
Bob’s carton certainly caused a stir and really rattled Julia HB😂 Abi, you did a brilliant noise to represent the hairy growler😂

The Wall of Hearts is all about propaganda. During covid only one doctor instead of two was required to sign death certificates and no autopsies were done. Covid was written on death certificates regardless of the real cause of death. The LFT and PCR tests were not fit for purpose. If you died of cancer, a heart attack or in a road accident but tested positive for covid then that was put on your death certificate. All done to falsify the numbers.

Lovely poem and music although I prefer the Tom Petty version x

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Bob's cartoon.

Ruffled fkn feathers, for sure.

All the right feathers, to be fair.


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Bob’s cartoon has won the internet... The end!

I stand in my truth and I’ve posted JHB video, with her saying that she approved the need for the first LD and supported the government.

Also Bridgen pushing the boosters and voting for LD in 2021. And No.... I’ll never back down.!!

Poor Alf aged 83, gone too soon... 🫣🫢 I don’t think I’ve ever written that about Benjamin and he was 25 !

I’ve seen Bob’s replies to spewer, crikey, he’s on the bloody ball 👏👏👏

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Because we are way past the point of talking; because everything is a lie and to talk about the lies is just to repeat them; because all who strut upon the stage are mere players; and because most who pretend to an uncompromising commitment to truth still need and desire access to the players and apparatus of the corrupt edifice to produce their product, Bob Moran’s cartoons get closer to truth than just about anything else coming out of the truth industry.

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I’ve been following the twatter fallout all day! Usual suspects sticking up for each other! Running very scared now, Bob’s cartoon is bloody fantastic and 💯 correct 👍🏻 let’s keep hounding the bastards

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Bob's definitely getting to them, fantastic!

My dad has had to put his little dog to sleep today,, 6 yrs old, tumours everywhere. Dad's waiting on X ray results for suspected cancer. No one, I mean NO ONE, can convince me it's not linked to the house full of jabs.

Brilliant song. You have a gorgeous voice Abi. My dad always says it's a tragedy my voice is so shit as I know every word to every Sinatra, Simone and Fitzgerald!

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Apr 5, 2023·edited Apr 5, 2023

"One of us campaigned against lockdowns, school closures, vaccine mandates, ..." she said.

Yes, Julia - and HE lost his job!

Bullseye, Bob 🎯

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I'm speechless with these dumb shits in the public, who think COVID killed so many people. Where does one start? How can you even tell these arseholes that all these deaths were either contrived, or induced by mal-practice and mass murder from the National Hell Service.

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Twitter today was off the scale with Bob’s cartoon and 95% agreed with it.. I have flashbacks to when Nick became poorly, taken by ambulance, doors shut in my face I wasn’t allowed in. Sat outside for 5 hours at A and E by which point he had lost his speech. Admitted to high dependency not ICU, door shut in my face 2 patients with da covid (November 2022 ffsake). I knew then we were in trouble ! When we eventually got in 3 days later after a massive argument with the Ward Sister he was unconscious, drugged up with a DNR on him! The rest of his 39 days fighting for his life we man marked him 9 hours a day. We did shifts we had no faith in the drs/nurses, literally like a Mafia family, the nurses hated it. Day 14 he rallied , my daughter walked in on her father sat naked crying they had no gowns! Jesus she screamed at the nurses get my Dad a gown I will dress him. I can’t forgive that he was a proud super father and prominent businessman and left to sit naked and crying . He died on day 39 they had no surgeon available Friday night. I will never forgive the NHS. The daily battles in hospital we had due to lack of care has left us all traumatised. I tried to save him that’s all I can say. God bless you Abi ❤️ x Suzanne

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👏👏👏👏🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 I don't normally comment while still listening to the pod but had to!. Having a fab time listening Abi .. 😂😂😂😂 .. "Fartly Spewer"... 😂👍... btw... I recognized her and the other ahole immediately in Bob's cartoon. That cartoon is off the charts EPIC! It has ruffled a few feathers on twatter hasn't it. I smell panic. Even the ones coming to her rescue on twatter have to have had a laugh at that cartoon. Hey.. has anybody come to Piers rescue? 🤔 I haven't seen any. I believe they've ALL been ORDERED to come to her rescue on there. Bloody obvious. Laurence Fox was a big disappointment when he defended her. Honestly wtaf.

Thanks and well done Abi... g'nite and love to all the lovely peeps here


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What a day!!! Woke up to a msg from one of my sons his best friends dad had a heart attack last night.Apparently he was using some gym equipment in the garage and his heart started to beat really fast he collapsed and luckily my sons best friend (his son) was still at home he was supposed to be meeting my son but was running a bit late thank goodness he was, as he did CPR on his dad (breaking some ribs in the process) and managed to save his life.My son went to the hospital to help support his mate and his family...Thank goodness he will be ok🙏🏻

I spent today having reiki, a psychology appointment and 2 hours of rife treatment i am bloody knackered😩

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If JHB fought harder than anyone against the lockdowns and Covid policy madness, guess what? She wouldn't still have a job!!! Utter tripe! The fact that these people are willing to dismiss the untold deaths from lockdowns and the poison jab just signifies how much human life is no longer sacrosanct. It comes as no surprise though. When government policies over the last 50 years have enabled abortion on demand, euthanasia to the point of state sanctioned killing of the depressed, lonely and the elderly, and people have just accepted it, they're willing to go that bit further in forcing this poison on people because they've accepted everything that came before it, apart from those who fought hard against them from the get go. It was always going to come to this unfortunately. Give it 5 years and the chickens will come home to roost. I only take comfort in the fact that good will triumph over evil. God bless you Abi you are a fighter for truth and a goodness in you that radiates. 🙏 ❤️

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Isn’t it brilliant that all the faux outrage by the shills just means more publicity for Bob’s amazing artwork!

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Abi I love your delivery and content ☺️ you have a most beautiful spirit ❤️

I just woke up here in Sydney listening now with a coffee and a smile

I send you my warm greetings

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Classic pod Abi. Too many "cunts" to count in today's episode. Spot on as usual. You're a highlight in my day. We the people know the score. Democide 100%.

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Bobs cartoon is sheer divine brilliance .

Syringes for the Spewer tats 😂

cartoon questions’ in History were the only decent part of the exam - what a wealth Bobs provide , charting these despicable days. Spiritual warfare , like you say 🌟💛🙏🧡

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