Oh Catherine. Iā€™m so sorry about what happened to your dad. What have we become as a society? Please tell your dad he is a star and he deserves so much more than that. ā¤ļø Totally agree with Abi that we will never ever forget.

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Thank you so much for your kind words Ginny x

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Catherine . I am so sorry . How are you and your amazing Dad now ? I do hope he is feeling a little brighter and, should he still wish to volunteer, that there is an organisation worthy of him.

What an amazing man in so many ways not least for not being jabbed . Hats off to you both. Please send him my love šŸ’–šŸ’–

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Heather thank you so much for your lovely comments, Dad has been pretty despondent since his volunteer interview but heā€™s an amazing man with a great sense of humour but when things like this happen itā€™s bound to knock his confidence. Thanks again x

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Your dad is a shining light amidst their carnage. A Hero and a true Gentleman ā¤ļøšŸ•Æ

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This is truly despicable for Catherine's Dad. Not just for him, but for the patients in the hospice. I listened to something today on UK Column I think about how we must not forget what has happened to people. The deaths, the loneliness, the way people were treated in lockdowns. Not being able to see their frail relative in a care home, or a sick or dying relative in hospital and the young not being able to have a life etc. Listening to this has brought it back to me. The patients in the hospice most likely could not care less whether someone is jabbed. This is denying much needed help and company for these people as well as for Catherine's Dad. It's funny because today I started to search myself for volunteering roles in my locality. I don't have enough hours of paid work at the moment and want to be busier and do something useful. Will I be turned down because I am not jabbed? When the time comes all the people at these places need to be held to account. They are just as liable and evil as HM Govt with their ridiculous callous policies.

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Thank you Suzy, I suspect youā€™re right about the patients in the hospice they probably wouldnā€™t care if my Dad has been jabbed or not! Thank you for your comments it is appreciated x

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Exactly Suzyv, the last thing on the minds of the patients in the hospice would be if a volunteer wasšŸ’‰šŸ’‰šŸ’‰šŸ’‰ That hospice has thrown away the chance for their patients to have a top notch volunteer in Catherineā€™s dad. Yes, the government, medics and the institutions are all responsible for this debacle.

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A deep one today Abi, thatā€™s a good thing. We need time to reflect, get angry and then laugh and cry about this whole shit show. Love the people on this Substack, lots of support for each other. ā¤ļø

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Thankyou Abi,

Much needed and so very appreciated.

Hope you and everyone here is ok?

Catherine, Iā€™m so upset for your darling dad, you tell him from me that he is truly appreciated for all the volunteering he has done and that he is a true hero.

What a beautiful human he is too Catherine.

Just so wrong , I hope he is feeling a little brighter, bless him.

No wonder you are angryšŸ’”šŸ’”šŸ’”

Death has no dominion, never heard this before , it is lovely and thought provoking so again, thankyou Abi for that.

Loved the schniffer of the Fanny today, top notch as always, the photo of the wig made me laugh too.

Thanks again and love to all

Cheerio šŸ’•

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Trudi I really do appreciate your thoughtful comments especially as you have so much to deal with yourself. My Dad really is one in a million and I am so lucky to have him. Hope youā€™re ok Trudi, thinking of you x

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Iā€™m okay thanks Catherine, thankyou for asking.

I think we all echo Abiā€™s words regarding your wonderful dad, bless himšŸ’™šŸ’™šŸ„ŗ

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Trudi, the short poem that Abi read out was so lovely x

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Catherine my heart goes out to your dear dad, such heartless treatment to a man with such a kind soul. Absolutely awful.

Trudi my thoughts are with you today, much love to you.

Abi, thank you for the the wonderful Dylan Thomas poem. I found it very comforting and as always thank you for being you, such a joy to listen to you, you lifted my spirits enormously today.

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Thank you for your kind words Wendy x

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Dear Trudi , you and your beautiful boy are in my thoughts today especially šŸ™šŸ™

Love and hugs ā¤ļøšŸŒ¹ā¤ļøšŸŒ¹ā¤ļø

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Thanks Heather, so many dates, birthdays etc are coming up. I canā€™t escape itšŸ„ŗ

Iā€™m feeling much better than I did this morning šŸ’Ŗ.

Hope youā€™re ok too šŸ’–šŸ’•

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Yes I remembered Benjamins birthday is towards the end of this month but did not know about today. Amazing you ā¤ļø

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Catherine,so sorry about your Dad,he sounds like a lovely lovely man,bless himā¤ļø the bastards........another heartbreaking covid story. What the fuck has happened to people?!? šŸ¤¬

Trudi,my husband signed a txt to me today with Mr Jules....you have invented a character after all šŸ˜‚šŸ‘ hope u are getting thru the day. It mustā€™ve been a horrendous time for u and all those restrictions to add to it all....we will never ever forget what they have done. šŸ˜”šŸ„²

The Dylan Thomas piece was beautiful Abi,how brave of u to read it. ā¤ļø love to you too xx

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Mr Jules has now reached legendary statusšŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ˜Š

I had my tears this morning and I also gave myself a pep talk, I showered and got all my washing done.

Spent the rest of the day with the radio on and chilling out, so feeling much better thanks šŸ’Ŗ


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Mr Jules is a legend and heā€™s very funny,so I am truly blessed,couldnā€™t have got thru this without the laughs! There must be something in the air as I too woke up teary,Mr Jules gave me a pep talk,then sent a lovely txt later on (the Mr Jules one). Itā€™s was a beautiful day here for once,amazing what that can do for the mood,scorching hot,not a cloud.....had the afternoon to myself in the garden listening to James Delingpole and smoked a cheeky wee cigarette,bliss,so the day turned I out no bad after all šŸ˜‚ glad youā€™re feeling better Trudi xx

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Thank you Jules for supporting my lovely Dad, your comments are appreciated x

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Beautiful . Really appreciated you sharing such a sacred memory with the beautiful Dylan Thomas poem šŸ™

Thank you Abi ā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļø

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Love you Abi Woberts! My pronouns are F R O if anyone asks! ā¤ļøā¤ļø

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Abi lovely Abi, you have so much compassion for everyone and I believe itā€™s because youā€™ve been through so much yourself. Thank you for reading my email today Iā€™m late catching up with the podcast as my youngest son was taken in to hospital today, Alex has Cystic Fibrosis which is a chronic lung disease heā€™s not very well at all at the moment but hopefully they will clear the blockage in his lungs and he will be home in a couple of weeks.

I am determined to stay positive and to laugh as often as possible despite everything else thatā€™s going on.

Lots of love to all the substack family youā€™re all amazing. x

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Catherine, I wish the very best for you, your dad and your son Alex. I hope Alex will be back home with you soon x

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Thank you so much Jan, so kind of you x

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Iā€™m a day late listening to Meaningful Wednesday. I love it when you say ā€œdonā€™t trust anyone who doesnā€™t swearā€šŸ˜‚You can definitely trust me AbišŸ˜‚

What a beautiful letter from Catherine, it made me cry. No wonder the hospice is crying out for help with that attitude. I feel so sad for Catherineā€™s dad, 92 years and with so much to give but forced out by covid mania. Your dad sounds like a very interesting guy who would be a joy to spend time with.

A lovely poem that Trudi shared. As you say Abi, they can take everything away from us but cannot take what is in our hearts or our minds.

Loved Fanny yesterday. Keep them coming Abi x

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I've been on my hols, so listening to this on 16th August.

I can totally understand Catherine's anger over the treatment of her dad. What is wrong with people? I read somewhere recently that vaccinated and unvaccinated should be treated the same now. I suppose it should go without saying that everyone should have had their decisions to be jabbed or not respected all along, but for christ's sake, covid is a cold, A COLD! And I'm sure Catherine's dad would have it in him to stay home if he felt poorly. What has the world come to? That hospice have lost the experience, skills and talents of a altruistic, caring man and they should be ashamed that they have treated him in such an abominable way.

Another good listen Abi. Belated thanks xx

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Very powerful. Thank you for your kindness and love. We will win. Itā€™s inevitable when evil faces love, truth and lack of fear.

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We will get there in the end Abi. So sorry to hear about your dad Catherine, he sounds wonderful. There must be some places that don't expect you to be jabbed. What a crazy upside down world!

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Thank you so much for your lovely comments, I think you could be right about Dad giving his time to animals thatā€™s a much better idea! x

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