Good article Abs. I can feel the fury. And it very much sums up the tyranny of the last few

years, by the ruling classes, and the [majority ??] of punters who complied. But, I wonder

if it isn't simply a chapter of outright deviousness, in a whole catalogue of egregious and

wholly unacceptable pistol-whipping of the masses by the powers that shouldn't be. I mean

Who fucking hasn't got blood on their hands, even over the last couple of hundred years.?!

Not just China or Russia. Hundreds of Millions dead there - over the last 80-90 years. South

Africa: the Boer war [and the state of the place now..!] Britain and the American Empire, The

French and the State of Israel, along with the Saudis and Egypt; and the part they've

played in the murdering of peoples, and creeds, and races in the Middle East, for fucking

decades. The starving of native Americans, and the killing of hundreds of thousands of Bison

and Buffalo [their staple diet and livelihood] killed by Government soldiers and civilians.

The catholic church: denying poor latin Americans any form of contraception or birth control.

The vatican [and Rome] aiding and abetting Nazi war criminals to get out of Germany in '45,

by supplying passports, paperwork and hard cash, too. Around 25% of the German High

Command were Roman Catholic. ... Haile Selassie only Abolished slavery in Ethiopia around

1943 [Abyssinia, I thiink, at that time]. A couple of hundred years before that, Black Chieftans

bought and sold black men they'd captured from other tribes, and then sold them on to

white slave traders, as did the The Moors of North Africa, before them. It's all grossly fucked up.

and always has been. Human Nature calls the shots. And she's wicked and Fearsome and

absolutely astoundingly beautiful, in equal measure. Life isn't fair. Never has been. I think we're

all more or less familiar with that. I've got a sneaking inclination that ain't gonna change,

anytime soon. Nice piece Abs, and sure as hell got me thinking, long and hard.

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Thank you, Dean. Good points, well made. Wrote this piece back in 2022. It’s really more about what people are prepared to stand up for, even when it doesn’t perhaps directly affect them. These past few years have been a proper eye opener. Thanks for taking the time to read and comment. 🙏

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