Apr 26, 2023·edited Apr 26, 2023

I do believe that some folk would go stand in the garden shed if it was the latest trend to follow.

When I saw all the I stand with Ukraine popping up, my first thought was they’ll be down faster than a prossies knickers if the U.K. government announced were joining the war.

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Apr 26, 2023·edited Apr 26, 2023

Hi Abi, thanks so much for reading this out. Very powerful. I have just posted a link to this podcast on EDAU's substack. Hope this generates new subscribers for both of you. Love to all ❤️

Edit: just saw your comment there too x

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Wow Anna.... That poem💔

Thankyou so much for sharing it and explaining Anzac Day.


Lol jokes,

I’d rather stand on a plug!😂😂

He will end up having a stint on gb spews, loads of interviews, a tour, oh and a book!

His worshippers are out in force.. Let them get on with it.

Oh and what happened to him supposedly sueing Matt Hancock? 😂😂

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I don’t really like the term ‘hero’ as it seems to be overused. However, I have the greatest admiration for Dr Dave Cartland, Dr Sam White and many more who have spoken out, at great personal cost, about everything connected to the fake pandemic.

I laughed out loud at that monstrosity on the Kings Road when I saw the picture on Twitter, what a dreadful waste of money.

Anna of Oz, what a meaningful poem, very powerful.

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The house of cards is falling. More and more people are realising that the only true 'governance', is 'self governance'. Autonomous communities that espouse self determination is the answer to the tyranny of the collective.

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Thankyou Anna for sharing that lovely poem. It is close to the bone for me. I'm a current serving member with the ADF and the treatment of Anzac Day and our diggers during last 3 years was an utter disgrace. To have to shut ourselves away on Anzac Day when we should have been marching in our uniforms was a disgrace. Meanwhile, extinction rebellion marches were waved through by the Victorian premier. There is a definite agenda to erase the day completely. My great great uncles landed on Anzac Cove on April 25th and one never came home. Another great uncle died of his wounds in France and was only 19 years of age. I still wear my uniform with pride and have done 3 deployments overseas but I despair at what our country has become and my ancestors would be turning in their graves. Australia has lost it's DNA of old and is no longer a country I recognise. Thankyou Anna xo ❤️🙏

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What a beautiful poem Anna, often think my late grandad would be turning in his grave if he knew what had been happening this past 3 years especially what happened to my parents i remember arguing with my brother at the start of this shit show that grandad fought for us to be free.

Abi yes its totally exhausting and must admit when i was away i tried to not look at social media too much and give my PTSD brain a break.Seeing Hat mancock rear his ugly head again has made me rage,i absolutely despise that man. As for Bridgen etc what a bloody clown show.

On a lighter note George is doing my head in he thinks he is R Kelly and keeps pissing over my poodle🤦‍♀️looks like he is going to have dem balls removed i cant have my poodle wet and smelling of piss🤯

Hope everyone is ok.....Lisa

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Dear Abi, Dear Anna,

Thank you both so much for elevating the poem. When I wrote it, it was if I was posessed. I haven't written poetry in decades and it look me about 20 seconds to write. After I put it on the page, I didn't change a word. Abi, you read it with so much passion. I'm tired of this shit too.

I could not be a poet, so I became what I do in my day job. In my 'night job' here on Substack I write about how the government is trying to kill us.

Love, ExcessDeathsAU

link to poem: https://vicparkpetition.substack.com/p/its-the-lies

Level 4 bioweapons lab in Melbourne: https://vicparkpetition.substack.com/p/australias-gain-of-function-research

Australia's vaccine contracts: https://vicparkpetition.substack.com/p/australias-vaccine-contracts-updated

Jab deployment in a covid-zero population (injuries 24x all other vaccines): https://vicparkpetition.substack.com/p/the-worlds-eyes-are-on-western-australia

Letter to unjabbed heroes: https://vicparkpetition.substack.com/p/to-my-unjabbed-heroes

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As soon as you said its 2023, I knew you would follow with 'and we're still in the shitshow 🤪

Hope you enjoy your new Reginald 😊 i had the dentist today as well, and funnily enough started to tiptoe with him abt fluoride and root canals, as I'm already down that rabbit hole 🕳and it's very dark 🙄😒 the crap that's in our bodies is not good, they've been making us sick in so many ways for years, ching ching big pharma!!!

You guys are all bang on about Bridgen, not sure what else I can add, other than the whole thing stinks!!!

I'm so drained and sick of all this shit I really am 😭😭 it is genocide, end of!

My mum spoke to an elderly friend today who had tried to call to book her booster but she couldn't get through, my mum said she wasn't having any more as she didn't think it was that safe, the lady replied that she didn't know anyone that had any problems, I said to mum she needs to say the trouble is people aren't connecting it to any health issues or death, or are in denial, or I don't know, just plain fucking stupid now 🤷

Thank you Anna, that was a wonderful poem ❤️ sending love and prayers to you down under, I adore Australia, its always felt like my 2nd home in my heart, even though I haven't been back for 20 years now, still feels like yesterday. It has.devastated me what you have had to go through over there 💔😢😡

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One jab pushing bitch who seems to escape you is that Dr Sarah Jarvis from my neck of the woods, Herefordshire. She proudly kept her family at bay during the run up to plan B over Christmas in 2021. And what about that Naked Scientist dude who so calmly proclaims, we had no information and had to lock down in the early days! Whatever you think of Andrew Brigen, Talk TV sees Robbie Williams, no sex please to GBN harry& Megan more Newsworthy. We are fucked as a Nation!

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Enjoy all of these, but this one in particular.

And I'm sure the ghost of Dan Tays enjoyed it, also. :)

Many thanks for your constant willingness to call out BS wherever it is found.

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Abi nails it yet again ❤️

Thank you Anna in Oz - so powerful and moving 🙏

Psalm 83 13-18 :

“Make them like tumble-weed,O my God

Like chaff before the wind.

As fire consumes the forest

or a flame sets the mountsins ablaze,

So pursue them with your tempest

And terrify them with your storm.

Cover their faces with shame

So that men will seek your name, O Lord.

May they ever be ashamed and


Let them know that you, whose name is

the Lord -

That you alone are the Most High over

all the earth. “

Love to all the Ab Fam far and wide 💕

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Amazing poem. Had me in tears xx

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Thank you Anna that was so moving. I lived in Australia for 30 years and my adult kids still do, so Anzac Day still holds a special place in my heart. I remember living near an army camp and hearing The Last Post at dawn. Lest We Forget.

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Abi it’s her liver that isn’t working properly when you go yellow.

Many moons ago when I had pneumonia I started going into organ failure and I went as yellow as a banana skin, even the whites of my eyes turned yellow.

The sister who incidentally looked after me wonderfully explained every to my husband, my blood placelets had crashed through the floor.

They decided to give me a blood transfusion but my veins were close to collapsing as my blood pressure had plummeted to 85 over 46.

They were ready to take me to the icu when I got up and went to the toilet for a tinkle, an hour later the worst had past and here I am alive and well.

Apparently all the doctors said I was a walking miracle, when I had my check up x Ray and it was clear the doctors said he’d never seen anything like it, they didn’t expect me to survive never mind recover.

I had a one and two year old at the time so I was determined that I wasn’t dying.

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Apr 27, 2023·edited Apr 28, 2023

Hi Abi ☺️ I am in Perth now day one of the new adventure

What a treat to listen to you this morning before I start looking for a place to live

I am in a motel now and will keep you updated

Everyone listening here I say a big warm hello and wish you all a wonderful week

fear is their luche

don't give the cunts yours

Much love 💕



I just heard the Anzac poem Anna sent you I truly felt so strong I will never comply


my children and those with good hearts are my motivation to never give up

I was down but fuck me I am back and champing at the bit to stand my ground

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