
Charlotte is right we need to keep banging on about covid. The jabs have destroyed lives and the future health of those who took the poison is unpredictable.

June Slater was going to give a talk to a WhatsApp group that I joined. I said that I wouldn’t be joining in for a evening with June Slater as she blocked me on Twitter when I supported Abi Roberts and I wasn’t going to waste my time. Long story short, they decided not to invite June Slater to speak😂

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Go Jan!

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Brilliant 😂😂😂

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Yes I do listen to the podcast (whenever I can).

Totally agree we must keep banging on about da covid at least until Boris, Hancock, Witty and June Raine head of the MHRA are locked up in the Tower of London. Politicians are already re-writing history and saying crap like ‘nobody was forced to take the vaccines’. We must not let people forget.

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It seems to me that everyone in the US is ignoring it because Trump did Operation Warp Speed and now that it is an election year this is inconvenient for his devotees.

If anyone is interested in the documents they are welcome to my Substack.

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That was a funny pod, I have given up with your Telegram channel chat there are some idiots in there, too many conversations to keep track of. Much calmer and more measured comments in here. Different vibe, much more positive and supportive ❤️

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I don't do Telegram for the same reason.There are some idiots on there who want us all as 'family' but are nothing like us

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I was kicked out of two local Australian Te freedom groups in 2021 for exposing them as being run by police. They purposely create chaos and are traps.

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The wigs 🤣🤣🤣 and C & A 🤣🤣🤣

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Feb 26·edited Feb 26

Abi, just listening to your pod before bed. You are on fire tonight, I’m literally crying with laughter…your mini socialist skit, your Maggie impression and the gender woo woo C&A wigs rant fest…🤣🤣🤣 genius, you echo everything I want to scream at people on a bad day 😂 love you and your no holds barred musings xx Nos da from Wales 🥰

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Oh, Abi…I’ve got tears of laughter running down my face listening to you talk about the “Jesus take the wheel” meme. Brilliant! 😂🤣 Thank you! 😂

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Chuckling away about the wheel 😂

Very much in need of a giggle today. Daughter having a very hard time at school and giving me sleepless nights.

I’m so happy for you hearing how much you’re enjoying TNT, it seems to have done you the power of good xxx

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I hope things will get sorted soon with your daughter Lisa x

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Aw thanks Jan. Been a bit absent for a while. Lots going on, trying to dip in when I can.

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The world we live in now makes it difficult for both parents and kids. It all takes its toll so take good care of yourself xx

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Bless you. Hope she’s okay 💖

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Thanks Trudi, I caught up with your TNT appearance with Abs. This is what I love about this group. Just real people. You may think you’re doing a small part and just getting on with life but to others you’re an inspiration, a realist with a massive heart. Don’t ever change xxx

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Faith and trust is where we go together. God Wins

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Another fabulous POD Abi. Yes this transgender crap is getting way out of hand. I see Jason Manford waded into the trans debate on twitter and got called out. It seems he has been busy deleting his tweets about trans men being lesbians. It makes my head spin with all this double speak. Can't we just get back to calling them transvestites? Or is that not a thing now

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Great inverview with Bobster - very based and Bobpilled.

I would love to see his Artpocalypse show in Australia. If he ever managed to get a visa the government would probably throw him and his paintings in one of our many desert covid facilities.

The covid camp near me is still fully staffed and they are even keeping the lawn green.

If anyone doesn't believe this click: https://www.6pr.com.au/wa-left-with-annual-13-million-bill-to-run-empty-bullsbrook-quarantine-facility/

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Well, that’s a big worry about the Covid camp😳

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People have no idea how bad it is here. The morons celebrating the 'covid court wins' in Australia have no idea what's coming - the laws behind all the mandates are still in place. I can tell them until I am blue in the face but the hopium is too strong.

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They’re definitely not morons although I certainly take your point regarding the laws.

The celebration is due to the vindication, they know full well that nothing will change in the immediate future BUT hopefully will empower those still in service to say no next time.

Being suspended for 2.5 years would take its toll on anyone. However, the fact that the commissioner resigned in QLD is an indication that she was tipped off about the outcome. She is thick as mince and should not be entitled to her $200k payoff.

Malcolm Roberts is generally sound but I thought the same about his opening the floodgates tweet.

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Respectfully, I must strongly disagree. If Australians need the government to 'vindicate' or 'empower' them we are in even more trouble than I thought.

The government has already proven themselves to be democidal. Getting their approval is completely moronic.

Also, the Qld commissioner was already in a lot of trouble with recruiting numbers and youth crime particularly the Vyleen White incident - we do not know if this ruling has anything to do with her resignation. I suspect it does not, because ultimately it is unimportant to the broader community. The government does not care about this ruling. Only a few marginalised 'cookers.'

I did not see Malcolm Robert's tweet because I am banned from all social media. However, none of the Senators have done anything useful in my opinion. They have simply performed for the voters. The only thing I have seen of any substance was Senator Rennick going after ASIO in estimates which was shut down immediately - he was gaslit big time.

No one is going after the DOD, questioning Warp Speed, or the intelligence agencies. No one is questioning the legal framework behind the covid response. No one is questioning the Emergency.

All we are seeing is cheap wins.

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Respectfully, I also strongly disagree. I mentioned nothing about government. The police and ambulance staff took their superiors to court and won. The vindication is that they had the courage to say no in the face of overwhelming coercion. They stood alone until they found each other. Their colleagues have contacted them to say they regret not joining them. Recruitment has nosedived. Sickness rates are excessive. Morale is non existent. That simmers. I cannot speak for those left in service other than they have seen their colleagues win a huge court victory that has taken 29 long months. You may think it was pointless and futile but having your name cleared means the world to those involved. QLD have separate human rights laws, which helped this particular case.

I have no doubt the commissioner resigned because of this. Yes she was shit and under attack for other things but she was due to retire in July anyway. Something pushed her before she jumped.

Who do you suggest goes after the DOD or the intelligence agencies?

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Perhaps I can answer your question:

>Who do you suggest goes after the DOD or the intelligence agencies?

The politicians.

Andrew Wilkie has done good work in this respect in the past. It's dangerous, and that is why they don't want to do it. Also they want jobs in DC after their careers.

Politicians are also the only people who can repeal the legislation and treaties that have built up over many decades.

Perhaps you would like to read this: https://vicparkpetition.substack.com/p/theatre-of-war-australias-covid-response

"Theatre of war: Australia’s covid response was a joint US military domestic terrorism operation."

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A lady that I know who moved to Melbourne with her family just before covid was told that her 11 year old son would not be allowed to attend school unless he got jabbed. I was horrified and told her to homeschool but she just went along with it 🙏🥲

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I estimate 50% of the country is totally gone. They cannot be reached.

The 48% who were coerced and caved will cave again. They do not have what it takes.

Only 2% of us left, and of the 2%, only a few understand that their rights come from God not the government.

We're done.

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I’m truly fearful for the future. I still find it hard to believe that so many people are sleepwalking into the next nightmare that is being planned for us.

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Australia is infected with greed and they are finding out.

Apart from the people who were really on the rocks when coerced (I feel terrible for these people), most of the Australians I spoke to who were coerced got jabbed to 'maintain their lifestyles.' Private schools, big homes, holidays.

Now injured, many expect a payout as if that is 'justice.' I cannot wrap my head around this.

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Another brilliant podcast Abi.Couldn't stop laughing. The impersonations were spot on!🤣👌❤️

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Her Thatcher is unbelievably good.

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I sometimes think we’ve gone into a alternate universe ffs ,thank fuck for people like you Abi ❤️you really cheer me up 🤣

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Brilliant pod ! Cannot wait for the coiffed hair do vision 🥰 xx

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Thank you for bringing laughter to our days and mornings. Great show on TNT 🧨 💃💕💥

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Hilarious episode

🎶Jesus, take the wheel

Take it off my car

Cause I can’t do this on my own

The bearings just won’t go

So drop me at a greggs

Save me from this road I’m on

Jesus fix my wheel🎶

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"...there are only two irreconcilable opposites-God or Man, Soul or Mind, Freedom or Communism" © W. Chambers "Witness"

From individual prospective, A Man does no need religion to be with God.

Religion is the tool, the proxy, that another men created and put on to replace a direct link between Man and God.

There is a free will for a man to choose a religion as a tool to be closer with God or be one-to-one Man to God without a proxy. The risk of any proxy is a risk of manipulations by the owner of a proxy.

To go to the war and kill each other, for the sake of the argument what religion proxy tool is better, is the top of stupidity any man can end up with.

A man must choose a religion wisely, as any religion does move further but not bringing Man closer to God.

From society prospective a religion, as an institute, may play a positive role to keep state institutions in line with the God. The moment that such society start to use religion, or vice versa, as a tool for doing the harm to any individual anywhere (remember how the head of Church of England (CoE) behaved during last years) – is the moment when Man should start to ask how far such society or religion become Godless and start to do something to correct the path the society goes. If such society or religion is not corrected towards the God intime – the end is inevitable: such nation/society/religion will be destroyed. See what happened with USSR. China is on the same path. Ask how far your country has become Godless and how far the main religion of the Nation takes Man from God. I would say Great Britain and Cristian CoE both are out of the right way big time. Can it still be corrected? I hope so. Do we have a lot of time to do so? This is where my doubts are.

What God would like Man to do in such situation? In my opinion Man must do a lot: Ask Questions, Be Sceptical, Educate himself, Tell the Truth and Demand Truth and Transparency, Don’t close the eyes and walk away from someone’s get hurt…

Thank you Abi for your part by doing your podcasts and else what you are doing.

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