I don’t trust Oakeshott. I feel I’m missing something here but I’m sure she has another agenda by releasing Hancock’s WhatsApp messages. Oakeshott says she has released these messages in the public interest but she has had them in her possession for many months. James Delingpole’s article was brilliant.

Never reply to your weird stalker Abi, it’s what these people get off on.

Hooray, you are going to be on The Mark Steyn Show. Mark’s new shows, since the GB News fiasco, are great. You will be able to plug the E-book too.

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All this Oakeshott stuff has just left me shouting 'Where have you been? ' this is not breaking news. We've all known for a long, long time that Matt Hancock ordered the use of madazolam on the elderly residents at the start of the scamdemic to make it look like there was something to fear and their was a 'wave'.The funeral director John O'Looney has been shouting from the roof tops about his findings at his funeral home, but he was discredited and cancelled, so the real story didn't get out. Why is everyone praising Oakeshott? She's had these messages for months apparently. It all smells very fishy. On talk TV today, Mike Graham was milking this for all it's worth, saying how he and Hartley Brewer were asking questions early on. They seem shocked that the government have lied to us and that Matt Hancock and Gavin Williamson disagreed over closing schools and masking children. Again, I've known this for a long, long time. This is only going to be news to people who watch SKY and the BBC. I feel incredibly disappointed actually. They have well and truly done us all over. People have died and lives changed irrevocably. As you say Abi, it was deliberate, not a mistake. I feel so angry for my boys who all suffered because of government policy. One of my son's who couldn't go to uni because he struggled with online learning and didn't get the A level results he needed, said today 'I wonder if this all hadn't happened, if I'd be at uni now?' What can you say to that? I will never ever forgive or forget . They have taken away such special times for our young people and deprived our young people especially of opportunities that they may never be able to get now. I always thought I'd feel glad when the truth of the shit show started to come out, but I feel extremely sad and disappointed. They're dragging their feet with the shit show enquiry when other countries have already completed theirs. These tyrants need to be behind bars, the doors welded shut and left to rot and even that is too good for them. I feel angry... the politicians have no idea about how their actions have impacted ordinary people (or maybe they do and just don't give a shit) and these so called journalists are just the same...clueless! sorry for the long comment x

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Louise, I feel angry too. The shit show from the very beginning was all about controlling the masses. They never made any mistakes, it was all planned. My biggest fear is that none of these bastards will be held to account. So many of them have blood on their hands, they should be rotting in jail.

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Yes, I fear that they'll get away with it. We all know the enquiry will go on and on and on and the results will come out some time never in the future. As you say Jan, bastards!

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Louise it’s all controlled released, it was the same with Boris’s original partygate. They have to filter it out in bits otherwise the numpties who followed all the rules would be outside number 10 rioting.

This way it’s a controlled demolition to have the masses seething and simmering instead of exploding.

As for your son I’m sorry to hear that they destroyed his chances, parliament really is full of first class cunts who don’t give two fucks for the ordinary folk.

My youngest was fine but all this shit had her start with anxiety, she even had panic attacks at school over worrying about passing her GCSE’s. Have to say some of the teachers were brilliant with her and went out of their way to calm and tutor her through the whole thing.

It really does boil my piss that they’ve decimated so many lives as walk away with pockets full of our cash, they’re nowt but scum of the lowest kind.

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Evening all,

Just ignore whoever is trying to wind you up.

Talking about being wound up, I’m purposely trying not to get embroiled in all this oakshot shit too much.

June slater is still amusing me when I see the odd thing pop up, she’s such a twat😂

Looking forward to seeing you on Mark’s show.


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I’m fixated on June’s eyebrows, I’m thinking of doing a Crowdfund so she can get them at least RESEMBLIMG each other!

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Absolutely agree with everything you said tonight Abi.......all i am going to say is 3 years ago i still had both my parents( i last saw them both together on 15/3/20) they both died because of all this covid bullshit my mum particularly went thru hell and gave up.....apologies for my language.....FUCK YOU ISABEL OAKSHOTT i don’t believe a damn word you say!!!! People need to be held accountable for the crimes against humanity and soon not in 30/40 years time like hillsborough. I am just so sick of it all its just so exhausting,i need all the energy i can get these days........Lisa xxx

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That's the problem with these pantomimes Lisa they can suck up your energy if you let them, leaving you feeling so angry and exhausted. Been there so many times, it is incredibly manipulative! Maybe I'm wrong but I think we have to stop giving away our power to these performers and conserve our energy for when it is really needed. I haven't had a chance to listen to the last two podcasts Abi, will try and do that today.

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Lisa, the last three years has been dreadful beyond words. The realisation too that we have been lied to our whole lives by the establishment on just about everything. We were blindly living and enjoying our lives pre covid unaware of what they were planning for us. It’s still not over of course with 15 min cities and digital ID waiting in the wings. Not to mention the drag queen story time for kids and promoting 101 different genders🤮 Future generations will be unrecognisable to us. May be we won’t have to worry if Biden gets his way and we go into WWIII. Sending love to you Lisa xx💖

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Jan Newell I have an 18yr old son, him and his friends are not buying this crap, they say there’s two sexes and that’s it. He’s told his younger sister that men transitioned or not shouldn’t be in womens spaces, they are physically much stronger and women should not be placed in danger , women deserve to have their own safe spaces end of as far as he’s concerned.

Normalising noncing is another no go as far as he’s concerned, advocating it as a sexual orientation is a none starter.

I’ve done my best to raise my children as critical thinkers as my father did before me. He would always said it was easy to be a sheep and encouraged us to be the ram instead. He said at times it at come at a cost going against the grain, when you know you are right stand your ground and never give up, it won’t be easy but the cowards will always know they’ll go along with anything for an easy life. You will know you tried to make the world a better place by not giving in to the crap.

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Lizzy, good to know that your son and his friends are awake and know good from evil. Evil is what is amongst us now with the transgender bs, biological males competing in women’s sport, drag queen story time for toddlers and young impressionable kids and of course the perverts who want to be in ladies toilets and changing rooms.

My two sons have both had 💉💉💉💉there was no reasoning with them and they are adults. I fear for their future health. They still think I am the crazy one and when I see them say “oh look, here comes the pureblood”. They think they have a mother who is a rule breaker and a bit of a nutjob🤷‍♀️ At least if I have poor health in the future it won’t have been self inflicted by the 💉

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Loved Lotus Eaters....I think Connor,for such a young guy is really good. Yes he defo could let u talk a bit more, it’s not like u need carried but he always laughs at the funnies and has a cheeky wee laugh,I think he’s just concentrating on what’s next and trying not to get side tracked 😂 enjoyed the Tony B Liar segment.....our daughter was born 1997 (I think the general election was the week before she was born) and that advert was a blast from the past,Blair in his chinos and moccasins 🤮

I haven’t seen the troll but bet he IS in his mothers basement,cock between his legs,looking for that lotion in the basket. Just keep your eye out for any transit vans in the vicinity of your flat and don’t be walking home at 5 in the morning!

The Labrador is 100% a bad ‘un,I bet she’s still chummy as fuck with Wancock.....tell me about your crypto currencies 😀

Mark Steyn YAY 👏

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Lotion in his basket 😂😂😂

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Agree totally Abi, nothing is what it seems anymore, has it ever been 🤷 but Isobel Oakeshot is not trustworthy imo, I think the agenda is absolutely partly due to the election and steering people towards the Reform Party, the arrogance of her tweet regarding support for her, the cheek of it 😡 the labrador description 😅👍 though labradors are lovely and she isnt, very strange hair though, the front top bit looks like she has attempted to do a Something about Mary but not used enough jizz 🤣🤣 these 'club members' are all sociopathic narcissists, I know there have been alot of stupid people in the last 3 years but we are not all stupid and naive, makes my blood boil !! It's yet another distraction to other stuff they can push along under the radar...but we see you 👀 👁

Until some kind of justice is served for, well murder basically, for all of it - lockups, jab, treatment, midazolam, jeez the list goes on...we must and will never let this go!

I'm sure some of you know him already but for those that don't, follow Tony Stowell and his story, his dear Mum died in hospital, after being put on end of life in the care home, despite she being ok a day earlier, he rang the care home as he did daily, regular call, and the care assistant, whom he says he didn't like and had previously reported her for how he saw she treated the patients, just casually said 'Tony, your mum is end of life' !!!

He demanded they call her an ambulance and she was taken to hospital, they then asked him why she was put on end of life as she wasn't??

He had some lovely quality time hugging his mum, ripped all the ppe off they made him put on, sadly she died not long after that, I think it was a couple of days later 💔💔

Lots more detail, but that's the summary, he is taking the care home to court, he's got evidence and a good case so everything crossed 🤞🤞 and he hopes to set a precedent for others to do the same, because tragically there will be thousands out there just accepting what happened to their elderly loved one 😭 he is getting some decent airtime, let's all help him with as much exposure and audience as possible. The love he has for his mum is so precious and it just breaks my heart 💔

On a lighter note Abi, it keeps popping into my head about you saying the other week that Robert Malone looks like a cross between Chewbacca and the guy whose name has literally gone from my mind (that's menopause for you 🤨😅) I was listening on my headphones that night, and just roared with laughter, waking up Elena, because he so does 🤣🤣🤣

I think I want to change my specialist subject to 'fucking lying hyprocrital self serving narcistic cock sucking arse grabbing pariahs from 2020-2023' and I will need more than 2 minutes 😁🤔

Off to get a World Book Day outfit ready, have a horrible feeling there is something we haven't got eeek....please send help before the morning 🤪

Have a great Friday guys and girls, oh are we allowed to say that still 😉 sick and tired of the whole perverted disgusting trans movement, drag queens practically shoving their dicks into toddlers faces, WTAF is happening!!!!! Elenas friend was teasing her the other day saying you're a boy, over and over, which was just a silly joke abt something, but then she changed it to you're transgender, she is 9!! You.can imagine my reaction, and thankfully for me with E's anxiety, atm she is mortified by anything about sex education and just says she doesn't get the trans thing, how can a boy just be a girl1?? Exactly sweetheart! I will be having issues with RHSE in Year 6 onwards, I may remove her, I'm not having them brainwash and warp her mind 😡🤢

I really am going now 😊🫠 love to all of you wonderful people ❤️

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Yes Rachel, this Oakeshott ‘revelation’ could be another distraction while plans for the next bombshell against humanity is being plotted. I read that starting in 2023 our government is planning to forge ahead with the Digital ID, even though they know people are against it. If this happens it will curtail our freedoms like never before.

Btw, I love your specialist subject Rachel👍💯 I hope Elena is sleeping better and letting you get some rest Rachel. I would not allow any kids of mine to be part of drag queen story time and all the transgender bs they are trying to warp their minds with xx💖

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Sorry for late reply as usual Jan 🤨 yes it is a huge worry about the digital ID, I saw my hairdresser last week and she hadn't even heard of the ID, 25 min cities, CBDC, vaccine issues, none of it, which is the problem and what we are up against!!

Oh I'm glad I didn't offend with my specialist subject, it was a but cussy, I'd had wine Jan, and I was feeling angry 🤣🤣

Hope you've had a good Tuesday 😘 xx

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It takes a lot to offend me Rachel and definitely not your specialist subject! Unfortunately there are so many people like your hairdresser. They live in their little closed off world and are not aware of what the government is planning for us. There are still people who think that the establishment has our best interests at heart🤷‍♀️

As for a good Tuesday, well against my better judgement I am going to pour my first G&T of the day. It’s Greenall’s blackberry & raspberry gin which has no carbs which is very unusual for fruity gins. I tell myself zero carbs in booze is good but I drink too much anyway. Tbh the booze is getting me through these shit times.

Love to you and Elena xx💖

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I know, its insane to me that still, the masses are walking around in the dark, and the worrying thing is, I'm not seeing any signs this is likely to change anytime soon!!

I hope you enjoyed your G&T, sounds lovely, and I don't even like Gin 😉 I don't drink much at home, but I am back smoking again 🙄 not massively but nevertheless...I need to go back to enjoying a glass of red sometimes, as i can't drink too much of it, open a bottle of rose, it's gone in no time 😁!!

I already posted a reply and it disappeared, so hope it doesn't appear somewhere else, it's weird when this happens 🤷 xxx

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Rachel, so many people are oblivious to what is going on. They are living in their own little world and think everything will be alright. Many think Digital ID will make their lives better and that the air pollution will be better with 15min cities 🤷‍♀️😳

I find any spirit or wine too easy to drink! I started drinking every day at home from the first lockdown onwards. I now have good weeks and bad weeks trying to cut down. I tell myself because I don’t smoke or do drugs that I must have one vice! xx💖

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Hi lovely Jan, I've just replied to this, and it disappeared again!! I don't know what happens 🙈 its probably gone somewhere else!!

Anyway I was just apologising as usual for such a late reply again, and said I resonated about the drinking in lockdown, I did too, got into the habit of knocking back summer fruits rose nearly every night, and would go to the shop and buy it on autopilot!! It's very difficult to not have any vices isn't it 😉 sending love to you and Mr Jan xxx

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Something about Mary 😂 it’s not even as good as that,it’s like a pair of curtains. The Tony Sowell story is so sad...he seems like a very loving son bless him,I think his story is getting out a bit more now 🤞excellent specialised subject Rachel,I can imagine I scoring high 20s with that 😀

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I absolutely loved Fields of Gold, I sent the podcast to my kids they were overwhelmed. Nick would have loved it too. Superb Mrs Slocombe impression, are you free ? It’s up there with what has to be the best “Diana” I have ever heard. I have a question .. why on earth did some of us see through this tyranny while the masses were just obsessed with following orders ? Looking forward to meeting up with all this fam in London sometime, the Jules, the Baroness and all the other superb gang. I’m often in London both my kids live there. Give me a shout when you all next gather. Much love Suzanne x 🥰

PS don’t trust Oakshot she’s 3 years too late !

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Fields of Gold 💖 that’s so lovely the kids listened.....hope you are all doing ok as u can be. We dressed my mum up as Mrs Slocombe for an 80s fancy dress......I searched everywhere for a purple or pink wig,which when it arrived wasn’t great and she ended up looking more like Marge Simpson holding a cat! 😩 I replied to Sonia Poulten on Twitter about journos like Oakshott,called them the Bridgens and Malhotra’s of investigative journalism. Would love to meet up next time we are in London Suzanne. Xx

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Hi Suzanne, never trust Oakeshott, she has her own agenda. She had these WhatsApp messages for about a year so why not release them before if it was in the public interest. Yes, it will be good to meet up with other SubStack family. I’ve only met Abi in person so far. I was away on holiday for a couple of the other events in London which sounded like a blast xx

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Question. Abs in today's podcast you made several references to painting walls, If you had to pick a colour for the wall of Cunts what colour would it be? ( not red ).. As for mastermind specialist subjects mines easy.. porn stars from the 70's, 80's , 90's, 2000's, to the present day..

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I’m worried now I’ve seen your specialised subject Stu,that u are in fact in your mothers basement 😂

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I've been kicked out of the basement and I'm now in the shed..

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Everyone seems to have a specialist subject except me😂

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Me too ✋️ I better start studying something 🤔

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I didn’t either,most of what I know,I now believe to be untrue 😃

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You’ve heard of Debbie does Dallas.... I’d highly recommend Stu does Starbucks 😂😂😂

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I loved that ! Thank you 😊 I love your accents - really make me laugh - which is a wonderful antidote to this evil madness . 🙏

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I agree with everything you said Abi . You have every right to feel indignation for all those people . These people are so smug and have no moral compass . Stay strong and don’t let things and people unnerve you . Xx

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Just for the record, the Bernician has tried to get Hancock in the dock but the courts are so fooking corrupt that it has been dismissed by 2 bent judges on 2 occasions. There needs to be huge public pressure and persistence so that by hook or crook these cunts end up in front of a jury. https://www.thebernician.net/pub-v-hancock-others-service-receipt-of-evidence-bundle/

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Just listening to The Lotus Eaters, best line...hiding the whiff of sulphur with brut...brilliant 👏 🤣 Abi, you should do a little pocket book with a selection of the best Abi one liners!! I may start doing that, I need a project 😊😚

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Isabelle Cumshott can go & take a funny run. You may need to speak to Xi Ping Ding to see if you can borrow the Great Wall of China for your next instalment of The Great Wall of Cunts. It’s the only thing that’s long enough to house the ever growing list of bauble chasing limited hangout fuckwits.

Lots of love xx

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👏🏻 👏🏻 👏🏻😂😂😂😂

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Looking at some of those what's app messages, if you are in a group you don't tend to use your surnames. Somethings not right.....

Abi do you really think anything will come of getting any of these criminals convicted? Had a conversation about the jibby jabby with my brother and he told me he has had all of his. I said they aren't safe and effective and he said they were. I said government have lied so much why are you not seeing this. Even one of his friends has had a stroke and he said its just a coincidence. I give up you can't tell some people

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Marie, some people just do not want to be told the truth. I think it is too much for them to believe that the establishment doesn’t have their welfare at heart. The depressing thing is that I do not believe any of these people will be brought to justice for their crimes against humanity. The judiciary is corrupt for starters.

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Jan Newell I’m married to one of those thick cunts who will not believe that the jabs are shit. He believes because he’s been fine along with the other family muppets that there’s nothing wrong with them.

He still denies it’s an experimental therapy and would have happily taken our two teenagers to have it, who I banned from taking it if he didn’t know I’d plant a hatchet in his head. Youngest was pissed with me until they did their own research and then said I was correct.

The nobhead took three shots and would have taken the fourth if I hadn’t given them an ultimatum, he’s been absolutely caught up in the mass formation psychosis, thanks to the constant gaslighting that some of us evaded, he defends the shit they did as if it was completely normal.

We know it’s not and never was, on the odd occasion I saw glimpses of the daily update meetings I’d sit picking holes as too why these people were mixing daily when it was so contagious and deadly. Let’s face it politicians and their lackey’s are not brave and daring, they wouldn’t have risked their lives for the public, if it was really so bad they’d have battened down their hatches in the safety of their homes, or in one of their bunkers, they definitely wouldn’t be making a daily appearance on tv.

My mother, who I begged not to get the junk because she’d already had the coof has been damaged after the third shot, her sister is suffering from heart failure, one friend has had shingles twice and suffers with neurological problems, another friend has been left with both heart and neurological damage. All have one thing in common, they took the Pfizer’s safe and effective. One friend said they’d wished they’d run like their instincts had told them while in the queue, the other said they admired my backbone and stance for sticking to my guns, she said they been had and lied too.

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Lizzy, I honestly don’t know how you cope living with a husband with those views. It must be a daily battle to keep your sanity. Thank God that your children listened to you and didn’t take the ☠️ I believe there are two types of people who still say the government is acting in our best interests. There are those in denial who don’t want to face up to the fact that they were duped. The those who were so brainwashed washed that they still believe anything the government tells me. Experience with my own family and friends is that they don’t want to listen to the truth. When I speak to them it all goes over their heads and they just want me to shut up. Incidentally all my longterm friends have deserted me. They couldn’t deal with a ‘conspiracy theorist’.

My husband who has cancer had 💉💉AZ and is vaccine injured after the second shot. I believe that everyone should make their own decisions on what they put in their body. I told my husband to delay having the jabs until we had more data. I said it wouldn’t stop him having the jabs later on if he so wished. He didn’t listen to me and is now suffering the consequences. He bitterly regrets having the jabs but of course there is no going back. He now views covid, lockdowns, masks etc as a complete scam. Nothing to do with health and all about control of the masses.

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I don't know how they hate the government and call them corrupt but roll up their sleeves.

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I hear your frustration Abi. 😒 I don't get why a large portion of the population just shrug their shoulders at the gravity of what happened. People just don't care about the sanctity of a human life. No surprise when a child in the womb can be extinguished in an instant and that's been going on for decades. I don't swear very often but people like Oakeshott are fuckwits! Oh and I loved the casual lob of a hand grenade at the end Abi - oh by the way I'll be on Mark Steyn......Whaaaat!!!!! 😍 So bloody excited!!!! 😊

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Some people live in their own little world. My stepdaughter who is 38 years has had 5 jabs! She doesn’t do any research and is totally oblivious to all that is going on around her. I’ve given up trying to explain things to her, she is just not interested. So many 🐑 doing whatever they are told. The explanation given to me was that many people are natural rule followers, however crazy those rules might be. These people want to conform and be part of the crowd, virtual signalling. The rest of us question everything and don’t blindly follow bad rules or laws whatever the consequences. We fall into one or other group regardless of sex, age or education. I believe that to be true.

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Sorry for such a long post guys, but I just wanted to put about Tony xx

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