Sep 20, 2023·edited Sep 20, 2023

It’s a constant treadmill of shit that never stops turning, I learnt a long time ago to zone out and ignore all the white noise we’re bombarded with.

One of the best ways to gauge what is going on is to watch the news with the sound turned off, body language is a big giveaway. Also instead of you mind being distracted with the drivel they love spouting it picks up the news stories they like to bury and flash quickly along the bottom of the screen, your brain will pick up these that the presenters never say a dickie bird about.

On the plus side today my daughter got herself a little job while she’s still at school at McDonald’s.

I took her for her interview at 8 this morning and they emailed to confirm she’d got it by 2.30.

Think she must have thrown the manager a loop when she asked my daughter who her idol was. Nat answered that it was Sam her brother, because he’s just good at everything as he can be, I thought it was sweet her to bring him up as a role model.

Probably wasn’t the answer the manager was expecting from a 17yr old in the world of tik tok Kardshashians and influencers.

Have to say she looked lovely as well, she bought herself a smart leather jacket off of vinted a couple of months ago for £3, we picked her up a sort of short tartan skirt and a ribbed black jumper last night in Asda.

She looked youthful but so classy and smart even with her doc boots on, made me realise she’s coming into her own as a very attractive young woman who shall be turning a lot of heads.

Not sure if I’m ready for her to be grown up yet though.

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I’m rolling a joint whilst listening this evening 😩

Mr J has dedicated his life the last few years trying to talk to people, I do too but he is hard core. He is having great chats with a guy at work who is fast asleep but interested in what he has to say and likes debating him on how wrong he is but he’s def been doing a bit of research and asking questions (he’s still pushing back) but Mr J said he IS going to crack 😂

My Dad loved that piece of music.

Hope everybody is good. Right, off to smoke that bad boy. Xx

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In the bath with the Abi pod always around midnight 😉. I enjoyed that it’s taken my brain to another level meaningful Wednesday x

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I’m in bed alone listening on my iPad. I have taken my CBD oil in the hope that it will help me sleep after your pod!

Our government and the globalists are drunk on power. The Online Safety Bill will take away our freedom of speech. A prison sentence for speaking out against the government’s narrative on any subject 🤷‍♀️

Artur was found guilty and sentenced to 60 days in prison which was computed to time served.

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Wonderfully reminiscent of my Sunday school days; I await the second coming with bated breath. I see exactly where you're coming from on the likes of Buxton, Campbell et al. and when speaking to the unenlightened I really feel like calling them a bunch of, idiot, brainwashed cunts. However, a good proportion of those people will need to be convinced by 'experts' for Neil's, peaceful, revolution to be achieved. Tongue, ever so slightly, in cheek but I do need some facts, even from those who might not have been as sceptical as myself from the beginning. Maybe they saw an opportunity for monetising the covid mess, or maybe they were institutionally blinded to reality. It's certainly hard to differentiate with all the turbo psyops at play - but this old doubter is willing to give them a chance at redemption.

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Im listening to u lying in bed in the dark chuckling to myself.

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talking of small acts and hand sanitiser: my husband who gives blood regularly was refused entry to the blood bank if he didn't apply hand sanitiser. So he informed the nurse that it was harmful and pointless - argued for a bit - then left. He wrote to the blooduk or whatever it is telling them what happened and they apologised and said it won't happen again. They really need his blood type too (although we both realise it probably is used for nefarious purposes and they definitely have his DNA etc...). So he is looking forward to going back to the same place. IT means hopefully that it won't happen to others and that the nurses will learn they do not have this 'power' over people even if they have been led to think they do.

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Love listening to Abi daily whilst doing the dishes first thing in the morning, sets me up for the day , sometimes it carrys onto a dog walk however if I see my little old neighbour with her yorkshire terrier I turn the volume down as I know she doesn't like swearing.🤣

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How have I never heard that Strauss before?! Tingles from head to toe.

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The Strauss is sublime. It has lifted me out of a few dark pits. Would love to hear you sing one of the four last songs Abi. Even just a few bars. Go on, you know you want to…

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I’m re-listening now on Thursday afternoon…

I usually listen first when I’m in bed and put lights out …

Not always a good decision as you often make me laugh …

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The thing is that I see bullshit every where now. It's impossible to not see. And what's really difficult is to accept that the majority of sheeple I'm surrounded by, at work and home, are thoroughly convinced the bullshit is gold . My way of late is to try not to rant at them but to just sglhrug and inject one tiny fact into the chat in the hope that they may think critically for just a second. Small steps 👍

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"I play my voice, darling." 😆

Brilliant intro with Margret Thatcher and Princess Diana popping in! Just fab!

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Ps It was SNAP that sang The Power

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🎵 Power to all our friends to the music that never ends, to the people we want to be, baby power to you and me 🎶

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Abi, I thought of you last weekend. Was in Bristol and visited the Cathedral there. There was this exhibition on slavery inside the Cathedral, rainbow hard hats lying about... but what really did it was when my other half (bloke) came out of the toilet, livid... they'd put these tampons and sanitary pads in the gents with the message 'if you are on your period, etc'... in a Cathedral, in the gents! And, to add insult to the injury there was less choice of said products in the Ladies 😅

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