Something has changed with you lately Abi . I sense a more heartfelt and subtle approach to , well , everything we are having to live through . Your trip to Capetown May have helped . Your humanity shows through more than your ( understandable) anger .

You are a real warrior whilst opening your heart with softness . Will meet you sometime , somewhere . Enjoy your weekend with Jules.

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But you always make me laugh Abi...no mean feat!

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Rosemary was coerced to take a noxious potion because it was 'good' for her by the same inescapable web of characters..it could make one feel paranoid 😀

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Another great POD Aby. Totally agree about voting. Am politically homeless. Idiots in work still think Labour are doing a fabulous job. There's no point getting into it. The very fact they are voting for cuts to disabled benefits is totally wrong and that councils can get compulsory purchase orders to take land from our farmers. It's falling apart quickly.

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