Poor Tom, I hope they throw the case out of court next week. His mum must be exhausted fending all this off. Sunak is pure evil. Also saw a video of Nichola Sturgeon getting grilled today at the COVID enquiry, oh please stop with the fake tears, it's really quite pathetic

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Krankie, Handycock and Johnson are as fake as their tears. If their lives depended on thinking of others and being truthful, there isn't much doubt in my mind they'd all breathe no more.

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Sturgeon said that she regretted not locking down sooner😳

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Sunak reminds me of the bloke I'm buying a shed from - all promises and no delivery, and you can't get a refund.

On a cheerful note, I've just moved to Suffolk and it warmed me cockles guvnor that a lady in a small, local shop is really switched on and we swapped London protest experiences. We spoke without lowering our voices, which was good for me, as I love to watch middle class, eco twats, squirm, when they're outside their natural environment.

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Middle class eco twats are the worst. Loads of them around where I live. We always talk in loud voices at our local cafe in the hope one of them finally wakes up!

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Love listening to you on TNT Abi it’s a great start to the day. I was so upset and angry hearing about Tom and can’t believe this is still going on, I have had a similar experience with my son who has Cystic Fibrosis which I have spoken about in the past.

Sending lots of love to Lisa who I think about often, I hope she knows how much we care.

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Great pod .. love to Lisa as always thinking of her.

I know what you mean saying Terry is always with you .. Nick is with me every day, I have had some moments of signs from him, too many to be just a coincidence now. From lights flashing 3 times when I talk out loud to him, countless times now, to a photo I took of my house and what should be me in the reflection in the window is actually Nick’s face. People I have shown are absolutely astounded.

Can I just say the milk tray Siv moment is just superb I absolutely love his interactions on TNT with you and I am loving the radio show xx ❤️

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Did I or did not say you’d use the C word, eventually Abi?

Old wrinkly bollox here knew you wouldn’t let us down.

God bless you Abi. You brighten up my day when I see your smiling face every morning. x

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I’m surprised that it took you so long to drop the ‘C’ bomb on TNT but the use of that word could never be more appropriate than describing Tom’s treatment by the State. Many parents in a similar position have already bowed to the pressure of having their vulnerable children jabbed🥲

Great guests today Abi on TNT, I so love your show every morning and the hour goes by so quickly.

With regards to swearing in the presence of children, my grandson was told at an early age that adults swear all the time but that children must not swear. My grandson totally accepted this and never repeated any swear words that he overheard at home .... until one day when he was annoyed with his dad and called him a fucking cunt!😂😂

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The vaccines ARE safe! They safely return a massive %investment, especially for the Suenackers family et al

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Oh FFS, cut off to watch Tom's mum....in case video taken down. WTAF is happening, are we to all meekly, sheeply wander into the next disease x pen, well from my family's point if view....they best rock up mob handed cos we ain't going quietly. The sheep can be sheeple but we're going to be people. Thanks Abs, stay strong

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Thinking of you Lisa and sending lots of prayers too🙏Xx

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Thinking of you dear Lisa, sending love and prayers ❤️🙏 xxx

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Terry is out there and he guided you to those wonderful poetic passages✨

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Thinking of Lisa and sending love ❤️ xx

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Super stuff re E. E. Cummings and the poem 'I Thank You God for Most this Amazing'. Engage the Arts!

And the Saint Augustine quote:'For it is one thing to see the land of peace from a wooded ridge and another to tread the road that leads to it.'

And mention of C. S. Lewis' 'Suprised by Joy', an autobiography.

Thanks a lot for this Meaningful Wednesday pod, Abi.

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