Spookily close to my day Abi. I chatted to a couple in a coffee shop and we discussed paying by cash and surveillance in society. Then I went to have my barnet trimmed and overheard the barber discussing ptsd after his time in the military. When it was my turn in the chair he told me about how he told his, covid frightened, parents the real statistics on the average age of dying and number of deaths in comparison to a bad flu year. We also got onto how locking people in their homes and various conflicts had created more debt which is justification for stealing our assets via tax. The erosion of free speech, also got an airing, but didn't garner a response from the other man waiting for his haircut. He may have agreed with us but it mattered not, as I rarely shy away from sticking it to the middle class, arogant tossers of which there are many where I live. It gives me great pleasure to argue with people who are used to getting their own way - and see them off like a particularly snappy terrier who has the bigger dog by the balls and won't let go until his point is made.

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I really miss lovely London when I listen to a lot of your pods Abi!❤️

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London is largely a shit-hole - and getting worse by the day - but I find tiny bits of joy where I can! x

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You are so funny Abi x

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Loved your POD today Abi. Blimey I thought your Gary Barlow song sounded like From a Distance by Bette Midler. Sorry 😊 😃 😀 😄

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I think it’s similar chords. Will try & do a more accurate version tomorrow! 😂

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