Aug 14, 2023Liked by Abi Roberts

That church window is disgusting and obscene.

Do they not realise that those who’ve suffered don’t want fucking reminding!! 🤬

Oh the hero Bridgen is in Leicester town centre this Saturday. On the poster it says he’ll talk about the effects that lockdowns had on mental health. What an absolute evil fucking cunt!!😡😡

Hope the number 54

bus runs him over, slimy bastard🤣🤣

Nick Cotton calling him out about Fiona ( the public) sending him a card made me laugh 🤣🤣

Oh and that doctor you spoke with on the phone sounds like a cunt too!!

Cunt is my word of the day🤣🤣🤣

Enjoy the PT sesh 💪💪

Enjoy the PT training session tomorrow

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Aug 14, 2023Liked by Abi Roberts

Sorry Abs my hearing is a bot dodgy. Did you say 30 years in stained glass or 30 years with his head up his ass?

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Aug 14, 2023Liked by Abi Roberts

20K that should be enough for one driver for a couple of days with a bulldozer and two 15 tonners

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Great pod Abi. Your passion is evident. I love to hear you in full flow. Everything you were saying about the virtue signally window was spot on. I'm from Barnsley and we have a £210k bronze statue dedicated to da COVID! It sickens me to see it. Read about it here: https://www.barnsley.gov.uk/services/visit-barnsley/covid-memorial-sculpture/

It depicts an elderly man, a playful child, someone carrying shopping, a nurse in full PPE and I think a woman PC who is of the non-white variety to ensure a box is ticked. Maybe they can add a trans person at a later date!

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I loved this Abi, you made me laugh despite the sheer madness and horror of it all. "Fascist glass", made me hoot.

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I agree with every word of that .. the propaganda window good God! It’s a cult and the church has a lot to answer for x

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Tired of all the madness today but the pod put the world to rights. You really couldn’t make some of this shit up, stained glass windows wtaf. Thanks Abs for the rant, put me at my ease 😃

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The church should have let Bob Moran design the art work for the stain glass windows.


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The £20K could have been put to much better use to commemorate 1,000 years of that church. I find that window, depicting times during covid, an insult. Surely only the Covidians will love it.

People still worshipping Andrew Bridgen🤷‍♀️just do your homework on the man to see who he really is. Bridgen is just another Malhotra without the charm offensive.

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Couldn't agree more about Bridgen. From the very first time I heard him interviewed in his new role as patron saint of the vaccine injured, the only outstanding thing about his performance was just how desperate he was for everyone to know everything he's achieved in his constituency of North West Leicestershire and how he's single handedly turned it around and consistently increased his majority. If I hear the story about how him and all his greasy mates from the affluent, Conservative local old boy, small business network "down the pub" got together to take the seat from Labour with no support from the party I swear I'll scream.

As for that cesspit now called 'X', I got sick of listening to the Twitter Twatter of tiny minds several years ago. Musk is showing himself to be every bit the false prophet many saw him for and the platform remains a safe space for the middle class and entitled to showcase their libtard, virtue signalling evil and corruption.

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Such a wasted effort really. He missed out the government agent marching down the aisle and shutting down a funeral. Nurses dancing in empty wards. Our elected members of P being exempted and partying. Innocent people being assaulted and wrestled to the ground for not wearing a gag. Businesses bankrupted. Who will see this but the pastor, a straggle of choristers and a tumble weed rolling down the aisle? And lest we forget- the dead and profoundly and permanently disabled trusting people. This hitherto purveyor of meaningless glass baubles will have his fame- but not for creation and art

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Beacon of Hope???? Fk me.

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Well convid is a religion so no surprise. I’m surprised there were no Ukraine flags alongside.

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Wow... this stained glass offering is devoid of “old” people .. the pram on the right has no “child” and the lack of men in the image tells me this is an engineered message...it has nothing of merit... and reveals a lack of intelligence that only a self orbiting waffle merchant. could conjure up...

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Addicted to Twitter? Now X. 3 X's at that from logo. That is 666. I've decided to delete the app and I'm taking a step back from it.

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Be interesting to do a survey in that village as to when and how people died or suffered. 2020 21 22 23.

‘Sanitise your hands when you think of the council house people!’

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