Abi you are a very empathetic person who feels very deeply not only for yourself but on behalf of others which is very honourable but can be a heavy cross to bear. It's ok if you read a book even after finding out the author is not the kind of person you could ever endorse. It's ok to watch Wimbledon (how else can we cheer on the hero Novak Djokovic! It's ok to watch England play football, it may even restore some national pride. It's ok to listen to musicians who took vaccines themselves and wanted to get back to playing live shows. Back in 2022 we were told there would be a new normal, with mandates, digital ID passes and such which threatened to segregate us. They did not win. Why should we separate ourselves from things we once loved and bring us joy? People made a lot of wrong judgement calls. I'm not talking about the politicians and bastards in high places that knew exactly what they were inflicting on others. Some may never apologise. I wouldn't want you to deny yourself things that bring joy. You can only feel how you feel and I have much respect for that. Maybe cut yourself some slack now and again xx

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I was at parents in law at the weekend for 65th wedding anniversary. The dreadful phrase "during the pandemic" was uttered. It always feels like a punch in the face. It reinforces a lie and builds a false history. Only 6 of us there (plus 2 dogs) and I'm the only one who's awake (mind you dogs understand the basics very well so who knows). I managed a "oh, was there a pandemic, I must have missed it". What I really feel like doing is locking them in the room until I've convinced them that they've been had (not good I know). We then moved on to climate change - it was the Guardian versus me. Brainwashed people everywhere you go - it's a terrible thing to witness. They tolerate me and we're all still very close but I know many aren't so lucky. What a heinous crime they have committed - like someone else said above, I hope and pray to see justice in my lifetime.

I watched Wimbledon with amazement that they performed that sickening standing ovation for AZ and have apparently forgotten all about it! It's full of the rubbish and the bad in establishment signalling clothes hoping to be filmed by the BBC. It will never be the same but it's worth it to see Novax taking the piss out of them both on and off court. I don't think we have to deny ourselves things we previously enjoyed whether it be tennis or football - God knows it's hard enough navigating the daily BS we are exposed to without going completely mad.

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I feel your pain. I’m at work and the same bullshitters are having time off work after testing positive! They will be having the rest of the week off in the lovely weather and then one of them goes to France for 3 weeks… I mean, I’m so annoyed that they can get out of work but on the other hand it’s absolute genius! 🤣 Unfortunately I’ve been spouting my thoughts all on my own the last 4 years so I have a hope in hells chance of being paid full pay and sunning myself! Agggghh, the saga continues with people abusing the narrative now. I don’t know what’s worse! 🙄

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Overheard someone in a shop yesterday saying that "x" had tested positive for covid, and I genuinely though I must have time-travelled back in time. 😂 Hard to imagine people are still falling & participating in the madness, but clearly they are. 😒

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It was definitely worse than other flu viruses though as there is so much more inflammation than any previous flu.It was the only one where I lost my proper taste and smell for over 2yrs, after I had what was going around in 2021.I think that the vaccine rollouts have caused more virulent strains of the original virus

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Of course, there is the theory, if you have ever seen Caroline Coram's work, that we are being sprayed with arsenic (along with a cocktail of heavy metals) which activated by lighting results in radiation poisoning - and that is what causes the loss of taste and smell. Who really knows what the truth is - but a possibility.

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It happened to three of us, at the same time who got a bug in July 2021.Thst is too much of a coincidence.You can't be saying that all flu doesn't exist now surely?

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Never said that. What I have put forward is an alternative reason, which is a possibility. And all possibilities and theories should be considered.

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I only watched Wimbledon to see Djokovic, what a great guy on and off the court. Yes, him taking the piss out of the crowd was a joy to watch. I watched the last three matches that England played but without any great enthusiasm. I’m a club before country person anyway.

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Me too surrounded by brain washed non thinkers, it's frustrating for sure I have a cousin who's a teacher in Birmingham & they brainwash the kids she's just as mad she would never lister to me on anything & a right bloody know it all but knows nothing, we don't talk about anything controversial as my blood pressure goes through the roof & hardly got any family left so don't wanna fall out , the latest thing she said when was talking about the big scam was " that's way above our pay scale" could have lamped her one , my other half really dislikes her , she mocked saying I'd joined a cult when I went to the truth festival I said No way your the one in a cult a Normee cult.

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It’s draining isn’t it. I do want to rise above it all but sometimes I just want to go in a room and scream! You fuckers want to shut our kids away again! You want to be told when you are ill because you don’t have a brain cell amongst you to tell you otherwise 🙄🙄

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Ello Abi! I completely take all your points! My big piont, clumsily made, was driven by a nervousness that we might end up rejecting books because the authors are on a different planet. I think Dreher’s book does what it aimed at (wokery) in its first edition and context (2020) tolerably well (see my later comments on last nights pod). I wasn’t aware of the new edition which shows, alongside his ongoing support for the Covid narrative that the good stuff in the original book came from those he interviewed rather than Dreher’s own thinking. Dreher’s own thinking, I completely agree, is hopeless to say the least. He didn’t learn key lessons from those he interviewed. You are completely right that he was unable to see totalitarianism right in front of his face. I don’t think Dreher himself is anything like a reliable guide and that is established by looking at all of his writings. He is part of the blind conservatives movement as I commented later on. I should have been clearer, I think he wrote some true things in that book so take what is useful, but that’s not an endorsement of his thinking overall. The “collage of ideas” point, which should have been made with a better metaphor to capture the weight of the issues, simply says someone might say something useful in the midst of wrong thinking. I am left wondering why and how an interesting book on totalitarianism was written by a man who can’t see what he called us all to see. I’ve just picked up my 2020 copy and I think part of the issue is hidden in plain sight. It’s all on wokery and never mentions the UN, WHO, or the WEF or CIA or the USA and its unflinching support of Israel. So his focus was on the designated Overton window topics. As far as I know he was never accused of conspiracy theories. He wrote a safe establishment book.

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I had the same bubble bursting moment with Jordan Peterson with his "Just take the damn shot" moment.

He retracted later especially when none of the tyranny went away after taking it. "You fucking leave me alone!"

He knew he made a mistake but sorry mate its not good enough.

This guy wrote the introduction to the standard edition of The Gulag Archipelago that's available in waterstones and Smiths etc today.

How did I spot it and he didn't?

That's intellectuals for you though I'm afraid.

All brains, no bollocks.

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Great pod Abi , so happy you enjoyed the Russian lesson , you have made me want to start German lessons again I remember how great it was when I could remember a word im deutsch I did 2 years in night classes really enjoyed it , to learn words I'd have them written on me arm & hands so whilst at work could try to remember them, (I am a slow learner ) have a lovely day xx

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Wow.I have tremendous respect for anyone who is fluent in a foreign language, especially one like Russian!

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So glad that you are enjoying your Russian class Abi, it will be something lovely to look forward to each week and keep the brain cells working!

Researching into Rod Dreher leaves me feeling queasy too. The deeper I dig the worse it gets, a celebration cake with a syringe on top, how fucking deranged is that. Dreher wasn’t sure about supporting the Canadian truckers, well that finished it for me.

On a similar note I read an article by Dr Thomas Binder this week, he called Malhotra “a total idiot at best, a severe criminal at worst”. That take on Malhotra by Dr Binder was a pleasant change from the endless number of people on Twitter who call Malhotra a hero.

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