can still say this this when we all know that's rubbish!

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Wow really feel for our Aussie friends they’ve turned your country into a fascist state!! Evil govt.

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They sure have. I'm at the point where I don't enjoy living here anymore. Our government has ruined our once carefree country.

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Yes but don’t let them get to you they want you to feel hopeless and depressed. All govts the same across the west. Some of your protests were brilliant! Have to say your cops were thugs though.

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I walk pretty regularly past King’s College on The Strand and they have a huge number of Chinese students. Most of them walking on the surrounding streets masked up. It’s a very depressing sight.

A few weeks back I saw one in Starbucks very carefully manoeuvring a drinking straw underneath her fucking mask so she could keep it on! 😬🙄

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Hey there Abs, and all friends..

Popped on and lovely to hear your comments Abs, I agree with EVERY word, and loving the extreme profanities, saving me expressing them .. I never swore until I started Abi's Substack, and boy does it help the daily frustrations of our ridiculous world.. I'm cursing all day now..

It sure seems that matters are slowly coming out in the open regarding the dangerous "pricks". Hooray..

I heard with interest about your hairdresser, Abi. His experience mirrored that of my friend's 30 year old son, who had a great head of thick curly hair, coerced into having the danger prick, and within 48 hours, he'd lost every hair on his body and is now completely bald, and devastated. Not one hair has grown back. He is still in shock..

Don't mention J Gaunt , Abs, I was on GB News when he tore you down.! Vile , vile, vile!

Catch you all again, soon, m' dears.

Jan S xx

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Keep cursing Jan, it’s good for your mental health🤗

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Too right, Jan ! x

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Very interesting rant. I thought this was interesting. I was in my local Lidl the other day and a man next to me in his early 60s said to the cashier, pointing at the stupid Perspex screens, “it’s about time you took those down isn’t it?” I didn’t hear her reply but he then said “and the world didn’t end” so I assume that was his sarcastic response to whatever she said about convid. That and my local cafe had a UNN Keep Cash poster too! It was an awake weekend!! You should see me when you are on Abbie I’m replying to you as if you in the room with me 🤣🤣. You will be responsible for me getting taken away in a straight jacket if my neighbours see me talking to myself again! 😂😂xx

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Alison, I shout, laugh and make comments when I’m listening to Abi Daily. My husband has got used to it now when he walks into the kitchen and I’m in full Abi mode!

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Parallel life is so bang on, it's a good way to explain it as life, for me, just feels weird, like I try to act like everything is normal but I know it isn't, it's like having a demon in your head niggling away all the time, does anyone else in the gang feel like this? My friend in America told me to just get the vaccine, he got pretty much the same response as you gave Abs 🤣🙃

I started new job today, oh and Loiuse if you see this, how did your 1st day go??

Anyways its hopefully a fresh start for me and my little girl who is 9 and has adhd, ocd, anxiety so a few struggles at mo, the job is full time so I pray i can juggle it as we need to move to a bigger place, and basically have a life again, last 3 years since redundancy and then lockdown been bloody miserable, but main point, get to it Rach, is that my friend and colleague told me the new boss who is Italian is very pro vaccine and apparently the health cover that comes with job requires it, which in itself is criminal, but the subject may come up and I'm already dreading it, for the obvious reasons! I need this job and its a good opp, but I won't compromise my ethics, I will just have to keep it subtle if need be! I hate having to even be in this position, why can't others see its so wrong 😫 😞

I wonder about Jon Gaunt then? I wouldn't wish anyone ill but the irony if it turned out it was related to the doo da, after all he has said. I don't like him AT ALL but I wish him well health wise.

Mark dolan annoyed me too, Iike him alot but he still always makes such a dramatic point of saying he is triple quad lord knows how many jabbed and would happily put his arm out, so that's a bit weird...I woild expect him to say no more as well!

My friend I mentioned Friday did not get his booster so I'm hoping he may be sitting on the info I gave him and is starting to think 🙏

Love to all you guys and Happy Monday 😊 xx

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Good luck with your new job Rachel nd moving on with your life. I’m not sure that it’s even legal to insist people are jabbed to be covered by private medical insurance🤷‍♀️x

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Thank you Jan 😘 all good so far, brain slowly switching back on lol!!

Oh I don't know either abt the insurance, will look into it!! Xx

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Thank you Abi for keeping me sane. I am now limiting myself from spending time with my friends as I cannot listen to anymore nonsense that they spout about the vaccines. I do speak up and try to put forward a different view but I'm treated like I've lost the plot. It's all so exhausting so I can imagine the toll this has taken on you with your public profile. You are a brave, funny and honest lady and we all love and appreciate what you do. Thank you to all the Abi's Substack family too, your comments are a tonic.

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Abi, I’ve bought my ticket for London Bridge on Saturday night. I will be like Billy no mates sitting on my own, recognisable though by my Cathy Says Stay Stupid T-shirt! Anyone else going from the SubStack family?

Colin Brazier has gone from GB News along with that boring woman Alex Phillips. GB News needs a shake up.

The mask/muzzle brigade will never give them up. My neighbour pulls her mask down when she speaks to me.....very effective! Funnily enough the most vicious and vile person to me on Facebook was Jon Gaunt, I quickly blocked him. I got rid of my Facebook account last December and just wish I had done it sooner.

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So true about Alex, Brazier wasn’t too bad in the end but that Alex’s voice was so grating, it made me switch off for the sake of my ears. 🤣. Abbie needs to be back on for sure. My fears going forward are they are going to dumb it down even more.

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The December 4th gig? Xx

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Trudi, it’s the gig this Saturday 15 October at The Two Bridges pub, Tooley St, London Bridge

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You’ll have a great time! Looking at the trains for when I’m going, there’s disruption so see what happens. Just my luck lol👍💕

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Thanks Trudi. Trains are a nightmare with all the strikes and engineering works.

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Just the typical Monday Rant by Abi 😂😂

Valid points made as per.

So glad your hairdresser has said no more jabs. I do remember you telling us about him.

Hope everyone is ok.... Has Peter popped in yet?

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Catching up as didn't have time on Monday. Did I mention I had a new job?😉

Brilliant stuff today as usual and I agree with everything you've said. Mark Dolan is a weird one these days, so I don't tend to watch anymore. The last few times I watched he was just spouting rubbish, so he's a no from me.

I agree about the parallel life thing and have felt that way for what seems like forever. As the saying goes, 'when you see it, you can't unsee it'. But that's everything isn't it? The whole covid shit show, the economy, this trans stuff which I seriously have trouble getting my head around and then Ukraine. Jesus. I still don't understand how people dont see it and just believe Zelensky is the good guy 🤣. That just cracks me up.

I will never forget those who pushed and peddled the shit show of the last few years, never. As you said Abi, the hate that came out of peoples mouths . Thankfully I have my new job, but I was treated appallingly and I can't forgive them and I won't. The pain and suffering caused has been so deep and has left us scarred. That's how i see it. And I'll say it again because it should never be forgotten, the likes of Benjamin, Trudi's son, who took his life because of government policy, not covid 19. They can't move on. There lives are gone and those left behind are shattered. And as for Jon Gaunt, he deserves everything that he is going through. What goes around comes around .

Fantastic Abi, thank you. I'm off to catch up on Tuesday's now xx😊

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Brilliant as always, the swearier and rantier the better. Agree with every word you say! I would love to see a podcast with you and David Vance together he's a legend too like you

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Great Abi! Neither the hospitals nor the gp surgery asks us to wear a mask anymore. Hardly anyone wears them in shops and public places which is great. Let's see how it goes this winter. Mum has carers come to her twice a week and all of them are repeating what they hear on the news that covid cases are rising. I leave it up to them if they want to wear a mask but make it clear thatcwe do not require them to. Mum's English is not great and she can't gear without her hearing aids. She can understand them better when they don't wear one because she dan see their faces. Today's carer was a fanatic though, wouldn't hear of taking her mask off especially with cases rising. I told her about Carey Mullis and how the pcr tests don't test for infection, and depending on what cycle they put them on, they will pick-up anything and everything. So not something you can rely on! I could have said more but for mum's sake I bit my lip. I would nor last 5 muns with this person in the work place. I come from the middle east, we disagree with women covering their faces, yet the same thing was embraced in the uk of all places. As far as I'm concerned, masks are nothing more than walking petri dishes. I used to get enraged whenever I saw someone wearing one but I won't waste my energy on them anymore. You can show them all the proof in the world that proves they are wrong but they will never accept it until THEY are ready to. As my daughter says 'not my circus, not my monkeys' I just try to focus on being the person and change that I want to see and hope it rubs off onto others.

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