Jun 24Liked by Abi Roberts

Welcome home 😃

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Congratulations Jules. Its happy events like this that keeps me going xx

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Thanks Marie. Yes indeed, its been the best thing to happen to my family in a long time, it’s given me a boost just seeing them so happy 🥰

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Congratulations Jules wonderful news 🥂😍

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Thanks Heather 😘

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what is it?!!

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My daughter got married Rosie x

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Jun 24Liked by Abi Roberts

Welcome back Abi. Have missed your PODS. I only really go on twitter to listen to the rantings of Scotty goes again. I don't think I have ever disagreed with what he said. Yes am not looking forward to this bloody election. Scary times are heading our way whoever gets in.

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Thanks, Marie! I’ve missed you guys. Scotty’s one of the people I really miss but I’ll get him on my Rumble show at some point!! I’m trying to remain sanguine about the upcoming pantomime. X

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Yes, Scotty is a good one to follow.

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Great to have you back Abi.

Julesalso put me straight about Bridgen.I have my postal vote ballot already..Who do we vote for?My thought is that if we don't vote, Labour is sure to get in because the left always vote!...Or is it all just rigged for them to get in anyway...?In my area of Nottingham our local independent candidate looks and sounds like a Muslim gangster and the Reform candidate doesn't have a photo or profile....Lefty Nottingham city has always had a Labour council who are now bankrupt of course.Who do we vote for?🤔It's going to be a full on totalitarian country if Labour get in😫

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Yes Catherine, when Labour get elected it will be the same as the Cons but harder and faster to take away our freedoms. God help us.

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Jun 24Liked by Abi Roberts

Good to have you back Abi.

I just spent the weekend being told not to talk Politics when I dared respond to the usual Putin bashing. Among the group was a vegetarian banker who'd never considered that Russia hadn't blown up its own pipeline. He also said Bill Gates was a wonderful philanthropist, who saved lives in Africa, and Sweden changed their policy on lockdowns after seeing how much good they did in other countries. Oh and we should all eat insects as they are a great form of protein. He then asked me if I was one of those Reform people. I told the story to a fisherman, who had a big Reform flag flying from his boat, and he said "let's just be honest, he sounds like a right twat". I couldn't have put it better myself and, just maybe, Farage can shake the entitled up a bit.

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Vegetarian rhyming slang 😁

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Wow.Your veggie banker acquaintance sounds an absolute twat.Oh dear.How did you not get angry!😫

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Jun 25Liked by Abi Roberts

He added the comments when we were alone, as another in the group banned any talk of politics (for which I objected to her later on).

I calmly used my knowledge of the facts, whilst he used none, just his own prejudices. He couldn't help smiling when telling me that Sweden had to change their anti lockdown policies, thinking he'd scored the winning goal. I have to pity these idiots but they never pity us normies when trying to take away our money and freedoms. He deserved a kick in the cobblers, at the very least but just standing up to the idiots is all any of us can, and should, do for our own integrity.

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Jun 25Liked by Abi Roberts

The veggie banker would have set me right off!

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People seem to have developed masochistic tendencies. They are, by stealth, robbed and demoralised but find it easier to blame their hardships on those who expose the sociopaths responsible. WTF!

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100% agreed, Brian. As much as it pains me to admit it, I think they've only got themselves to blame when looking at their lazy-arsed reasons for the choices they make. I've had to cut my own sister off 'cause of the sly digs/insults and impatience she has towards me for not just going along with whatever (destructive) bollocks she rambles off.

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I feel like that with family but promised my mum before she passed away that all 4 of us would stay close.

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And that's how the globalist bastards work; divide and rule.

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That's a tricky one. I pray God blesses you with the strength and courage to endure xx

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Sounds like my numb-nut neighbour who I've just became walking buddies with. Was great at first but when you try getting to the bottom of anything on any topic he just wants his ego fed. Thinking's not to come into it :/ I need a new walking buddy *shrugs*

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I had a walking buddy a few doors away and her churchgoing friends told her to stay away from me because I was stupid and dangerous for not having the injections. She collapsed at home shortly after her first injection and had to be admitted to hospital by ambulance.

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Dear God. My walking buddy is an unbeliever. I'm the one in Christ. He's pretty thick and I've picked up that he thinks climate change is real, Covid is real, etc. I'll practise different red-pilling techniques on him. But, he was getting a tad irritated by me not being a sycophant, this morning. Bless him *eyeroll*

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We may differ on the religion bit and that's the beauty of having the freedom to believe what we like without being judged on one belief.

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Jun 24Liked by Abi Roberts

Absolute lolz. “Yah, yah are you a grifter?” 😂

So good to have you back Abi 🥰

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Hahaha!! I nearly made myself laugh in that bit then I forgot what I was saying (natch). Really good to be on the air again with you Xx

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Bloody hell Abs so good to hear from you ! I even asked Jules twice if she knew how you were. So happy for Jules she sent some beautiful photos of her gorgeous daughter and new son in law. Happy to hear your voice is improving love Suzanne xx

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Great to have you back, you were missed xx

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Welcome back Abi. Im sitting in my garden with the sun shining, headphones on to drown out everything else.

Couldn't give a fuck about the murdering political parties. None of them have any morality.

Im getting ready for Bill's funeral on Thursday. Its nice to hear a voice I feel is an old friend.

Congratulations to Jules daughter. May they be forever surrounded with happiness and love.

Hope everyone is ok.

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Debbie, enjoy the sunshine in your garden while it lasts, it’s one of the few pleasures we still have. I will be thinking of you on Thursday for your darling husband’s funeral ❤️🙏

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Will be thinking of you Debbie 🙏❤️🙏

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Thanks for the good wishes Debbie. Much love and strength to you for Thursday, will light a candle for Bill and will be thinking of you xx

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Oh Debbie, I’m so so sorry. 😢

Thinking of you. 💔

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Not sure how but ive posted on your

I love a big chopper pod ! 😅😅

Anyway , great to have you back !! 🤗💛

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I'm often sending comments that I haven't re read properly so there are some typos etc.It's annoying because we can't edit anymore.I'll have to be more careful in future

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Exactly ! Or copy n paste. After commenting i went on to read the section and it was all about nudist beaches and big choppers! Thats when I knew I’d taken a detour 😎😂😂😂

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A happy detour 😃

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7th June 2025 (or thereabouts) is in the diary!! Not missing it this time.

and may I party so hard I lose my voice.

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It’s great to have you back Abi, with different accents too! A brilliant article by Miri about Farage and the futility of not going to vote. Farage is definitely establishment and is out for himself, add to that his stance on Covid and that he wanted Tony Blair to oversee the fake shit show says a lot about him. My MP is Tom Tugendhat, yes that arsehole, who voted for every lockdown and mandate. Like Miri I emailed my Reform candidate, not expecting to get a reply. She replied the next day, saying that she had lived locally for 20+ years and had a local business, she also invited me to the hustings on 1 July. I will go along and hopefully get a chance to call out the despicable Tom Tug.

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I let my twitter account go but then found an old one that had been cancelled for ages then reinstated. Have dabbled there very minorly - I found the main thing I missed was Dr Dr Mc Honk Honk. I wish I could find him somewhere else - and Bob M too.

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Great to hear you again Abi - your writing is a pleasure BUT screen time always gives me a headache so I try to avoid it. (think i need better spec's) - SO LOVELY to hear your voice, do look after yourself !!

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So glad you are back Abi. 💕

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Good to hear you again. Think it will be good if Labour get in as it will quickly become a shit show and hopefully this pushes the revolution forward. The downfall of the country is of course an orchestrated move. As you say, they've been committing countless fraud to take as much money for themselves for decades. Convid helped escalate the greed and opportunity quicker. I saw the podcast with Bridgen. He also said he had a list of people involved with missing children and abuse and handed it in to HOC but nothing done. Appreciate he can't name people on the list but he can release the names of the MPs he gave the info to...Listening to many MPs they are so thick especially Labour who are so bloody inarticulate that I expect the shit shower across the country will revolt this year. Good news. Assange Free! 🙌

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Globalisits are asset stripping us by using the old Marxist playbook which excuses people from extortion and theft, via taxation, because they are led to believe they're doing the right thing. Starmer (Mr longer, harder, faster) has his orders to follow.

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He does indeed. What a time to be alive!

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So good to hear your voice, again, Abi. Ye know what, I need a new walking buddy so if you're interested in walking for about an hour on the regular we could meet up. Chatting about all things healthy lifestyle along the way would be as much a help to me (to keep me on track!) as it might be for you. I'm in SW1W. Do you have an email I can contact you via, or DM me on Facebook, if you're up for it? God bless you xxx

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