If we end up in the gulag wit you. It will be a great blessing, because we will laugh til the end. But I don't plan on it going that way. Because we are Waking Up Humaninty. God bless You and All your Listeners. Apology for the absence, there have been big losses, our those who I have loved deeply, in the past few months. Big love to all 🥰

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Gorgeous rant, Abi. Agree with everything you say, esp about a constitutional republic v democracy and all the American stuff re Trump and Chauvin etc.

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Great pod today Abi. Agree with everything you said but you failed to address the one question that constantly exercises my mind - why are the left always so frigging miserable? God, I’d hate to be a socialist.

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The left are probably so miserable from eating insects and lab grown meat!

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Superb pod tonight ! Fully agree with you on Floyd and the Trump witch hunt it’s off the scale. Sorry I can’t be there on Saturday I was hoping to meet Hel Del and brothers Del, Bob, .. and of course the Jules and Mr Jules, and Shouty again. Looking forward to the photos xx 🥂

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David Icke has convinced me that Elon is in fact playing both sides - depressing because he is likeable but there are too many contradictions.

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Loved your rant. Well done for not being scared to be called a racist for having the cheek to channel Martin Luther King. Being called a far right racist by a leftie is so lazy - it’s just designed to say that you’re a disgraceful human being who doesn’t deserve to be part of polite society. From now on when I’m called that I shall have to put on my best Abi Roberts voice and call them a “far left cunt”!!!

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If you search the UK Column website you will find everything there is to know about Common Purpose - they were on to it from the off

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One of the best ever pods. There are a few books that have had an immediate effect on me by highlighting the dangers of assuming guilt because of race, social background and hearsay. The first was To Kill a Mockingbird, the other, that springs to mind, is Bonfire of the Vanities. Very different books but relevant to your thoughts on the conviction of Derek Chauvin and how US politics, and historical wrongs, can influence today's justice. I was hoping we'd eradicated the lynch mob mentality from society but, sadly, it has never gone away.

I've not really got my arse in gear to join you on your birthday bash, but I hope you have a great time.

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Another great POD Abi. Sadly this election is just transferring the baton to the next team. And yes your scouse accent is shocking but hilarious 😂 😃 😄 😁

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One of your best ever pods Abi, passionate and sincere. I loved it. xx

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Musk is a strange one. His views are very split. Challenges the left and is hated for it and condemns the race in AI but then promotes the brain chip etc. I neither like or dislike. Just watch from afar. Totally agree with the George Floyd comments. He was a disgusting human being and a very strange choice for the left to choose as a martyr. Have seen various videos of the arrest which were not shown and he was off his tree on fentanyl etc and said he couldn't breath which is why he was taken out of the car. Chavin did not need to kneel on his neck for that long but life in prison over the top.

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You're spot on again Abi.It's the Socialists, who's agenda has spread like a disease, in education, Big Tech and now Big Banks and with the CCP.They are all destroying the West! Sadly people are ignoring this fact and just not talking about all our ghost towns and cities since we sold out to China and Big Tech😪😫

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Pre Covid I never realised that the world would be going to hell in a handcart and without being pessimistic I don’t know how we stop it. Injustice is everywhere, just look at America/Trump. We think the judiciary is bad in this country but the blatant bias against Trump from the judge in his trial is there for all to see. Yes, Trump is flawed, like all of us, but if Trump is illegally denied the presidency in 2024 as he was was in 2020 then we are all fucked. Derek Chauvin is another example of blatant injustice. The guy should not even be in prison let alone serving a life sentence. All the innocent people in prison for the Jan 6 debacle too, many even being denied a trial.

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A democracy is mob rule.

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Hi Abi,

usually love your podcasts,but this one puzzled me-you bought the whole George Floyd Derek Chauvin hoax?? That makes me sad:that such an intelligent, funny ,brilliant, uplifting person can be so taken in by by these never ending phony psyops.

Marx was a scion of rich industrialists whose project was to derail the republican revolutions of the 1840s in Europe. As such,Communism,Socialism, etc. are all cloaked Fascism...as we can see with the Labour party today-see Miri's substack "Stop Starmer"

My advice is to read,study and inwardly digest the works of Miles Mathis,particularly on Marx,Hitler and the JFK "assassination"-also the one on the Floyd Chauvin hoax.

Have a good birthday bash!



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