That was a beautiful end to the year Abi ❤️. Merry Christmas everyone I hope Santa is very kind to you all this year after all we have been quite good 😉. Love to all Suzanne xx
Guess this time of year is so poignant and painful,given our happier times when younger, when all we knew and loved could gather round the table or tree.
Very natural thing to compare and contrast , the media phoniness and gloopy sentiment makes decent ,hurting people gag.
We rest up simply because we are meant to give thanks, be grateful and see how privileged weve been. And still are.
A baby boy was born, He changed the world and still does. Which is why they want " the reason for the season" gone, unmentioned in the public square,even the lack of His name on cards.
However bad it is, it's not what He got. And He's alive. And will be judging those we loath, as much as showing grace and mercy to those who know who He is, and why He came to earth .
Dark thoughts do come in the night. My anxious teenage daughters, who come in to our room to see us with their worries at midnight, often need reminding that invasive thoughts are more likely at night and also our brains are less likely to have the mental resources to handle them alone.
I went through a period of panic attacks at night. Couldn’t get enough light and oxygen, felt like I had clingfilm over my face. Awful feeling. A pastor’s wife I know told me to stick on some comedy when it happened. She told me that laughing had been shown in studies to interrupt the panic attack. It worked. I still put stand up or a panel show on in the middle of the night.
On the comedy at night thing: a combination of a mind that won’t switch off, nervous energy and darkness is a recipe for panic attack. Comedy engages the mind, transporting you into different worlds and releases the energy into something life affirming. That’s what I’ve found anyway. It does mean that when my wife stirs at night and says ‘why are you laughing? go to sleep’, I say ‘I’m having a panic attack’.
Abi has been the, much needed, conduit for us to express our thoughts and it has been so good to know there are others who speak up against the state sponsored, BBC propelled, propaganda. Most people who believe this shit have no sense of humour and get their kicks out of controlling other people. Just seeing the monica 'ShoutyMum' makes me chuckle. So cheers to being irreverent, pains in the arse to the little Hitlers who hide behind beaurocracy. Fuck 'em, and their protocols, - that's my Christmas message.
What a lovely last pod to end the year, thank you so much for taking the time to read and look at the pictures in my email. Those pictures are really special to us and captured mums Last Christmas which have helped me greatly with her loss. My hubbie did well to get all 15 of us in that picture the plates are Cornish ware ( which used to be produced where my grandma and grandad lived in Church Gresley. Mum in the wheelchair was at the crematorium on Christmas day taking some flowers for my dad. I think the drink in the picture was my daughters, my mum was having her horlicks before bed on Christmas eve along with her rich tea fingers which she loved to dunk and feed the dogs( this was before we had George) I had mums Christmas pyjamas made into bears for myself and my children for us to all treasure. I hope that everyone manages to find some peace at this very difficult time and Abi that you manage to switch off and recharge it sounds like you need it.....Much love Lisa 🎄🙏🏻xxxxx
Thank You Abi for giving us your time and love over the year. This is a special place with very special people. Wishing you all peace and happiness. Be seeing year xx ❤️
Cheery pod Abs. Great to hear you've flopped out of the spin cycle in good form and ready for 2024. We"ve all been there this year. Just a small request, if you decide to have a holiday during the break take notes, your holiday escapades are bloody hilerious and a joy to listen to xxx. Bill
Going to drive to work today (Friday) and listen to some old podcasts on here as I’m a latecomer to the Abi Daily.
I listened to Ricky Jervais Armageddon over the break, what a bloody mistake that was! His pandemic/virus/climate talks made me nauseous and he will never be silenced because he goes with the narrative- Ricky you absolute coward!!!!!!!!! I watched you, cringing at your attempt to be funny on matters that should have been avoided if you can’t bring yourself to say the right thing. You chose your side - we see you
Bob’s new cartoon is amazing, I love the Murray/Peterson sketch, it really made me laugh.
I remember your pod Abi after you had met your estranged Dad in London and how well it all went. So sad that he hasn’t seen fit to see it through and be a real part of your life going forward. As you say, we cannot choose our relatives xx
Thanks for all the pods that have cheered us up , thanks to everyone in here for just, well being there.
Wishing you all a merry Christmas and see you in 2024 .
Much love 🎄🎄🎄💙💙💙🎄🎄🎄
That was a beautiful end to the year Abi ❤️. Merry Christmas everyone I hope Santa is very kind to you all this year after all we have been quite good 😉. Love to all Suzanne xx
Guess this time of year is so poignant and painful,given our happier times when younger, when all we knew and loved could gather round the table or tree.
Very natural thing to compare and contrast , the media phoniness and gloopy sentiment makes decent ,hurting people gag.
We rest up simply because we are meant to give thanks, be grateful and see how privileged weve been. And still are.
A baby boy was born, He changed the world and still does. Which is why they want " the reason for the season" gone, unmentioned in the public square,even the lack of His name on cards.
However bad it is, it's not what He got. And He's alive. And will be judging those we loath, as much as showing grace and mercy to those who know who He is, and why He came to earth .
John 3:16-21.
Dark thoughts do come in the night. My anxious teenage daughters, who come in to our room to see us with their worries at midnight, often need reminding that invasive thoughts are more likely at night and also our brains are less likely to have the mental resources to handle them alone.
I went through a period of panic attacks at night. Couldn’t get enough light and oxygen, felt like I had clingfilm over my face. Awful feeling. A pastor’s wife I know told me to stick on some comedy when it happened. She told me that laughing had been shown in studies to interrupt the panic attack. It worked. I still put stand up or a panel show on in the middle of the night.
Minds and bodies! Complex things!
Have a great break Abi.
She’s a sweetie.
On the comedy at night thing: a combination of a mind that won’t switch off, nervous energy and darkness is a recipe for panic attack. Comedy engages the mind, transporting you into different worlds and releases the energy into something life affirming. That’s what I’ve found anyway. It does mean that when my wife stirs at night and says ‘why are you laughing? go to sleep’, I say ‘I’m having a panic attack’.
Abi has been the, much needed, conduit for us to express our thoughts and it has been so good to know there are others who speak up against the state sponsored, BBC propelled, propaganda. Most people who believe this shit have no sense of humour and get their kicks out of controlling other people. Just seeing the monica 'ShoutyMum' makes me chuckle. So cheers to being irreverent, pains in the arse to the little Hitlers who hide behind beaurocracy. Fuck 'em, and their protocols, - that's my Christmas message.
What a lovely last pod to end the year, thank you so much for taking the time to read and look at the pictures in my email. Those pictures are really special to us and captured mums Last Christmas which have helped me greatly with her loss. My hubbie did well to get all 15 of us in that picture the plates are Cornish ware ( which used to be produced where my grandma and grandad lived in Church Gresley. Mum in the wheelchair was at the crematorium on Christmas day taking some flowers for my dad. I think the drink in the picture was my daughters, my mum was having her horlicks before bed on Christmas eve along with her rich tea fingers which she loved to dunk and feed the dogs( this was before we had George) I had mums Christmas pyjamas made into bears for myself and my children for us to all treasure. I hope that everyone manages to find some peace at this very difficult time and Abi that you manage to switch off and recharge it sounds like you need it.....Much love Lisa 🎄🙏🏻xxxxx
Thank You Abi for giving us your time and love over the year. This is a special place with very special people. Wishing you all peace and happiness. Be seeing year xx ❤️
Maybe you could give us a whoosh! as you move into the next section 😆
Cheery pod Abs. Great to hear you've flopped out of the spin cycle in good form and ready for 2024. We"ve all been there this year. Just a small request, if you decide to have a holiday during the break take notes, your holiday escapades are bloody hilerious and a joy to listen to xxx. Bill
Just got to the Neil Oliver bit of the pod! Thanks Abi. Will check out your vids!
Ding Dong! 🔔🎶👏
Especially loved the 12" version with extended outro 😁
A beautiful pod Abi
Hope everyone had a peaceful Christmas
I always work some of it as in care work
And no it’s never the same after losing parents of any loved ones
But I keep things going for the younger generations like my mum would want
I Thankyou Abi for keeping me going and lifting the doom and gloom of the last few years
With honesty and laughter
Be seeing you ..... soon xx💕
Going to drive to work today (Friday) and listen to some old podcasts on here as I’m a latecomer to the Abi Daily.
I listened to Ricky Jervais Armageddon over the break, what a bloody mistake that was! His pandemic/virus/climate talks made me nauseous and he will never be silenced because he goes with the narrative- Ricky you absolute coward!!!!!!!!! I watched you, cringing at your attempt to be funny on matters that should have been avoided if you can’t bring yourself to say the right thing. You chose your side - we see you
This was a beautiful end to the Abi Daily podcast year.
Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas and a far better than expected 2024!
Bob’s new cartoon is amazing, I love the Murray/Peterson sketch, it really made me laugh.
I remember your pod Abi after you had met your estranged Dad in London and how well it all went. So sad that he hasn’t seen fit to see it through and be a real part of your life going forward. As you say, we cannot choose our relatives xx
👏🏻👏🏻will definitely see you in April Lisa xx
What’s happening in April?
My sister and I are coming to the Madeline Bell concert at Cadogan Hall in April and then, hopefully to the after party.Yippee😃🎊❤️
Great.So looking forward to it and also the after party, if it's going ahead😃🎊🥂👌
Would love to come when is it ? Xx