I about choked on my strawberry cornetto😂😂

That theatre performance sounds so welcoming. One question 🙋‍♀️

Do you have to be black and also have a disability?

Fuck it.. I’m going in a wheelchair and I’m doing vodka shots in the chill out room.. who’s coming? 😂😂😂😂😂

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Yes Trudi, the bloody chill room 😂 we would need to go in there to get away from those racist bastards who don’t want the ‘white gaze’.

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See you there Trudi 🤣

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Andrew Bridgen. Aseem Malhotra. John Campbell.

'We don't need another hero'.

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I will stick with Dr Malik. I know he was late to the party but he has explained the reasons why and apologised many times. The guys you mention Mark are a different kettle of fish.

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Malik is probably okay.

The more I listen to Campbell, the more I wonder what the heck people see in him.

Watched his 'mask' video earlier.

'Sorry, folks. I got that one wrong......'

Yeah, you did.

You got it all wrong...for a long, long time, while apparently 'following the evidence wherever it leads'

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Before I get into tonight’s podcast, I throughly recommend Bloom’s passion fruit & vanilla blossom gin ....it has zero carbs and zero sugar too👍

The Stratford East Theatre wants to be “free from the white gaze”. Who the hell do they think they are.....they should be blacklisted😏 White people are not prevented from attending only because it would be illegal. They must have forgotten about apartheid.

People still wearing masks make me angry as they are normalising the use of masks and prolonging this shitshow. I went to buy my gin in Lidl this morning and there were two people wearing masks, on a lovely sunny day. Sometimes even in my most lucid moments I think the world is fucked. I never thought I would be agreeing with Putin but he can see that the west is destroying itself from within.

Tina Turner, great music, great voice. I have seen her a couple of times live, brilliant show. She had a hunky sexy saxophonist in her band, he was stripped to the waist. I almost wet my pants.

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When Putin gets his news input from around the globe they will be pissing themselves at the perverted West when MP'S don't know what a woman is !!! morrally bankrupt shit hole dumping ground & un qualified amateur cunts destroying this once beautiful country, they all have kids can't they see the bigger picture God help us x

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Jane, I am 💯behind you

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Hi Abi, couldn't agree more about the Stratford East "black out" performances. What a poisonous ideology CRT is - hell bent on creating division and disharmony based on skin colour - flying in the face of the teachings of MLK. Totally regressive. I hope large numbers of the people excluded take their "white gaze" to another venue and support them instead.

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It sounds like a terrible show too.

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It does - I'd prefer to stick a very long needle in my white gazing eyes than watch it😅

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I absolutely love the way you say cunt with an emphasis on the t.🤣

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Debbie, before I joined SubStack I really didn’t like the word cunt. I swear a lot myself but never used that particular word. Since meeting Abi I’ve accepted it as part of every day life!

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Haha. My husband said it's nice to know someone who says it as much as me.😂

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Ian Newell I’m from Yorkshire using the word cunt regular is a right of passage growing up, we even have the art of not making it sound insulting or aggressive as we call you one.

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I am Jan not Ian 😂 I am a Leeds United supporter so I know the word well😂

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Sorry Jan, predictive text strikes again, gets on my fucking wick changing stuff as it’s posting.

As for bloom gin, try their strawberry one if you can find it, tastes exactly like strawberry jelly when mixed with lemonade.

I also only live about ten minutes drive away from Elland road

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I love Yorkshire. My best friend lived in Pudsey. He sadly died of a heart attack pre covid. I have great memories of meeting up with him at Elland Road several times a year and going out to some great restaurants in Leeds. I bought a commemorative stone in his memory which is at Elland Road for all to see.

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Sorry to hear about your friend Jan, I do have family and friends who live in Pudsey.

I live in a semi rural village myself, our house looks onto a field that has horses on it, the do seem to have gone awol at the minute, guessing he moved the three of them onto another field so the one opposite to us gets a good growing spree.

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My theory on all this race and racism bollocks is that ‘they’ whoever they are are trying to eradicate white people completely, so a good way to start is to open the borders to anyone who wants to come and live here then allow them to rape young white girls who will then be forced to keep their child who will be a gorgeous pale chocolate colour which is very acceptable. Step two of the plan involves brainwashing people in to believing they’re racist if they’re not in a mixed raced relationship so again we start to produce lovely light chocolate coloured people. The next step is to microchip or tattoo a barcode on newborn babies to control where they go what they do in life and of course control their thoughts and feelings. Step 3 is already well on the way, again this involves brainwashing but starting with pre school children, they are told it’s fine to swap genders or have multiple genders or identities and as they grow up they will be so confused to fuckery they’ll end up with serious mental health issues (which is what they want) and they’re even easier to control. ‘They’ will tell us that living this way eradicates racism and sexism as we’re all the same, we will all be poor and happy as our finances are controlled through the microchip and of course we won’t question any of this. Obviously this plan will take time so I don’t think any of us will be around to see it, but honestly I think that white people will be gone and the world will be one colour and sexless. Hope I’ve not made you all too depressed 🤣

Abi your Tina Turner impression was great but Princess Diana is another level it’s absolutely brilliant!

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So much truth in what you say Catherine x

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Wow just unbelievable that theatre performance, hopefully loads of people with Tourette’s will turn up🤦‍♀️I think i will stick to my dirty dancing theatre trip in a few weeks the world has gone so bloody wonky you just cant make this stuff up.

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So true Lisa gets sillier & more sinister by the day, hope your doing OK? X💗

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It really does,been in lots of pain recently so been on a lot of painkillers and i have got another Ct scan next week to see whats happening with the big C so i am feeling that scanxiety again cos i know its not gonna be good news. But i have been trying to get plenty of vit d by being outside in this beautiful weather.

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Rrrr Lisa so sorry to hear that it must be so hard for you, I hope that at your next appointment they can get your pain under control, enjoy the sun it cheers us up a bit of sun , thinking of you sending you a hug & positive vibes xxx💕

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Thanks Jane😘xxxx

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Lisa, I wish you the very best for your CT scan next week 🤗🌞

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Thanks Jan😘xx

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Abi they’re dehumanising as much as possible with full force, nothing is off limits apart from Islam at the minute, we’re in for an interesting ride on how they’ll tackle that one.

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My dad loved Tina Turner, he said she had a fine pair of legs and was a fierce performer.

The pretender know as Beyoncé is no Tina no matter how she tries to emulate her, she doesn’t have the class or balls.

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Beyonce was born a pair, don't know about Tina, but there are rumours!

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I suspect you may be wrong on the second one.

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Mark Fletton Beyoncé has some pipes on her, however I’ve always found something is off about her, some people come across as trying too hard to me to be something they’re not. I’m not a follower of hers so don’t pay that much attention, whatever it is just doesn’t add up, just a feeling I get that’s all.

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Is Beyonce still using she/her pronouns these days?

I could make a rather crude reference to 'pipes', but I'll resist.

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I am not a fan and I have no time for anyone who uses pronouns.

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Well here’s a thought I might get into the theatre in Stratford East with my suntan, mask day sounds even more delightful😉.. no think I’ll pass, in the words of a Jack Nicholson in One Flew over the Cuckoo’s nest “I’d rather stick needles in my eyes”. Honestly I don’t even know where to begin with that production. Great pod Abi it’s been a good week having you back x

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Kristallnacht - just the one night - well said Abi , bang on !!

By their logic with ‘impairment’ they’ll be welcoming Justine Trudeau and well known human rights activist Gary Lineker 😂

Beam me up - Mars is looking welcoming maybe thats the idea?! 🤔

Thank you Abi for keeping me sane and yet laughing


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Abi have to tell you something funny that happened in work today. There is one person in particular who constantly slags off the conservatives. I said sadly Labour will be no better. Well she had a fully blown meltdown. She said how can you say that when they have morals? I did then say have a look at Liverpool council still in special measures and they are still bullies. Another girl said I want to punch your face in not voting Labour. I give up sadly everybody is still fast asleep

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Hi Abi a question for Friday do you still keep intouch with the family you stayed with in Russia? Also what was the food like ? I know it was hard times then ivec always been intersted in Russian history ect we were saving to go but unfortunately not now perhaps a week in Kos sound lovely, always fancied Croatia have you been? x

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Jane, Croatia is fab. I am going back there a few days after Abi’s birthday bash. Makarska is stunning and there are many trips out to the lovely islands from there. Makarska is where the Croatians go on holiday.

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Catching up on Sunday whilst painting my hall 😁. Excellent podcast Abi!

That theatre sounds really inclusive...NOT! Like you said, imagine the outrage if it was a whites only night. Jesus Christ, the lunatics have well and truly taken over the asylum.

I tell you what I'd like to do to all these woke idiots. And my idea comes from the great Kenny Everett. I cant remember the characters name, but ge was dressed as an American General. So as Kenny would say "I'd like to round them up( the wokerati), put them in a field and BOMB THE BASTARDS! "

Great pod Abi! Xx

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That theatre show. Stop it. 😳 I was busy weeding and nearly tripped over m’pitchfork. I need a chill room to recover. The madness seems to be getting worse.🫣

By the way, when you mentioned the NHS doing physical fitness tests wearing masks etc. I found that quite sinister.

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Just catching up on the pods 😊 I'm in the garden and the neighbours just got a treat with an Abi blast of Steamy Windows 🤣 that was my fave Tina song, sad news.

Behind as always 🙄 so for now I'll wish you all a fabulous weekend lovely peeps 😘

Rach xxx

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