When you read that Adam had foiled their plans by tipping his drink away, I shouted,”Yes Adam, you show those evil bastards!”

I am beyond horrified that they did this heinous act , I hope their conscience eats away at them until they face what’s coming to them.

Thats if they have a conscience.

Pure evil 💔

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Wow! This is insane. Poor ‘Adam’.

Sasha Latypova reports that all vaccines contain triggers for anaphylaxis and therefore the point about “no immediate side effects” is irrelevant.

I have been up north for a few days with work and went to visit my elderly relative while I was there. It took her 10 mins to get to the door with her frame. She has a tumour behind her eye, she has gained a lot of weight (thyroid apparently), she was wearing two jumpers and had the heating on full and a blanket because she was cold. I sat down with her and she showed me her legs. Both were red raw and swollen with cellulitis, all the skin had come off. She asked me to read the label on her pack of tablets (doxycycline) and asked me if she was due one. She said she was on a cocktail of medicines but nothing was working and they keep asking her if she has allergies. Her whole body is covered in hives/red itchy spots. She is terrified of going into hospital so she takes what she’s given in the hope it makes her better. They asked if she’d ever had a blood clot in her leg. The Doctor is too busy to come out and the surgery asked her to take her own blood pressure and call in the results. She can barely see or walk. She has no idea what they put on her legs. They told her she needs to soak them every day but she can’t get up the stairs and is 57th in the queue for a stair lift. She tried carers coming in for a month but she’s been by herself for 40 years and the intrusion into her privacy was too much. I didn’t want to leave her. I hate these cunts.

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Absolutely shocking!I have 4 elderly friends with some of those symptoms.Luckily they have family close by to help. They are still all in denial that the new ailments are due to the vaccines!Many doctors (One I work for) have all just taken early retirement and are staying quiet😡🤮

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Oh Shouty. That’s so heartbreaking, bless her, what a sin. The ‘Sasha’ pod was excellent, she’s so matter of fact, no shits given xx

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A lady I know was just diagnosed with breast cancer. She looked fine a few weeks ago and now looks like she has been fighting it for a year.

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Same. My friend is having an op to remove his bowel cancer today 😢

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The treatment of your relative is disgusting. No one should be living like this in their later years because of medical negligence.

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Adam, just like Tom, where’s the outrage?

These horrific crimes have no place in society and nobody seems to give a shit. It doesn’t matter if it’s 2021 or 2024 or 1939, it’s barbaric. It doesn’t matter if there was a virus present, it’s barbaric. It doesn’t matter if the person is ‘special needs’ or not, it’s barbaric. Hearing Bev talk about it like a weather report and cutting Steven Jackson off left me furious. God bless Adam, Tom, the others and their poor parents 🙏

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I hope Tom’s case will set a precedent for other parents who have children with disabilities. Unfortunately for Adam care homes seem to be a law unto themselves. How anyone can forcibly inject someone with a disability against their wishes is beyond me. Bev Turner will only go so far on this issue, keeping her job at GB News is more important to her.

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OMG poor Adam. Hard to believe. Makes me want to puke. The evil is still here. Over the top - no way. God bless you for your passion and truth Abs

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If we're threatened with anymore lockdowns and mandates or if Keir Stalin puts up business rates.... surely it's time for businesses to stand up!?The hospitality industry should be banning all civil servants from their premises.Jeremy Clarkson has let it be known that Starmer is not allowed in his pub👍

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Your words are true.

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Adam's story is terrible and is happening all the time.Why is Adam in a home?How do we know exactly what happened if the mother wasn't there?Lawyers are having a field day and I don't trust all crowd funders I'm afraid

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