Jul 26Liked by Abi Roberts

It's been another great week of pods and insightful comments. Hope everyone has a great weekend and the sun comes out wherever you are x

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Thank you, Jen! The sun has definitely been out and it's clear blue skies and 28 degrees in London. Might have to get me toddler legs out. Love to Will X

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Jul 26Liked by Abi Roberts

Great pod and some fabulous comments.

Have a great weekend everyone 🥰🥰🥰

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Thanks Trudi. Love reading the posts! Hope you had a good one. The sun is definitely out in London, all the builders have got their shirts off. X

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Could you hear me laughing at the parental voices of Commie Kammy 😂 .. off the scale brilliant Abi!

Ps Jan Newell I am 💯 with you on DJT I’ve watched over 300 rally’s now on RSBN they stream live, I absolutely love him and honestly think we need him, he will put a spanner in the works and stop the agenda .

Love to Lisa ❤️❤️. Have a really good sunny weekend everyone xx

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Hahahaha, yes I could hear you! Commie Kammy aka Woody Woodpecker. Lol. X

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Jul 26Liked by Abi Roberts

You might remember, I said the groundswell of opinion from the masses would filter to the people who can make those in charge aware that they have to choose the people over the corrupt path. The 'thinkers' are often sure they're correct, especially those with an extreme ideology, or belief. They are no more qualified than you or I to change what's happening. Actually these 'thinkers' regularly pontificate as to who is behind the current upheaval and most have no definitive answer. If they know, they sure as hell aren't telling us.

As for theologians, I hear a deafening silence, aside from the usual 'let us pray' and be good mantras. I'm off to London tomorrow for the demonstration, with more than a little trepidation. The anti lockdown marches were rewarding but then, as now, I don't expect there'll be many vicars, or priests putting their heads above the pulpit. There were pubs and restaurants who were fined and subsequently went out of business for defying the authorities but they don't get much of a mention.

I've got my little placard with a picture of Ed with his little ukulele in his hand. My caption is 'Millie-bland Fully transitioned to net weirdo' I've even given him some long hair. Well, even if it's Foxy and Robinson, I feel the need to head down to the smoke and do my bit.

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Brian, great nuanced points as ever. When I said thinkers, I don't mean intellectuals per se, I mean people like us who are not bogged down in the minutia but more interested in core principles and solutions to navigate this time. I should have been clearer in my description. As for theologians... hmm... what the fuck was I smoking before the pod?

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Thanks for the clarification. I've turned into an anti establishment hussie in my old age. On an entirely different track, if you like reds (not the Corbyn variety) I recommend Vacqueyras, from the Rhone; bags of liquorice and ........ oh God, I've just lapsed into wine merchant mode - that's what 3/4 of a bottle does to you. Any more and I'll be in Biden mode.

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My husband and stepson will be at the rally tomorrow. I will tell them to look out for your placard.

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Jul 27·edited Jul 27

The march is over and I've mixed emotions. What did your husband and stepson think of the event?

I was more comfortable chatting to a French Muslim, young woman (aged 24), than anyone else at the event. She was talking to two other guys and said she would like us to talk to people in the Muslim community to help understanding. I had a touch of deja vu because I also chatted to a French Muslim reporter in Clacton, outside Reform HQ. There is a pattern here and maybe it's one of an old English git with verbal diarrhea chatting to attractive young ladies. Actually I'll chat to anyone with the time and patience. It's just good to debate with someone such as this lady who said she doesn't feel French, although she lives in Lyon and was born in France. She believes western countries should receive all people, without question, and never call them immigrants. We differed, on this point, but the discussion was amicable and a welcome change from the intolerance and impatience shown by most of my acquaintances. You don't have to quote dead philosophers and dissappear right up one's own orifice to show understanding and empathy - although it might help.

All the best.

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My husband has cancer so only managed about 3 hours or so at the rally. He said there was a much bigger crowd than last time and a brilliant speech by a veteran who had been awarded the MBE. They met up with a guy who is a friend of my stepson who had taken his two teenage daughters so they could appreciate what the rally is about. Lots of families there with young children. Nick Cotton was moved on by the stewards before my husband got to speak to him. My husband is pretty sick of Nick Cotton constantly calling him gay scum. Still may be next time😂

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I watched the film, in Trafalgar Square, and have just heard they've arrested Tommy Robinson, for its showing. There is no mention of an investigation into the facts and the msm media behaviour, including my all-time favourites, Piers Morgan and Jeremy Vine, who in any sane world would be held accountable by that auguste body, Ofcom.

I freely admit to quite liking Trump but I don't warm to Tommy Robinson, or some of his followers, however as I said to the Muslim lady, there has been an expectation that, for many years, UK justice is blind, in that, Law enforcement no longer automatically favours the wealthy. The brainwashed actually don't care that this hard won equality, is fast reverting to the bad old days because they assume injustice won't ever affect them directly. Best wishes to your husband.

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It's only small but all my own work (and on the back of an A3 Reform uk board). There's also a bit about The Ginger Growler being Millibland's backup source of renewable energy.

I'll be the one with the short, fat, hairy legs and grey hair. It's good that they'll be there.

I hope it's all peaceful, as the only way it'll be on mainstream news, is if there's trouble.

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The Ginger Growler lol

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Jul 26Liked by Abi Roberts

I have a problem with Kennedy too hes an epstein island visitor and believes all the climate guff as you say and also the reparations codswallop

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Good points. We feed of crumbs scattered, among us, by the establishment players trying to score points off each other.

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Thank you Abi for your wonderful little song.

Love to all. Have a fabulous weekend all. Much love.x

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My pleasure Debbie. Hope you had a lovely, sunny weekend. Loads more sun coming... X

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Jul 26Liked by Abi Roberts

Sounding great Abs love to you and all.

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Cheers, Steven! Back atcha x

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Jul 26Liked by Abi Roberts

You sounded like Birdy num num there and Peter Sellers from the fabulous film The Party 🤣

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Hahahaha love The Party. Sellers one of my comedy heroes x

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Jul 29Liked by Abi Roberts

Me too super funny guy if a troubled soul. Comedy genius xx

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Jul 29Liked by Abi Roberts

True - but a very hairy back.

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Random True story, I went on holiday to Cyprus years ago and there was a yacht in the harbour called “Birdy num num” 🤣🤣

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Can’t say I’ve noticed Brian 😂😂👌

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I seemed to remember seeing his hairy back whilst he was on top of a lady in the Film 'There's a girl in my soup - catchphrase 'My God but you're lovely. It appears the girl was Goldie Hawn and the stage play was written by Terence Frisby. I briefly pondered on the notion that there couldn't be many Frisbys and, sure enough, Dominic is his son. Just thought I'd throw that one in there.

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That’s interesting.

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imagine one day when we have holograms and AI videos/images/audio for candidates lol

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