Thoughts and prayers mean bugger all to all these wonderful people who have had their lives wiped out. Enough is enough now. People have had enough

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We have had enough so true x

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💯 Thoughts, prayers and cellophane flowers .

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Thoughtful one today Abi. You kept me company on my drive to Cornwall 😊💙

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Lovely to think of you listening while driving to a beautiful sandy beach! X

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And after a great evening with Dick and the Worcester mob last night Abi :). Nice start to my hols 🍻😊👍x

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Love the psalm and loved the parables. I remember walking head up shoulders back with a smile and no mask into shops - people looked at me in astonishment and some literally jumped out of my way. So bizarre when you look back. I was never challenged but I was ready for them. The Nottingham murders have literally tipped me over, I honestly have no words. Enjoy the sunshine everyone it’s just glorious x

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I live in Nottingham and I really don't think that the tragic student stabbings had anything to do with the other tragic death and major incident in the early hours of last Tuesday.The students were in a very dodgy part of town where there are crack dens, prostitution and plenty of the abandoned mentally ill .The rotten Labour council have now allowed the building of hundreds of smart new student flats in an area that has been going downhill fast, since evil Tony Blair got into power in 1997.!We have lots of drugs and mental illness living alongside students unfortunately.Nobody knows who that killer was but they arrested a West African man for the other crimes.

I think the media are really going to town on these latest incidents because they will say the people wamt and need digital ID's ....

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Great pod beautiful words makes you think about the words .... just got to be the best we can & kind to other people x I hate what the politicians have done to our country Blair opened the flood gates & the other PMs havnt been much better, I was called names for complaining as couls see the bigger picture , now its just sheer madness what they are doing with all the boat landings whilst unelected people put them in 4 star hotels and our taxes pay for this Farage says millions upon millions are traveling through Europe heading here, they were all mocking David Ike unfortunately a lot of what he has said has come true,

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Loved this Abi, thank you ❤️

Just back from unspoiled Greece - scenically as beautiful and unchanged as ever 💛

Belated birthday wishes - the greatest set of photos to warm the soul on a return to this place. As you say the majority still asleep - full on biometric passport checks - not a human in sight . I was asked why i was conplaining when it sppeded things up so much…


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Great PC Abs, specially the parables 👌 So nice of you to read them out. Your spot on him being a Realist, he wasn't one to sugar coat. Maybe he should be on curriculum, to teach the kidz life isn't allways a bed of Roses, then again maybe not 😁

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Alain de Botton wrote quite a few books on digestable philosophy Abi, could it be him you were thinking of? I know exactly what you mean about Nottingham, it's so bleak on the back of so much bleakness it's just incredibly hard to go there. I felt revulsion when I saw the tv coverage of the Vigil, it's thoughts and prayers on steroids and it helps no one. Well maybe it does temporarily hold the grieving up but all the column inches quickly become chip wrappers and the carnival moves on leaving gaping holes still needing to be filled. My philosophical quote is fridge magnet sized. "Barn's burn't down, now I can see the moon." Masahide.

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P.S thanks for mentioning Pat Condell who I will be checking out he sounds like an interesting individual who has the balls to speak out on the terrorism of islam

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Hi Abs, very good philosophical pod tonight I’m as sickened as you by the islamification of Britain and the Western World! It makes me angry when I see those innocent faces that have been taken by this evil islamic terririst! People need to start waking up to this and not react in a passive way because more innocent lives will be slain unless people start to rise up and protect their communities I pray that day will come soon🙏 I’ve done a lot of research of this topic over the last few years particularly since last year and a few people you might be interested in listening to Is David Wood and Robert Spencer these two are experts at Islam and how evil and violent it is they point out all of these things in their very enlightening show called this week in Jihad check it out👍🏻

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Thanks Abi.

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Klarstein Silent Storm

Is also a quite fan, has a silent mode (speed 0.5) for slight breeze goes up to speed 26

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Good morning ABI 😊

I can recommend a brilliant philosophy

That is also funny really funny

Calvin and Hobbes

Be safe everyone

It riles them to believe

That you perceive

The web they weave

Keep on thinking free

Moody blues

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Jun 14, 2023
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So true.They want us scared of other people so that they can bring in digital ID's

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