What a moving podcast tonight Abi.

My love goes to J,Brian, Alex and of course the beautiful Lisa.

Thankyou all for contributing tonight.

Iā€™m overwhelmed with anger, frustration, heartache and utter sadness.

I hate this world šŸ’”šŸ˜ž


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I feel for Lisa, Alex and others in this family of kind spirited, pissed off, individuals. We know that failure to comply, and accept rules, made by entitled, selfish, delusional mini Hancocks, will probably result in costing us dearly, in many ways - yet we know it's right to make a stand. When the bastards are getting us down, Abi is a breath of fresh, sweary, tuneful, cultured, air.

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Brian, those of us who called out the bs have paid the price in many ways, but we are true to ourselves, will never be slaves and will be on the right side of history. It was all worth it for me.

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An emotional pod with beautifully read poems. Love to Brian,Alex and Lisa...thanks for sharing. Hang in there everyone xx

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A very emotional podcast, but even so made me feel a little bit less alone on this rollercoaster of a journey, we are all on ,

Work with vulnerable adults, and Iā€™ve been standing up alone ,against the care services, still out here , speaking up , and being treated rubbish and ignored , but I have a thick skin and wonā€™t back down ! Auntie in hospital tonight, again ,with heart problems, since one AstraZeneca jab šŸ’”

Sending Love to Brian , Alex and Lisa ,

And Thankyou ABi for keeping me sane in a world of Cnuts

Beautiful poems and beautiful piece of music , xx

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Jo, the podcast makes me both laugh and cry. The sense of family here is great and I donā€™t feel that I am now fighting this alone.

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Huge respect to you Jo for standing up and I hope your Auntie improves. šŸ’–

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Beautiful poems and some amazing and sad stories. Alex what a truly wonderful nurse you are. Lisa, we are all thinking of you, keep fightingšŸ’–

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A very moving and emotional podcast tonight Abi, Brian, Alex and Lisa, thank you for sharing your personal stories with us, and the beautiful poems, sending ā¤ļø to you all

Lisa, so sorry for what you are going through, we all send you every ounce of our positive energy, keep going my darling šŸ’– xx

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As always a brilliant pod tonight, beautiful poems beautifully read. Thinking of you Lisa x

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Thanks for reading those absolutely gorgeous poems so beautifully Abi. I feel ever so slightly less alone. God bless you, and all the gang here. xx

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Just wanted to send Lisa my very best wishes (and Alex and Brian too). Such heartfelt podā™„ļø Thank you Abi and allāœØ

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Profound . Moving. Beautiful.

Thank you.

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Another top podder, Abi. Many thanks. Mark

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God bless your darling heart Lisa. Listening to Alex and Lisa's story, even though heartbreaking, is something we can all relate to. In the deafening silence of lockdowns, and yes it was an eerily quiet time in the streets, there were those suffering with us from the isolation and heartbreak of losing loved ones at that time and losing precious time with our elderly parents and families. The stories bring Abi's substack family together knowing we weren't so alone after all. But the damage is done. šŸ˜Ŗ

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That was very powerful listening to those messages tonight. No words. Amazing Abi x ā­ļø

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Oh, the names you mention....

Hope at some point you get to meet Julie Dee (Mother of Hope).

Two talented women with no bu11shit attached.

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Agreed, Julie is lovely and her writing is off the charts šŸŒŸ

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It really is, Trudi.

She's been a beacon for the last three years. The first account to follow me on Twitter.

A real account and a real person. Fully plugged into what's going on.

Many thanks for your reply. Best. Mark

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Iā€™ve just subscribed to Julieā€™s SubStack. Thank you Mark.

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Hope Abi won't mind a bit of a plug for MOH.

Okay, it's a week 'out of date'.

But if you're a woman, you might find something in this


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You're a star, Julie.

Your writing has been an inspiration and a source of positivity for a lot of people - including me.

Keep going and ignore the haters.

I'd like to see Abi have you on her poddy. I think it would be a fab listen.



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Make it happen, Abi

Julie has a huge following. And she's always on the money.

It would be a brilliant listen.

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Very moving podcast Abi. So heartbreaking listening to these stories. Sending you so much love Lisa ā¤ļø such beautiful poems too!. Love to listen to Mozart and Bach but sometimes only Beethoven will do. Take care and love to all x

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Thanks ABI. Time you Gals took control. All o the current fcukups are 100% caused by males.

Come on Ladies! https://andybunting.substack.com/p/earth-mother

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