Great pod Abs ❤️.. pleased you’ve reconnected to speaking Russian and like you when I’m in France I start thinking in French 😊 it’s absolutely bizarre. A few years ago a French taxi driver told Nick he was lucky to have me purely based on me having a conversation with him in French 😂. It became a bit of a joke that I speak fluent French 🇫🇷.. I can assure you I don’t. Have a great evening with Francis xx

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Jul 18Liked by Abi Roberts

America was the last country to lift travel restrictions for the unvaccinated. Trump would have wanted to kickstart the economy so he would have been at the forefront of lifting restrictions.

I have great affection and admiration for Pawlowski, a true Christian. Canada wants to remove Christianity, we must fight on.

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Jul 18Liked by Abi Roberts

The long silence to answer the door was hilarious. I started to think you'd opened the package and forgotten you were doing a podcast!

The video of that awesome priest ordering the nazis out of his church is truly epic - what a hero.

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Yes, I did wonder if Abi had forgotten that we were all hanging on for 4 mins!

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Sorry, Jan. Forgive me the 4 minute hiatus X

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Jul 18Liked by Abi Roberts

My Nespresso machine is an important part of my life so I completely understand 😂

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Jul 18Liked by Abi Roberts


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Nespresso or Gaggia.?.. I wouldn't break your balls over this Rod Dreher debacle. I had a similar epiphany with some of my well respected Authors: Irvine Welsh, to name but one, and as you mentioned; Peterson; Murray [such a twat].!! but, thinking logically: The Arts, Humanities, painters, Authors, and, unfortunately, English literature, [books, and song writers, poets, etc], are mostly, with a few exceptions, generally leftists; Guardianistas, Radio 4 listeners, Labour voters/socialists/Marxists [??].

I mean look at the embarrassment and humiliation that most Actors, Muso Heads and BBC types caused us, [we stupidly thought of them as sympathetic compatriots ??] It was always about Virtue signalling with other members of the Tribe; and getting the muzzles on and the sleeves rolled up {look them in the eyes... etc.]

So Easy to lose faith in humanity; when all you've got are these assholes in your face, courtesy of the MEDIA..!! We're not safe 'till everyone's had five Booosters. So not really surprised all these Art-EEsts got jabbed up; and told us we were scumbags if we refused.!!

Remember when we really weren't supposed to listen to Michael Jackson songs, after the 'court case'; or watch Woody Allen films; or Roman Polanski movies..?

Not condoning anything these characters have done or been accused of, but some of the work they've done is almost immaculate, fantastic, awe inspiring. I don't care about their personal lives [the Law or Karma should take care of that ??]..

And, aren't we all flawed and imperfect, anyway.

As for Irvine fucking Welsh, well, I've almost forgiven him. Who knows, maybe he's learned something over the last few years. I'm not holding my breath, but ......

Trainspotting. Anyone !!? .... Choose Life !!

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Lavazza a Modo Mio Jolie + milk frother. It's my lifeline in the mornings otherwise I'm a fucking zombie.

I suppose my biggest soul-fuck with Dreher in particular is that he's a conservative Christian who writes so passionately and concisely about totalitarianism and how Christians gathered together as the antidote to the tyranny in various places, and yet he didn't see that the very basic tenets of Christianity were trampled on and crushed for four years (and counting). His call for a federal law mandating vaccines in 2015 also blew my fucking mind.

As I have said, Christ would not have shut the hospitals or churches, he would have walked amongst people telling them to be unafraid.

Most of the Christian right, with the exception of truly brave men like Artur Pawlowski, were nowhere to be seen during or in the aftermath of the barbaric inhumanity that came out of the Godless, Branch Covidian megalomania. And it still continues of course.

Of course we are all flawed and imperfect because we are human beings, but I believe that, as hard as it often is, it is our moral duty - Christian or not - to raise our voices high when our time comes, and stand up against the insidious brutality of the soulless state.

As someone who is obsessed with music, I listen to all genres of music (including Michael Jackson) I watch fewer films mainly due to time – btw I adore the earlier Woody Allen movies. I'm reading more thanks to Meaningful Wednesday. I also have quiet times when it's just silent prayer for a few minutes.

As Forrest Gump said: "That's all I have to say, about that."

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Your thoughts are my thoughts babe xx

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Jul 18Liked by Abi Roberts

I would love to know how many celebrities that promoted the jabs actually got vaccinated. I bet many of them took the money to push the jabs but didn’t fancy the poison for themselves. Some would have fallen for it of course.

I watched a film on Amazon the other night with Ben Affleck. I immediately thought about his stance on Covid but I decided to put those thoughts aside and watch the film in isolation. If I monitored every film and bands for the jab pushers there would not be much to view or listen to.

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deletedJul 18
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Grace, my thoughts entirely on Rod Dreher. Dreher’s views are so deeply entrenched that I don’t believe he is even thinking about rehabilitation.

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Great pod grotbags

“There’s somebody at the door

There’s somebody at the door”


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She totally did an Anna Brees 😩

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After the last 4 years it's so worrying that the Australian swimming team turned up in Paris this year, wearing masks!!!

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Shocking They are trying to ustify the government's evil behaviour over the last 4yrs.I can't get over how the evil, serving the ignorant, got away with not allowing people to get the fresh salty sea air on beaches during a 'flu pandemic'!Utterly disgusting 😡

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We know that lockdowns, social distancing and masks were all only introduced to make people fearful in order to take a dangerous new vaccineHowever,it's not helpful that many of the alternative media are also saying virulent flus don't exist.They do.

I've noticed that the majority of people are still ignorant to basic hygiene rules.Why are they not washing hands and not using a hanky when sneezing on buses or at the supermarket? Maybe it's because they've had the vax and think they're immune to everything or is it because they think that viruses don't exist?

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There’s no excuse for bad hygiene or lack of common sense but after reading so many ‘health’ books and attending talks over the last 4 years I am pretty much convinced there’s no such thing as viruses (certainly not in the way we’ve been told). I have a nursing background so I had to (and still am) unlearning a lot of things. I don’t always shout my mouth off about this as I what do any of us know for certain?

When the ‘vaccines’ came out I had been ill for most my adult life, at times very seriously ill. I was immuno-compromised, suffered unbearable pain, was taking shitloads of toxic prescription meds including chemotherapy, high dose steroids etc at one point I was prescribed and was taking 32 tablets a day. I had done everything the Dr’s had told me for years but something about this ‘rollout’ told me this injection would not be good for me let alone anyone else. I was one of the first to be offered it. No Dr could answer my queries and they seemed annoyed that someone would ask questions. The coercion for the immunosuppressed was off the charts. My reluctance, then refusal led to fall outs with friends and family members. I went on my own health journey which led me to reaching out to Dr Sam White (the first GP to stand up against all the nonsense) He had been studying functional medicine prior to his leaving the NHS. With his help I got off all my meds and now only take supplements. I have never been so well in my life…..it has been miraculous. So it has made me look into all sorts of health rabbit holes, viruses being a bit part of that. I started off with the book ‘What Really Makes You Ill’ by David Parker and Dawn Lester, I highly recommend it. I was only a few pages in and thought, well this makes sense.

Subsequently, those who told me I would die and chose to vilify me for my choices have been very very quiet, silent in fact on my non jab taking, my survival through the ‘pandemic’ or recent return to good health. I thank God everyday that Mr J supported me and that him and our 2 young adult children followed my lead 🙏

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I agree with a lot of what you're saying Jules, but there are viruses.I'm fighting one at the moment with powdered vitamin C, vitamin D&K2 and magnesium.Feeling a lot better in just 3 days with added natural sunshine...Phew.My symptoms were tight chest, tickly cough, blocked sinuses and diarrhoea.Clodagh had it first and got over it in 3 days due to Clive de Carle supplements and good food.

During covid years, I also was supposedly immune compromised due to having had breast cancer in 2012, so was offered vax at the beginning of rollout.I had my left breast off(I wear a prosthetic bust in bra) I went through chemo, radiotherapy and was then on 10yrs of Tamoxifen which I finished in January 2023.I was only texted twice by my doctor for mRNA jab so was very lucky.My Nottingham surgery is very busy and the doctors obviously have more morals.It's a very ethnically diverse place anyway and most of the Indian and Pakistani communities refused the jab too.There haven't been any questions by my nice Hong Kong Chinese female doctor since.

I am with you on the healthy eating, no meds lifestyle too.I didn't even have any problems during my chemo as I was eating lots of superfoods like Asparagus, broccoli, eggs and fish.I am now only on Clive de Carle's supplements which have really helped and I only eat good quality homemade fresh food or go to the occasional fine dining restaurant.I do like a drink, but only quality wine, beer and the odd gin, whisky or brandy😃.

It's great that you too are off any pharma meds.Clive's supplements seem to be wonder drugs and I only got into them since last year after coming off Tamoxifen. Maybe my "covid variant " in 2021 was made worse being on Tamoxifen or having been through chemo in 2013....I'll never know.So glad that you're doing well now Jules❤️😎🙏Xx

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Wow Catherine, that’s quite some journey too! What I’m trying to say is, what’s to say that your symptoms right now aren’t just your body detoxing and nothing else?….just a natural thing that happens to us from time to time to have a good clear out of toxins that build up over time and that the people we live with, their bodies recognise this and it kick starts them into a detox. We might never catch things from other people so to speak. We are all probably meant to have natural seasonal detox’s which over the years have been labelled seasonal flu’s/viruses etc I certainly don’t have all the answers, I’ve got plenty questions though 🤣 it’s just a theory but then so is germ theory, that we have been led to believe is fact. I absolutely kick myself that I didn’t do my own research before ‘covid’ and did everything I was told by my Drs for years, which seemed to keep me in a spiral of medical interventions and ill health. I would highly recommend the book if you’ve not read it already and would love to know your thoughts. Congrats on your recovery Catherine and hope you and Clodagh feel better soon. Xx

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