Im praying so much for Jullian tomorrow 🙏

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Email going out tonight to those who’ve bought tickets for 13th April…

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Have sent to those I know of. If you’ve bought tickets and need to know aftershow details, please email me: info@saintececile.co.uk

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Matthew can you repost your email please. I know I’m sat near the Jules I sent her my booking. Many thanks

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Yes, I knew people who enjoyed the lockdowns and did the LFT every single day. It was utter madness.

Loved both your guests on TNT today, Nick Cotton & The Dick. I met both of those lovely guys at The Keep on your birthday last year.

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I was chatting to a woman who just 'tested positive' for covid and bemoaned the fact that nobody gave us the infection numbers anymore. She used to say that anti vaxxers should be refused medical treatment. She has now moved onto fat people. She's a propaganist's wet dream but, even she, hasn't had anymore injections. That's why they WHO will probably decree the cocktail is introduced into the food chain. Hey Ho.

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Yes Brian, the globalists are bent on poisoning us one way or another, in the food chain, water supply and the chemtrails🤷‍♀️

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1 What is the LFT . i must have deliberately missed that one

2 I first became aware of the "I like lockdowns" phenominum when Nicola Charles aka the White Rabbit explained when her husband was giving out how to vote cards in Prictoria, Australia he got the feedback. "we like lockdowns". I paussed as I acklowledged that insanity. then one day I met a woman who shepishly admitted she liked lockdowns too. You see. that is humanity's greatest danger. The belief that if they do what they are told, they can go on UBI, stay away from others (be insulated) and save the planet simultaniously.

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Lateral Flow Tests that used to be free.

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On TNTradio.live there has been a fabulous explanation going about - work's coming back up, i'll take a labodomy test 8 times a day. the more positives the better. The more positives (that meant nothing because 95% were false negatives) the more i can stay at home and still get paid. System insanity. What was that best seller book about worthless jobs?

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Indeed Carol

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Hi Abi, looking forward to the pod as always.

I believe in 20 years there will be avant garde covid 'researchers' who will say that we were all actors and no one died.

Also, I believe Bridgen let slip the reason for the midazolam deaths: they had to kill the 'useless' to free up hospital beds for the anticipated covid cases based on the modelling. See 6m this video: https://rumble.com/v4e3hee-a-discussion-with-andrew-bridgen.html

People in the UK really need to see this.

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Look up the meaning of "journalist" in the Cambridge Dictionary ..... Hmm, not someone who questions but "writes news stories or articles for a newspaper or magazine or broadcasts them on radio or television" WTF. Great shows from you and Sonia. Keep on doing what you're doing. Great podcasts too. Lx

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I arranged to meet some school mum friends at a wine bar during the covid madness - you weren’t allowed to walk around without a mask on, but could remove it whilst sitting. I shit you not, one friend entered the bar, put on her mask, walked about 6 or 7 feet to our table, then removed it. Jesus wept 😭😭😭😭

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Back from the outback and ready to listen to abs.

I saw his comment about 9/11 and my Spidey sense went off

He could have said

I don't have any evidence it was an inside Job

And perhaps I would have given him a pass

We all learn at different times

But he insulted those who were questioning this event

and at that moment I lost trust in WikiLeaks

Having said that

No one deserves the terrible treatment he's been through.

Abs perhaps the cunts that run this joint wanted to make an example to deter other's

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Hi Will, it’s difficult to know what is truth and who we can trust. Many thought that Douglas Murray and Jordan Peterson were on our side but it has proven not to be the case. The ongoing Israeli situation is very complex delving into the history. Why was the security removed to allow the massacre to happen was my first question. An excuse for war one assumes but imagine sacrificing your own people to achieve your aims. Hope you enjoyed your time in the outback x

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Absolutely how can one explain a 7 hour stand down on the wall ?

Who has the power to do that ?

Hamas ?


It was an inside Job

And anyone who condones the mass killing of children women and men as a response to this

Is a war criminal


Jan I did a debate on the Palestine Israel dilemma back in the 90's and I did a thorough deep dive into both perspectives


The Zionists are the criminals

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One for Aisla I think. Babies are innocents but they're soon indoctrinated with religious and ethnic hatred. Every life is important and Israel's reaction was anticipated and used as a springboard for mass disruption to our decadent Western lives. 'Make poverty history' is really 'Make western lifestyle history.' Ethnic cleansing is coming to a street near you soon.

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Why don't Hamas hand back those hundred plus hostages?

Why don't the butchers of October 7th heroically hand themselves to the Israelis to face trial for what they did on October 7th?

When you can answer both questions honestly, then we might discuss Israel's fallen nature and why Petersons biblical exegesis is flaky.

That said, Jeremiah 47:1-5 is pretty clear, so he's probably correct.

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Hahaha 🤣 I would love to dismantle your comments on live podcast

Anyone who takes just a cursory look at the history of the Israeli occupation can see you are a shrill so please fuck off

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No Bible, no comment.

Occupation, shill, fuck off.

You'd clearly be somebody worth the bother.

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The Bible is your only reference to ownership of Palestine?

🤣 Hilarious

Given a fair debate you would be demolished

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You've done it again.

My "only" reference?

Your "abuse per line " ratio thus far is quite something.


Not too late for you to get down here and place more stickers on Amy Winehouse , if your mum lets you out of the basement.

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Typical Zionist

Swear words offend you

But slaughtering innocent people doesn't

Fuck off

I know the history I dont play nice with murderers

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You're giving masturbation and bad mushrooms and unfortunate reputation.

Have fucked off.

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Terrorism has been successfully employed to provoke a simplistic right or wrong, emotional response from those who you would think might know better.

I recognised pro Palestinian rhetoric from the BBC every time they reported on any event in the area and just like 'covid' it smelled awfully fishy. They employ more groomers than a Rotherham rape gang.

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Have a look at this guy's Substack - he is an Australian but also an Israeli Jew and former Zionist and IDF soldier. His articles go hard with receipts: https://actionabletruth.substack.com/

I am sure he would be happy to talk to you given his first hand knowledge of Hebrew, Israel and the IDF.

Also you might find this Pew research interesting: https://www.pewresearch.org/religion/2023/03/15/americans-feel-more-positive-than-negative-about-jews-mainline-protestants-catholics/pf_2023-03-15_religion-favorability_00-08/

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Have been for the weekend in the Malverns. Stayed at a lovely B&B called Copper Beech House, if any of the gang ever pass by.

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Thank you Abi for continuously highlighting the hypocrisy and cruelty of the last four years. Whenever I see a mask in footage or indeed 'live' I recoil then I feel pity for these people. I did see you in the Delingicke event applying your lippy in the toilet mirror and I so wanted to thank you but my reservedness got the better of me! Anyhow I thank you every day for doing what you doing and your 'be seeing you' brings tears to my eyes every time!

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Abi, when I was living in Scotland, my Glaswegian friends pronounced Glasgow "Glaasgeh". You had it right in the first place. Also, you use a lot of Scottish in your Geordie. I could help you. God bless _/\_ xxx

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I think Bridgen let slip a clear motive why the government murdered people in care homes. Just wrote an article about it for those in the UK who are interested.


Bridgen (in interview): "euthanising of elderly/vulnerable out of hospital…to make way for the first wave of expected covid patients back in 2020."

The key phrase here from Bridgen is ‘make way’ which means that the government was anticipating the hospitals to be overrun. They had to ‘make room’ and ‘free up care in the NHS’ based on a predictive model.

Did the UK government see the covid modelling, panic, and then kill the vulnerable to ‘save the NHS’?

If so, who gave the order to kill?

How did they decide who to kill?

Article: https://vicparkpetition.substack.com/p/for-the-greater-good-did-uk-mp-andrew

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I had a dream about a penitentiary prison on Sunday night. i wonder if it was from watching the screening of Julian Assange's predicament on tntradio cinema on that day.

The trouble is no one knows they've consented to the UN Criminal system unravelled by Commoncorediva.com Look at what was uncovered in Ukraine bombsites here https://anamihalceamdphd.substack.com/p/unrestricted-warfare-ep-43-exposing

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whatever happens, I imagine the mainstream media will use its subtle psychological subterfuge to once more pit us against one another... https://eccentrik.substack.com/p/protecting-your-head-and-heart-in

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