That was a tough podcast today. Love to all and look after yourself too Abi 💖

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These experiences are so heartbreaking and tbh these have made me cry. I too share your anger Abi. The cruelty of the measures has really hit me. I already knew of course, but these personal accounts have made it so, so real. When Calum speaks of being alone regarding the measures and how blindly others just followed like sheep, I too felt like that and still do. I only know one other person besides my husband who is awake. I'm sending a big hug to all on here tonight. We've been put through the mill these past 24 months and I'm sad to say we've got a way to go yet. I'm so grateful for this podcast. To know there are others who see the true nature of this government and its inhumane policies helps me to keep going, but its bloody hard. So I understand that you have days where you feel down Abi. I think we all do. Its hard to get your head around the cruelty inflicted and that it was done deliberately. That's what I struggle with. But I don't want to be negative and as you say Abi, Callum gave a very defiant message. We don't have to comply and if we don't comply, they won't win. It does feel like a battle, but by supporting each other then I think we can get through this. Thank you again Abi for bringing these stories to light. It means so much xx

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Look after yourself Abi reading out these testimonies is tough on you too. Xx

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God bless you, Abi, for doing this. I am sending these podcasts to my MP so that she is reminded of the appallingly unethical, cruel, inhumane policies that this UK government inflicted on its own citizens. NEVER to be forgotten and NEVER TO BE FORGIVEN!!! I share your rage.

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Thank you for sharing my story Abi, I was brought to tears hearing the passion in your voice. I can’t thank you enough for speaking up for everyone affected by the ridiculous decisions that brought so much unnecessary pain. Much love to you, take care xx

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I wrote to my local MP regarding my son’s suicide during lockdown. He wrote back saying that Boris nearly died with covid🙄 and started going on about Ukraine!

He deliberately ignored my concerns regarding LD harms .

They are all a bunch of muppets 😊

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God Bless you Abi, your service, support and commitment to the growing minority in this country is invaluable, not to mention building up a record of personal accounts that you could perhaps represent/put forward to (if given the consent of course) at The Covid-19 Inquiry? We love you, keep the faith still and strength to battle on, because we all need you! X❤️

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