So angry today with all the Malhotra fawning (a fair bit of it by himself). Stepping on to the red carpet like he’s a fucking film star 🤢 ‘oh but he’s doing something now’ oh that’s ok then, let’s not worry about all the people who took his uneducated advice and took the jabs on his say so. Where have these people been the last 4 yrs? They don’t seem to get even the basics of what was done to us all let alone the severity and sadly most still have their heads in the sand. It’s the lack of empathy that kills me. People really don’t give a shit unless something happens to them.

Lovely letters and such heartbreaking stories, a painful listen. The vaccine compensation scheme is an absolute pisstake….no wonder people take their own lives being left to suffer like they have been. Trudi will vouch for this I think, the suicide figures will have been massively suppressed, they were not just from vaccine injuries, they were from lockdowns, divorces, businesses failing, relationships ending, loneliness etc etc we both know of people who’s suicide was labelled as a covid death 🤬 If the vaccine injured are ‘lucky’ enough to get the ‘award’ I always think of Alex Mitchell, it wouldn’t even cover the cost of modifying his home for an amputee let alone the pain, misery, ongoing health issues and loss of earnings, it’s a fucking disgrace. I remember friends and family looking at me blankly in 2021 when I told them that the pharmaceutical companies had no indemnity if something goes wrong. Poor John Cross, it’s a fucking sin.

Trying to lighten my mood with sausage memes but bored of that already 😩

Thank goodness Abi Daily and the fam, it’s pretty much kept my sanity intact over the last few years just knowing you are here. Much love to you all xx

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Sep 27·edited Sep 27Liked by Abi Roberts

Imagine if you were a genuine medical person, who had 'woken' up. You'd surely be remorseful for the rest of your life, and spend your time trying to put right your share in the wrongs. The fact that he doesn't tells you all you need to know. He is not genuine, he is not remorseful, he is controlled opps, full of ego and his own self 'importance'.

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Yep all that.

I asked two girls in the office with young kids if they could name a single ingredient in the flu spray. “No” came the response and they giggled. Two minutes later one was on the phone to the GP to get her 2 year old booked in for the mist. I could cry. I do cry for those little ones.

Jules, whether it’s next week or next year I’ll always have time for a natter if you need to offload 😘

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It must be soul destroying listening to that at work. It’s painful and surreal.

Thanks so much Shouty, I’m ok, it’s my own fault, spent too much time on Twatter today. My sister took my mum abroad for her first holiday since my Dad died, but she had a fall in the hotel, she’s ok but spent the last 4 days in a wheelchair. She only told me today now she’s back, her knees are black and blue bless her. Hope you and yours are ok and hanging in there. Defo speak soon xx

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Sep 26Liked by Abi Roberts


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Everything you say about Malhotra and the ongoing massive impact of the fake pandemic resonates. Will these bastards ever be brought to justice? I have my doubts. It must be a nightmare for the vaccine injured struggling day by day.

Much love to you Jules xx🤗❤️

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Honestly Jan, if he was chocolate he’d eat himself! That smarmy face on him 🤢 and the old but ‘he’s changed his mind now’ brigade on Twitter drive me nuts 🤣 I try not to think too much about about the bastards not being brought to justice, I can’t bear it. Much love to you too Jan, hope you and Pool Boy doing ok xx

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Sep 26Liked by Abi Roberts

Yes, Malhotra is truly in love with himself and the celebrity image he has created. All those people who fawn over him make me sick. Some time ago now Dr Cartland told Malhotra that an apology from him for promoting the jabs would mean a lot to the vaccine injured. No apology ever happened of course from Malhotra or the odious Bridgen. Some days I spend too much time on Twitter and it doesn’t do me any good.

Thanks for asking about the Pool Boy, he has been poorly for a while. After 4 weeks he eventually got a GP appointment and is now being fast tracked to see if his cancer has returned. We will know the outcome later next week after an exploratory operation 😘

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Sep 26Liked by Abi Roberts

Correct. I did explain my stance on Malhotra ages ago when he was sticking up for him and that was exactly my words about an apology, as Abi said he should be on his knees and never stop saying how sorry he is, Bridgen too. What a shitshow.

So sorry about Pool Boy, will keep everything crossed and say prayers for a good outcome xx

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Sep 26Liked by Abi Roberts

Thank you so much Jules 🤗❤️

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Mark Steyn’s letter 😔💔

I read about John Cross’s suicide the other day.

Absolutely devastating for his family and to them, I send my love and strength.


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Abi . What a lovely heartfelt podcast . You are a warrior in the best way . We are not finished with this bollocks I fear and people need to speak out . Thank you for putting yourself out there in the shitshow we are living through . We WILL get there . X

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Thank you for talking about Ed ❤️. Beautiful boy.

You know Helen and I go back a long way from school in the early 60s, our grandparents knew each other as did our parents. She is such a good person, I am so proud of her yesterday she stood and delivered so beautifully the poem “If” by Rudyard Kipling. Quite profound especially the last line ..

Wnenever I see her which is only 3 or 4 times a year we always laugh about the dinner parties our parents had in the 70s. I know you remember them well with your own parents all sat chatting and laughing “round a table”. Short or long would be the question for ladies in what to wear 😊 .. those were good days.

Would love to see your Southampton night if anyone records it. Xx ❤️

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Love you Trev, you’re a good un 💙

Wow Mark, that poem was magnificent 💙

Abi, with the world’s most annoying water bottle, ffs, put it in a glass 😂😂

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So we have a vax damage scheme for a safe and effective experimental gene therapy for a rebranded flu in which injuries that are so debilitating that they lead to suicide do not meet the criteria for payment. Yes, it's most definitely the hole not the doughnut. I'm furious and astonished that they're getting away with it - what in the name of God is wrong with people. WHEN they launch the next plandemic with even greater levels of coercion any lingering doubts that this whole thing isn't the implemenation of the depopulation agenda will disappear.

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I used to watch the Mark Steyn Show some time ago, always found him a sharp and witty man, it's hard to believe he fell for the nonsense. Then of course he was thrown under the bus by GB News for giving the jab damaged a voice 🤬

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Mark Steyn said that he had 2 jabs to enable him to fly to Canada to see someone who is very important to him. Dreadful that this resulted in 2 heart attacks for Mark and ongoing health problems. He never believed in the jabs.

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Listening late on Saturday. Much love to the Jules mum.

Suzanne 🙏 just so sad.

Love to all the Abi family. Lovely Jules big hugs.

Hi Jan too. Always looking out for me with good words. 😘

Have a good weekend all.x

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I can't believe Mark Oakford has gone soft and started writing poems. I'll have to have a word 😂

That would be awesome, some kind of mass distribution of Abi's book.

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Dear The Egg,

Quiet and thoughtful doesn't equate to soft, I assure thee 🙏😊

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💙🙏💙 Edward 💙💔💙

Suzanne, please send my love to his family😔💙

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Bless you Trudi love you xx ❤️

You know what the police said to her, it’s not uncommon with men this age. I’m not sure that was helpful when it’s your child x

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Wtf? That’s disgusting 🤢

South Yorkshire Police were just as bad, but that’s another story.

Much love to you all 💖

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