Jul 3Liked by Abi Roberts

Father Alexander 🥺

I loved all that you read out especially the Lilly and the bumblebee 🐝.

I took it to mean that they are both as important as each other.

Regarding the dining table, me and the children were always at the table for every meal time.

When they’d come back from school, it was uniform off and at the table for homework.

I miss those days so much.

When I lived at home, we’d say this,”please may I leave the table?”

Surely, I can’t be the only one? 😬🤣

Refreshingly relaxing pod this evening and greatly needed.

Much love to all 💙

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Jul 3Liked by Abi Roberts

We always asked to leave the table and then usually would have a massive fight over who was washing up, who was drying and who was putting away 😩 When both my kids were at home we always had tea at the table and discussed their day at school.

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Jul 3Liked by Abi Roberts

I too was brought up to ask to leave the dining table 😊

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Jul 3Liked by Abi Roberts

Me too

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When i was a child i remember, Thank you God for a very good meal and please may i leave the table.

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Jul 3Liked by Abi Roberts

Lovely Meaningful Wednesday, it did exactly as it says on the tin. After a heavy week so far, a timeline cleanse of beautiful poetry and Father Aleksandr readings, read beautifully even if you said so yourself 😂 I will have to listen to The Lilly and the Bee again before commenting but it was charming and Father Aleksandrs words and thoughts are so very moving x

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Jul 3Liked by Abi Roberts

Great pod! I am thrilled you read out some of David's book, he will be delighted. That poem, gosh I had forgotten about that. How beautiful. I may have to read the book again and I hope you enjoy the rest of it 🥰

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Jul 3Liked by Abi Roberts

Wow, very powerful readings. I have listened to the pod twice, it was that good.

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Invigorating. Thank you, Abi.

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Jul 3Liked by Abi Roberts

This was fantastic. I'll be looking to order this book as soon as the podcast is finished

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There is no democracy, it’s an illusion, I despair. After 4 July we will be living under a dictatorship.

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Jul 3Liked by Abi Roberts

Sadly it's not an election, it's a batton handover. The puppets have the same masters.

As Mark Twain said "if voting made any difference they wouldn't let us do it".

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And the people are going to get the batton up the ass no matter who is in power. It's just with the right(tm) they put a bit of lube on it.

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And if we don't vote, they also win. You know what they don't want when the masters employ the dark arts against the competition.

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I’m fortunate to live rural - lots of walking helps take the mind off the BS.

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Jul 3Liked by Abi Roberts

I live in the Kent countryside but no amount of walking will take my mind off the tyrannical government that we will be facing after 4 July.

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Yes, I fear with (probably) the next government dictating planning, at the expense of local decisions, even more of the countryside will be concreted over. I don't know why we can hear propaganda such as 'we need to build more houses' then look around at the massive building programme and just know we are being had, whilst others will seem surprised when the countryside is lost.

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Cheer up! At least you're not Australian.

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I agree, dark times ahead

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Been off soshal meja for a couple of years now. I’m super observant of the screen starers everywhere I go. Couples out for meals not talking but fixated on their dog n bones - shameful. If only we could go back to the rave era….life seemed simpler then!

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Well Macca, I was a disco boy myself and wasn't even into punk. You see I'll admit to anything, within reason. I saw a couple the other night, in a Chinese restaurant, permanently on the mobile. At least he put his down to eat whereas she shovelled the food in with one hand and kept the other on her phone. I wonder if she follows that pattern when they go to bed. Still one hand's better than none.

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Democracy, like the jury system, is far from perfect. But where it is usurped and corrupted, eventually there may be a non violent change, if enough people are allowed access to the truth. And that's coming from me, a naturally realistic, some would say pessimistic, person. Anyone who has ever experienced the machinations of being on any board, or committee, will know there is a lot of hard work involved in breaking the status quo. However with a vote, a brain and the ability to speak honestly, in the face of vested interests, people can be awoken to a better, if not ideal, alternative.

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Got to get me some of Fathers A’s writings. Are they translated?

Colossians 2:9 came to mind which says this of Jesus, “For in him the whole fullness of deity dwells bodily,”. That there is the mystery and energy of Christianity.

In Christ, through his humanity —his birth, death, resurrection and ascension— we are reconciled, by faith, to the unchanging, self-sufficient, God of light and life and love, who is the inexhaustible fountain of light and life and love for us.

One day faith will give way to sight when our humanity is fulfilled as we gaze on the Glory of the Father in the Son by the Spirit.

The promise of that beatific vision drives the Christian on.

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What a wonderfully inspiring pod. Thank you

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