Loved the jazz band, please, do more( said no one ever)
Ooh you made me laaaarf!!
Neil’s calculator is Stuart, he’s a top bloke and running every day of September for suicide prevention. 💙🏃♂️💙
Neil Oliver, I’ve nothing against him personally as I don’t pay him much attention 🤷♀️
Fuckinghell Abs, if Lozza and Oliver packed in GB spews, knowing our luck, they’d be replaced by June( I’ve got a million followers) Slater and paperclip dwarf Bridgen😱😱🤣🤣
Can’t say I’ve ever watched it, apart from the odd clip people post,same goes for talk tv.
When Jules sent me that photo, I was crying🤣🤣🤣.
The way he was posed , absolute toss pot, a shame that board didn’t accidentally on purpose knock him in the sea🤣🤣🤣
Anyhoo.. enough from me, reckon I’ve got global boiling syndrome and Raac disease.
It’s good radio to have normal, relatable people on with something genuine and meaningful to say. You kept it together even though my heart was breaking for you. Keep speaking Trudi xxx
Don’t stress Trudi. People want to hear what you have to say. Your experience will draw people in, like that Tesco delivery driver, they open up to you and it will have made him feel better having that outlet.
You are using that grief and giving a terrible event some purpose. You can’t change the past but you’re making a difference to someone and their future xx
will listen to this in the morning Trudi, such a hugely important an very painful reality of what's gone on. thank you for doing this 🙏. massive cover up going on. I can not even imagine the pain
fully agree with you. they knew full well what they were doing. chairs screwed to floor part made me change my mind about revolution. absolute bastards. was a hard listen to hear about you an your son 😔
Yeah they all the media need to down tools, they’ve had their 3yrs blood money, while some of us lost so much, time to pay the piper. Can’t see it though........and I can’t see me ever forgiving their cowardice, complicity and treachery.
With regard to your pod on Friday about the Netflix show and the blue zones.
I have a conundrum, I wonder if any other of your listeners do as well…
I think the scamdemic, climate change, Ukraine, trans agenda etc are total shite, corrupt and invented for a reason. However I’ve not eaten meat for over 35 years and for the past 7 years been vegan, no dairy, eggs, leather etc.
Here’s my problem,I now feel almost ashamed to admit this to people in case they think I’m doing it to save the world , which I’m not, I’m doing it because I don’t like the idea of cutting an innocent animals throat that has had a fearful, miserable life.
Im conscious not to turn this into a preaching session about animal cruelty, back in the 1980s I was unfortunate enough to have to go into a slaughter house as part of my then job, what I saw changed my life.
Paul McCartney said ‘if slaughter houses had glass walls everyone would be a vegetarian’ the poor things don’t willingly line up waiting to be killed, everyone of them fight for their lives trying to escape😞
Enough of that, the point I wanted to make was, from the blue zones programme the agenda push I took was the use of public transport, and lack of car use in Singapore.
For totally different reasons to the NWO cunts I’d be over the moon if humanity stopped eating animals, and the associated cruelty that goes with it.
Just by way of background I’m not a flip flop wearing guardian reader, I’ve just retired after 33 years as a dog handler in the prison service, 3 years ago when I thought there was a difference my politics were most definitely right of centre.
I wonder if there needs to be a splinter group ‘non agenda pushing vegans’ 😂
Sorry if this is long winded, difficult point to put across without a reasonable explanation.
Hi Richard, I have the same sentiments as you. I’ve been vegan for 18 years and stopped eating meat and became a veggie around 40 years ago.
I heard the arguments about the methane caused by animals about 5 years ago and kind of believed it but then this shite show happened and it completely opened my eyes to the con about controlling us completely.
My worry is about the push for the fake meat and the insects and the destruction of farming practices be that in animal husbandry and producing veggies and all the other wonderful abundance of choice we have atm. Plus the push to take farming land away from the farmers as we’ve seen in Holland and all that ‘rewilding’. I’ve noticed when driving out of town, there is so much land that is not being used for farming. Imagine how self-sustainable we could be if we were to grow more food in this country.
I’d join that splinter group ‘non agenda pushing vegans’ if there was one 🤣
Abi your comment re why don't they step down from GB news or others similar is hugely important. I feel SO passionately about the nature of ACTION an I like what you say about not doing the party speech because the way you are considering what forms of ACTION are best considering the circumstances. I find it very interesting, frustrating an makes me very suspicious those in the media that so easily call for action by way of revolution. I also find it interesting how many roofers, pristinely built gym 🏋️♀️ goers an others round south london who are firing off nails about ULEZ an can raise themselves to the ACTION of a FUCKKHAN number plate or sticker on their vehicle but who COULDN'T manage the ACTION of going face free into the shops par example. I watched it all both in London an in Ireland. on the one hand INACTION (or obedience) and on the other deadly ACTION aka lets have a war. the french revolution was estimated 40,000 executed, circa 300,000 imprisoned followed by a slaughter in Central France of over 200.00 woman, children an men. ( why cant we be more like the french ? REALLY). There is someone on here 🇮🇪 who resisted these awful times in a country with much striker measures than we had in the UK plus yourself who speaks up even in the face of being arrested. both your examples have inspired me back to the kind of action I was doing before seven tonnes of PTSD hit me in the face an i thank you both for this 🙏. regarding Neil Oliver, Lawrence fox or any other celebrity would be revolutionary leaders 👈 not interested. I take plenty of internal inspiration from grandparents an other relatives passed on ( two who I never even meet believe it or not such was their place in our family story that I think about them today. actually alot ). Brìdget, Margaret, Joe, Jimmy, Molly an Boùa. im sure we all have these internal sources of energy to go on 🙏 . until the shadow of illusion is lifted, the fuckers that are running this terror will never be caught an revolution will only be amongst ourselves.
p.s apologies for length of this post. just have to get this off my mind. love to all
this is not to say im not inspired by others or don't value others just that two examples above got me back to action again from nothings working, need rest and don't know what to do
You're right Abi. Personally I don't think there's any solution in the present systems. We need a clean sweep of everything. New ideas and working together, common sense prevailing. ♥️
Don't intend to point out a few ironies here, but here goes.
1. Glossing over 9/11 only plays into their hands. This was the most obvious global symbol of what was to come in our lifetimes,like it or not.
Basically Georgia Guidestones 2001, for those that string the pearls that Jesus spoke of( Mt 7.6; 13.45 for those that care).
That Covids not got its date, like this 9/11 shows how much they've destroyed our moral compass, sense of outrage . How bored and jaded,defeated we are if we aren't anchored in The Truth.
I see our Twin Towers as Health and Green , with their Googly tightropes and cat's cradle of filth between them to catch the jumpers. And they'll be delighted if you lose your bearings in the soft sick concrete fug they're clouding you with. And jokes about jumping out on Courtney Pine etc won't cut it.
2. You gloss over what Fox said, yet you've proved his point ..there's no political solution to a cultural problem. You've only gone and proved him correct, without any philosophical credit to him. For his many faults, he's more practically truthful to you that an airbag like De Bottom!😀
3. Neil Oliver's speech on GB News was brilliant ,as many of them are. Noone goes to church now, we discuss what he said at our Stand In The Park instead. Any study of revolutionary praxis has different roles and connections, Oliver, Fox and Campbell are not your enemy but useful servants in waiting for what's coming. No point bitching below stairs about them. Campbell was on Oliver's show to link to "Sound Of Freedom". Those of us with kids have had our Oliver Anthony/ JD Vance moments and this film is another one. Half our Skychurch won't see it, but the rest know it's essence.
4. All that said, it's time to act out and study how REAL revolutions were won...Serbia, Iran, Laos etc...and how they were lost( Bahrain, Iran 2.0 and Thailand say)..Start with ULEZ and facial recognition at the local Morrisons or Asda. Stay scabrous, Tom Harwood deserves all that Olifox don't.
5..Jesus is the what's the question in all I've said?
I just can't help thinking of John Sullivan's 'Citizen Smith' programme of the late seventies when thinking of Lozza Fox. Robert Lindsay's, revolutionary, character was 'Wolfie Smith' but his girlfriend's mother called him Foxy.
Neil Oliver's last couple of monologues seem to sum up what I believe to be much of what's wrong in the world and since Mark Steyn was forced out of GB News, he gets my vote as the only serious presenter who dares to speak out against the tyranny. TalkTv and GBNews say they have to be balanced, according to Ofcom, but they employ the likes of Flabby Morgan, Felz and some chinless (Deadwood) wonders, through choice, so who knows.
Neil Oliver puts forward the idea of a revolution but it means nothing without action. Neil Oliver won’t be leading the revolution that’s for sure, he couldn’t even defend Abi Roberts against the odious Jon Gaunt.
I like David Kurten and all that he stands for but despite his heroic efforts with the Heritage Party it will come to nothing. Unless all the smaller parties merge they will sink without trace come the election.
Abs you are wrong about 9/11 the arabs/islamists/muslims did it simple as that. We should always remember that the arabs did this to set a precedent and to ignore those facts is frankly ignorance on your part and playing into Islamists hands
Abi, your jazz band 🤣🤣🤣 Btw check out Ben Rubin's interview with James Delingpole from March, uploaded in July. He has got real revolutionary ideas. Also his substack 👍
Loved the jazz band, please, do more( said no one ever)
Ooh you made me laaaarf!!
Neil’s calculator is Stuart, he’s a top bloke and running every day of September for suicide prevention. 💙🏃♂️💙
Neil Oliver, I’ve nothing against him personally as I don’t pay him much attention 🤷♀️
Fuckinghell Abs, if Lozza and Oliver packed in GB spews, knowing our luck, they’d be replaced by June( I’ve got a million followers) Slater and paperclip dwarf Bridgen😱😱🤣🤣
Can’t say I’ve ever watched it, apart from the odd clip people post,same goes for talk tv.
When Jules sent me that photo, I was crying🤣🤣🤣.
The way he was posed , absolute toss pot, a shame that board didn’t accidentally on purpose knock him in the sea🤣🤣🤣
Anyhoo.. enough from me, reckon I’ve got global boiling syndrome and Raac disease.
Please pray for me, I feel like shite😏🙏🤣
Oh god, you listened🥴
Seriously, thankyou . I hate interviews. Darren was so adorable 💙
It’s good radio to have normal, relatable people on with something genuine and meaningful to say. You kept it together even though my heart was breaking for you. Keep speaking Trudi xxx
It stresses me out, I get myself all worked up over it. I had a listen.🥴
Don’t stress Trudi. People want to hear what you have to say. Your experience will draw people in, like that Tesco delivery driver, they open up to you and it will have made him feel better having that outlet.
You are using that grief and giving a terrible event some purpose. You can’t change the past but you’re making a difference to someone and their future xx
Aww thankyou 💖💖💖
will listen to this in the morning Trudi, such a hugely important an very painful reality of what's gone on. thank you for doing this 🙏. massive cover up going on. I can not even imagine the pain
Thanks Des 💙
fully agree with you. they knew full well what they were doing. chairs screwed to floor part made me change my mind about revolution. absolute bastards. was a hard listen to hear about you an your son 😔
I had no idea about the chairs being screwed down. When that video emerged of a funeral and people moving the chairs.
York Crematorium then decided to unscrew them.
Absolute bastards
McCockin was brilliant, loved it.
Yeah they all the media need to down tools, they’ve had their 3yrs blood money, while some of us lost so much, time to pay the piper. Can’t see it though........and I can’t see me ever forgiving their cowardice, complicity and treachery.
Hi Abi,
With regard to your pod on Friday about the Netflix show and the blue zones.
I have a conundrum, I wonder if any other of your listeners do as well…
I think the scamdemic, climate change, Ukraine, trans agenda etc are total shite, corrupt and invented for a reason. However I’ve not eaten meat for over 35 years and for the past 7 years been vegan, no dairy, eggs, leather etc.
Here’s my problem,I now feel almost ashamed to admit this to people in case they think I’m doing it to save the world , which I’m not, I’m doing it because I don’t like the idea of cutting an innocent animals throat that has had a fearful, miserable life.
Im conscious not to turn this into a preaching session about animal cruelty, back in the 1980s I was unfortunate enough to have to go into a slaughter house as part of my then job, what I saw changed my life.
Paul McCartney said ‘if slaughter houses had glass walls everyone would be a vegetarian’ the poor things don’t willingly line up waiting to be killed, everyone of them fight for their lives trying to escape😞
Enough of that, the point I wanted to make was, from the blue zones programme the agenda push I took was the use of public transport, and lack of car use in Singapore.
For totally different reasons to the NWO cunts I’d be over the moon if humanity stopped eating animals, and the associated cruelty that goes with it.
Just by way of background I’m not a flip flop wearing guardian reader, I’ve just retired after 33 years as a dog handler in the prison service, 3 years ago when I thought there was a difference my politics were most definitely right of centre.
I wonder if there needs to be a splinter group ‘non agenda pushing vegans’ 😂
Sorry if this is long winded, difficult point to put across without a reasonable explanation.
Kind regards
Hi Richard, I have the same sentiments as you. I’ve been vegan for 18 years and stopped eating meat and became a veggie around 40 years ago.
I heard the arguments about the methane caused by animals about 5 years ago and kind of believed it but then this shite show happened and it completely opened my eyes to the con about controlling us completely.
My worry is about the push for the fake meat and the insects and the destruction of farming practices be that in animal husbandry and producing veggies and all the other wonderful abundance of choice we have atm. Plus the push to take farming land away from the farmers as we’ve seen in Holland and all that ‘rewilding’. I’ve noticed when driving out of town, there is so much land that is not being used for farming. Imagine how self-sustainable we could be if we were to grow more food in this country.
I’d join that splinter group ‘non agenda pushing vegans’ if there was one 🤣
Yeah saw all the revolution chat and on X, I was wondering if his account had been hacked! Maybe the kids pissing about! 🤣
That jazz section was incredible ! I’d say you’re straight through to Live Shows with that 😉 x
Abi your comment re why don't they step down from GB news or others similar is hugely important. I feel SO passionately about the nature of ACTION an I like what you say about not doing the party speech because the way you are considering what forms of ACTION are best considering the circumstances. I find it very interesting, frustrating an makes me very suspicious those in the media that so easily call for action by way of revolution. I also find it interesting how many roofers, pristinely built gym 🏋️♀️ goers an others round south london who are firing off nails about ULEZ an can raise themselves to the ACTION of a FUCKKHAN number plate or sticker on their vehicle but who COULDN'T manage the ACTION of going face free into the shops par example. I watched it all both in London an in Ireland. on the one hand INACTION (or obedience) and on the other deadly ACTION aka lets have a war. the french revolution was estimated 40,000 executed, circa 300,000 imprisoned followed by a slaughter in Central France of over 200.00 woman, children an men. ( why cant we be more like the french ? REALLY). There is someone on here 🇮🇪 who resisted these awful times in a country with much striker measures than we had in the UK plus yourself who speaks up even in the face of being arrested. both your examples have inspired me back to the kind of action I was doing before seven tonnes of PTSD hit me in the face an i thank you both for this 🙏. regarding Neil Oliver, Lawrence fox or any other celebrity would be revolutionary leaders 👈 not interested. I take plenty of internal inspiration from grandparents an other relatives passed on ( two who I never even meet believe it or not such was their place in our family story that I think about them today. actually alot ). Brìdget, Margaret, Joe, Jimmy, Molly an Boùa. im sure we all have these internal sources of energy to go on 🙏 . until the shadow of illusion is lifted, the fuckers that are running this terror will never be caught an revolution will only be amongst ourselves.
p.s apologies for length of this post. just have to get this off my mind. love to all
this is not to say im not inspired by others or don't value others just that two examples above got me back to action again from nothings working, need rest and don't know what to do
Great reply👏👏
thank you 💫
You're right Abi. Personally I don't think there's any solution in the present systems. We need a clean sweep of everything. New ideas and working together, common sense prevailing. ♥️
Don't intend to point out a few ironies here, but here goes.
1. Glossing over 9/11 only plays into their hands. This was the most obvious global symbol of what was to come in our lifetimes,like it or not.
Basically Georgia Guidestones 2001, for those that string the pearls that Jesus spoke of( Mt 7.6; 13.45 for those that care).
That Covids not got its date, like this 9/11 shows how much they've destroyed our moral compass, sense of outrage . How bored and jaded,defeated we are if we aren't anchored in The Truth.
I see our Twin Towers as Health and Green , with their Googly tightropes and cat's cradle of filth between them to catch the jumpers. And they'll be delighted if you lose your bearings in the soft sick concrete fug they're clouding you with. And jokes about jumping out on Courtney Pine etc won't cut it.
2. You gloss over what Fox said, yet you've proved his point ..there's no political solution to a cultural problem. You've only gone and proved him correct, without any philosophical credit to him. For his many faults, he's more practically truthful to you that an airbag like De Bottom!😀
3. Neil Oliver's speech on GB News was brilliant ,as many of them are. Noone goes to church now, we discuss what he said at our Stand In The Park instead. Any study of revolutionary praxis has different roles and connections, Oliver, Fox and Campbell are not your enemy but useful servants in waiting for what's coming. No point bitching below stairs about them. Campbell was on Oliver's show to link to "Sound Of Freedom". Those of us with kids have had our Oliver Anthony/ JD Vance moments and this film is another one. Half our Skychurch won't see it, but the rest know it's essence.
4. All that said, it's time to act out and study how REAL revolutions were won...Serbia, Iran, Laos etc...and how they were lost( Bahrain, Iran 2.0 and Thailand say)..Start with ULEZ and facial recognition at the local Morrisons or Asda. Stay scabrous, Tom Harwood deserves all that Olifox don't.
5..Jesus is the what's the question in all I've said?
I love Tracey Chapman's first album way back in the 80's
thank you Abi 🙂
This revolution is about right and wrong
Much more powerful than left and right
Hi Will, I hope you are well. Are you still in Perth?
I just can't help thinking of John Sullivan's 'Citizen Smith' programme of the late seventies when thinking of Lozza Fox. Robert Lindsay's, revolutionary, character was 'Wolfie Smith' but his girlfriend's mother called him Foxy.
Neil Oliver's last couple of monologues seem to sum up what I believe to be much of what's wrong in the world and since Mark Steyn was forced out of GB News, he gets my vote as the only serious presenter who dares to speak out against the tyranny. TalkTv and GBNews say they have to be balanced, according to Ofcom, but they employ the likes of Flabby Morgan, Felz and some chinless (Deadwood) wonders, through choice, so who knows.
Neil Oliver puts forward the idea of a revolution but it means nothing without action. Neil Oliver won’t be leading the revolution that’s for sure, he couldn’t even defend Abi Roberts against the odious Jon Gaunt.
I like David Kurten and all that he stands for but despite his heroic efforts with the Heritage Party it will come to nothing. Unless all the smaller parties merge they will sink without trace come the election.
Bit disappointed with you Abs but no one is Perfect.
Also, that joke was very very distasteful about 9/11 and Jazz
Abs you are wrong about 9/11 the arabs/islamists/muslims did it simple as that. We should always remember that the arabs did this to set a precedent and to ignore those facts is frankly ignorance on your part and playing into Islamists hands
Abi, your jazz band 🤣🤣🤣 Btw check out Ben Rubin's interview with James Delingpole from March, uploaded in July. He has got real revolutionary ideas. Also his substack 👍