Dec 14, 2022Liked by Abi Roberts

Evening all.

Abi,Mr Jules says he really wishes u wouldn’t sit on the fence so much 😜

Well done you with the boiler,you’ll be catching your own mice soon! 😩

The ebook is a beautiful thing and I’m sharing the shit out of it.

Thanks for mentioning Dr Sam....he’s an absolute hero and he seems to get forgotten about these days....he is the original ‘good doctor’, the first in the UK to speak out,long before the others and at great personal cost. He’s my Dr now and has worked wonders for me,got me off chemo drugs and steroids and on to supplements and I feel better than I’ve done in years. ❤️

Bloody love our Substack fam too Trudi.

Hang in there guys,things are happening xx

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Dr Sam is the man, must be really great to have him as your doctor Jules💖

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Dec 14, 2022Liked by Abi Roberts

Hey Abi,

So glad you managed to fix the boiler, Terry would be so proud.. 💙

It was Trauma into truth that quoted all of Bob’s quotations, he retweeted from my post earlier:

The support and love so far regarding the book has been incredible.

We have many wonderful charities nearby who provide the homeless with food, blankets, clothing, toiletries etc.

These people are humans and deserve respect as do you and I .

Malhotra..... 🤢🤮🤮

Hope everyone is okay

Gentle hugs to those who need it

Bloody love our Substack family 💖💖💖

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Hey Trudi,

It was such a bloody relief to hear the chundering radiators. Yes, my mistake, it was Trauma into Truth who shared it/Bob’s words! Both they and Kerry have Free Baby Will as their Twitter pic!! I’ll do a shout out to Trauma into Truth tomoz.


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Dec 14, 2022Liked by Abi Roberts

Had to give them a shout out, they are absolutely 💯 supportive of not only myself, but so many others including the E book contributors.

Yes, I get confused too... what a surprise, I hear you shriek!😂😂


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Dec 14, 2022Liked by Abi Roberts

Well done for fixing your boiler Abi! I would have been chuffed. I've started reading the e book, its marvelous but what a roller coaster, so much suffering. My heart goes out to everyone. Trudi, what a beautiful son you brought into the world. As a mum of two wonderful adults I cannot begin to imagine what you must go through. I wish you peace and all the love in the world. Thankyou again Abi and Bob. Love and best wishes to all.

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Hani, I’m taking the E-book slowly, it’s an absolute must read. I cried when I wrote my own testimony so I know the tears will start to fall when I read those written by other people. We have all gone through so much but have somehow survived to fight another day. Tbh SubStack has been a bit of lifeline for me, just to know that there are other people to connect with who think and feel like me💖

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It certainly is just that Jan.. a lifeline that is so appreciated 💖

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Same here Jan . I am so glad to be a part of Abi's substack family and to get to know you all. Very glad to know you are all out there. I hope we can all meet up one day. Take care x

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A moving testimony Hani. I completely agree and yes it’s like a black magic of sorts has washed over our friends and family....u see their eyes glaze over at just a simple remark regarding the madness,not a fecking clue,the lights go out or they go for you.....they are lost and sadly some forever. Hope your mum is doing ok xx

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Thanks Jules. I'll becreading more of the testimonies later today. Just got back from visiting mum. Looking much better thank goodness. As long as she remains stable without the oxygen, she can come home tomorrow! X

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I read your testimony Jan🥰 none of the book was an easy read. I feel a bit pathetic that I didn’t submit my story but there’s bits of it in everybody else’s. Apart from losing my Dad,the treatment from our own loved ones ,for me has been the hardest part. Hope u are doing ok. I think/hope we will all be forever connected because of Abi’s ‘little pocket of sanity’ that we have been apart of from its humble beginnings xxx

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Jules, a few people did not submit a testimony for a number of reasons. A testimony is not for everyone as writing it means you are reliving your darkest moments. Some people who are still in the process of healing don’t want to retrace their steps into the past. As you say, we can probably pick out things from all the testimonies that relate to us too. Yes, I’m sure we will forever be connected 💖

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Yes exactly that. I just felt that if i went thru it all at this time I would put myself back in terms of recovery but others have been so brave and I applaud them. Sending love to you Jan xx

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Back at you Jules💖

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Back at you Hani, I’ve not read through it properly yet. I’m mentally preparing myself 👍hope you’re ok? 💖

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A lot to process Trudi. I'm good thanks hope you are too x

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Dec 14, 2022Liked by Abi Roberts

Great podcast Abi. Love listening.

As for Malhotra, wouldn't be surprised if he announces that he's going into politics. He's basically shown himself to be a person who loves the corrupt money and fame, so he'll fit in just nicely with the other c###s!

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Ain’t that the truth 👍

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Just so Anna

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Thank you Abi! 🙏 loved this! X

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Dec 14, 2022Liked by Abi Roberts

Loved the DH Lawrence 👍💙

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Abi read it wonderfully!

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Dec 14, 2022Liked by Abi Roberts

Abi once read a story about the frost in a garden where children played. I can’t recall what it was called, but she read it so eloquently and made the story magical.

Please Abi, read that again.👍🥰

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Dec 14, 2022Liked by Abi Roberts

It featured a giant I think👍💖

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The Selfish Giant by Oscar Wilde. I’ll read it next week. 🙏

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Dec 14, 2022Liked by Abi Roberts


I was greeting too as I read it.

How many men are you stalking exactly Jules? I’m telling Bob!!!

Love you pair , as in Mr and Mrs Jules 👍😉💖

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Dec 14, 2022Liked by Abi Roberts

Evening Jules and Mr Jules 🥰

Dr Sam sounds bloody marvellous, so chuffed he’s helped you Jules.

Those words both Abi and Bob wrote in the E book took my breath away...


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Thanks Trudi,I love Sam just about as much as I love BOB 😂 yes meant to say Abi and Bobs’s forewords were very moving....’I had a fair wee greet’ reading the book this morning.......love that you are up first! You are a superstar. Loved the DH Lawrence too.....I’m becoming a bit more cultured listening to Abi and the Delingpole 😀

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Trudi, yes the forewords to the E-book by Abi and Bob were just perfect x

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Good job with the boiler Abi, your skills have no bounds! Nothing worse than a boiler going on the blink when it is -5c. I bought a small Warmool ceramic heater just in case the boiler gives up on me. It uses very little electricity and heats a room up really fast.

The government is turning a blind eye to our homeless. Yes, the churches should open their doors to the homeless, set up soup kitchens and get clothing and blankets for these people. The church should truly make itself part of the community.

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I forgot to mention Lumi, bless him. I hope he joins the Substack family 👍💙

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