Hi Abi with regards to the trans issue, it seems Eddie Izard/Suzi is hoping to be the next first trans MP for Brighton. He's getting slaughtered on X and hopefully the good people of Brighton will bin him off. I hadn't realised that he now calls himself Suzi after his dead girlfriend which is totally weird and creepy

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Hahahahaa Bungle Zippy and George I actually laughed out loud xx

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Love your opening band Abi!!! 😂

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Hi Abi, loved this podcast. Re Zippy and Bungle, do you remember the old perv Hartley Hare who told Popov pig to piss off live on air?

I always thought Hartley was dubbed by some pissed up and fagging it old luvvy in a 2nd hand suit with dubious stains.

Re Bridgen, yes. Re Linehan, yes with reservations. He believes in true trans and autogynephilia, ie men parading fetish in public, as long as they don't trans children and go into women's toilets.

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P.s Meant Bungle!

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🤣🤣Couldn't stop laughing about the Rainbow characters!I always loved Bungo, but you're right, he probably would have had all the jabs because he was the sensible, caring one 😃

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I agree that these blokes in frocks are absurd but what's never mentioned is why they're doing it. It can only be a degenerate fetish, nefarious intentions or severe mental sickness. Either way, I'm not comfortable with these people on the streets let alone in girls toilets and changing rooms. They need help, not encouragement.

My brother started calling himself Sarah and had his tackle lopped off. I don't need a medical qualification to tell you he's off his (fake) tits.

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The comedians Christmas party doesn’t sound very upbeat! If you go along remember not to cough or sneeze. Perhaps they will hand out lateral flow tests in a Christmas goody bag 😂

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I had a fab weekend in London. Went to an amazing gig at Wembley Arena. All trains home were cancelled Sunday, if I knew where you lived I'd have asked to bunk on your sofa! Anyways, had an extra night in a Premier Inn Hub and the pub. Happy days xx

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Never lose that wicked laugh 😆 and don't bother trying to keep the pods short, just let 'em roll 😁

The IT Crowd 👍 but we're a far crazier bunch in real life 🤪

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So sorry to hear of the death of poor Kerry Icke.

Always important to remember that you never know what others are going through..

So pick your targets carefully, if they're not overwhelmingly evil ( Harwood, Gaunt, Morgan etc).

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