Good for you Abi, calling out one of the ‘friends’ of the Wall of Hearts. Yes, the number of deaths from the jab and lockdowns will far exceed this wall of farce. The covid enquiry will go on for ever and be a total whitewash.
So sad to hear about Hani’s mum, I will light a candle for her this weekend.
Wishing all the extended Abi family a wonderful sunny weekend 🍸🍹💋
The Wall of Hearts cultists are nurturing propaganda.
Appreciated the half-arsed effort at 'We Don't Need Another Hero' 🙄, I know, I should have gone with a certain song 🤔 from Private Dancer dedicated to the Abi Fam 😁
Have a great weekend everyone. Sending my love to Hani and to say I try to believe they never really leave us. I have had so many signs from Nick and my brother Chris. I needed Nick this week, I’ve had a bloody wasp nest right above my front door and it’s busy! A very nice woman from the council came round dressed as a bee keeper and said when I spray it you run that way and I’ll run the other 😂. Too right I was like an Olympic sprinter. Enjoy the sun love Suzanne x
I am ok thanks Jane, just glad of a breather from any hospital appointments atm before i start some intense radiotherapy treatments( not looking forward to it) George is well, he had a clip last week to keep him cool the weather has been so lovely. Hope you are ok love Lisa x
I bet your George looks handsome after his groom & a lot cooler with having poodle in him its such a wooly warm hair type, my Freddy loves being warm even thought the nights have been warm in geordie land he still insists on getting under the quilt whilst I have a sheet on me with a wet pillows case on me neck he burrows underneath the quilt he must be so hot but bloody loves it , hope your radiotherapy goes well my mum had quite a bit & it worked well for her so I'm praying it works well for you Lisa , lots of love xx
Yes he looks so skinny now, we had a shorter cut so it lasted while it was warm. I hope it works too but just the side effects worry me, i didn't really want to have it but it is impacting my quality of life now with the pain and loss of sensation in my arm it hasn’t really left me much choice so i am 🙏🏻it will help. X
1. FFS stop drinking water from plastic bottles, KILLER. Get a decent water filter that can remove fluoride & aluminium sulphate. Store the filtered water in GLASS BOTTLES. Thank you.
2. Re the wall bollox. I do hope You & Everyone on here. Do know that the "they" destroyed the minds. Still are too. Hence the bloody wall, Before destroying the bodies.
Literally finishing catching up on Fridays, and just wanted to jump on and send all my love and condolences to Hani, god bless your mum in the big beautiful beyond, I am so sorry my darling, thinking of you all ❤️❤️
May I start by saying that I am sending love and strength to Hani and her family. May your mum rest in paradise . God bless her💖💖💖
Regarding the ‘inquiry, I am purposely ignoring it. We all know it’s utter BS!
Enjoy your weekend everyone 💖
Dear Hani Very sorry to hear about your beloved mum, sending lots of love and hugs to you. xx
Good for you Abi, calling out one of the ‘friends’ of the Wall of Hearts. Yes, the number of deaths from the jab and lockdowns will far exceed this wall of farce. The covid enquiry will go on for ever and be a total whitewash.
So sad to hear about Hani’s mum, I will light a candle for her this weekend.
Wishing all the extended Abi family a wonderful sunny weekend 🍸🍹💋
I hope your plans to get your beloved mum back to Cyprus are going well Hani. Sending you much love xx
Thankyou so much Jan xx
The Wall of Hearts cultists are nurturing propaganda.
Appreciated the half-arsed effort at 'We Don't Need Another Hero' 🙄, I know, I should have gone with a certain song 🤔 from Private Dancer dedicated to the Abi Fam 😁
Have a great weekend everyone. Sending my love to Hani and to say I try to believe they never really leave us. I have had so many signs from Nick and my brother Chris. I needed Nick this week, I’ve had a bloody wasp nest right above my front door and it’s busy! A very nice woman from the council came round dressed as a bee keeper and said when I spray it you run that way and I’ll run the other 😂. Too right I was like an Olympic sprinter. Enjoy the sun love Suzanne x
Wasps nest... 😳😳🤣
Sending much love to you Hani ❤️
Hani thinking of you,sending all my love Lisa xx
Hi Lisa how are you doing ? Hope all ok & your enjoying the warm weather , hows George doing?, lots of love jane xx
I am ok thanks Jane, just glad of a breather from any hospital appointments atm before i start some intense radiotherapy treatments( not looking forward to it) George is well, he had a clip last week to keep him cool the weather has been so lovely. Hope you are ok love Lisa x
I bet your George looks handsome after his groom & a lot cooler with having poodle in him its such a wooly warm hair type, my Freddy loves being warm even thought the nights have been warm in geordie land he still insists on getting under the quilt whilst I have a sheet on me with a wet pillows case on me neck he burrows underneath the quilt he must be so hot but bloody loves it , hope your radiotherapy goes well my mum had quite a bit & it worked well for her so I'm praying it works well for you Lisa , lots of love xx
Yes he looks so skinny now, we had a shorter cut so it lasted while it was warm. I hope it works too but just the side effects worry me, i didn't really want to have it but it is impacting my quality of life now with the pain and loss of sensation in my arm it hasn’t really left me much choice so i am 🙏🏻it will help. X
Sending love Hani 🙏❤️
Rrrr Hani so sorry for your loss our mum's are so precious & when they leave us it's heart breaking take care x
Thanks Abi.
1. FFS stop drinking water from plastic bottles, KILLER. Get a decent water filter that can remove fluoride & aluminium sulphate. Store the filtered water in GLASS BOTTLES. Thank you.
2. Re the wall bollox. I do hope You & Everyone on here. Do know that the "they" destroyed the minds. Still are too. Hence the bloody wall, Before destroying the bodies.
3. Friends of the Wall! Same soap dodger wankers that infested Aldermaston, Greenham Common, Molesworth, Faslane, Hunterston, etc etc etc,
Likely close genetic connection to the old hags that used to sit knitting & cackling at the guillotines in France!
Literally finishing catching up on Fridays, and just wanted to jump on and send all my love and condolences to Hani, god bless your mum in the big beautiful beyond, I am so sorry my darling, thinking of you all ❤️❤️