Thank you, Abi

This is why on Twitter, I was always wary of some of the cliques that rose up.

There will be people we have more in common with, feel an affinity, whose words chime a little louder, but friendship or loyalty should never sway our ability to carve our own judgement and take a step back, be discerning.

Question everything, always

Be your own leader, always

To thine self be true ❤️

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Thank you for your wise words, Julie. I couldn’t agree more. I will always strive for this. I care not one jot for baubles or being famous in this ‘movement’ or blowing smoke up arses (unless I choose to blow smoke, and more often than not, those arses are the least well-known…)

Keep on keeping on, Mum of Hope! ❤️

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Nicely put Julie x

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I really love both James snd Miri but don’t always agree 100% on everything. For example I don’t agree with fox hunting and I don’t agree with Miri’s theory of participating in the voting system. Anyway- when someone says something we disagree with we are being tested in our own beliefs. Do we have room for differing opinions? The dark side wants us divided and not questioning. It is so easy to create division. The really hard thing is to have room for opposition and still remain connected in our humanity. Personally I have found living in a small village is a good training ground for that. Here you do not want to be shut out of the collective so you have to find a way of finding common ground and not let conflicts fester. You handled your view on the differing opinions beautifully in my opinion :-) Have a great weekend.

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So well put. Common ground and discernment is much needed in the coming months and years. Thanks for your excellent post, Birgitte X

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We had ‘a stabbing incident’ in Dublin City centre a while back. I fell for it. Now I’m not so sure. A deranged North African migrant, a knife, kids stabbed, a Brazilian diliveroo driver takes away the knife, then a riot of burning and looting like a west end production. Then a slow fade of info. Ireland is still small, everyone knows someone who knows someone. Not these stabbed kids. Brazilian Deliveroo guy gets thousands on a ‘hero’GoFundMe page, he runs in local election. It’s all gone silent, all of it. Something is just off. Southport. I don’t know. References to ‘Taylor Swift’ made me look away. Our energy has to be kept close to us. Our family, friends, community. What we see around us. Not to fall for their age old divide and conquer hat trick.

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I said, before this all kicked off, there's a reason Tommy Robinson had suddenly been given a platform (be it limited) after we hadn't heard from him for years. I'm not on X, and didn't

search for his comments, so maybe he'd simply slipped under my radar. However I was surprised to see him interviewed on TNT and by Jordan Peterson, both times quite favourably and seemingly exposing injustice in the case of the young English lad pouring water over a 'refugee' lad.

Whatever the authenticity of events, the main players are assembled and the end game of curtailing our freedoms is plain to see.

If I never see Starmer again, unless incarcerated in Broadmoor with Milliband and Reg (sorry Rachel) Reeves, it will be a blessed relief.

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Reg Reeves 🤣

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Robinson character ..TNT.. all trying to funnel us into an angry corner

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I agree with a lot of what you say here Abs. Everything seems designed to confuse and by the time people have worked out what has gone on it’s years down the line and things have been implemented for our ‘safety’.

On the other hand it takes some guts to stick your neck out and call it out early on.

Maybe it’s because I was on holiday when it happened and felt some detachment as straight away I picked up on elements of the news report that stood out as not right. It could be that I was looking for the tells and there they were; LL, 3,6,9,13, Taylor Swift. I accept that those things could be what is actually ‘fake’ and red herrings planted by the media to single out the conspiracy minded. The family statement was strange and there was a bald guy in a black hoodie who was very out of place giving interviews to everyone. I just can’t take anything at face value anymore.

Great advice though, get out, do something fun, don’t get dragged down by it. Xx

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You are right to notice/question these things, at this point everything is so off and so mad we should all be suspicious of anything the media puts out, certainly in the first instance and then work our way back. We have learned over the last few years that everything they tell you is a lie, the msm are controlled etc then soon as a story like the Trump ‘assassination’ or the Southport murders comes along many of the ‘awake’ buy straight into it 🤷🏻‍♀️ Like you I can’t take anything at face value anymore. I am also thinking that when we understandably get upset over horrific things like the murder of innocents our critical thinking gets disrupted, gets out of kilter and we stop thinking outside of the box. Psyops are a headfuck, exactly as they’re meant to be…..none of us know what’s real and what’s not and as you say, we need to try and keep a level of detachment or we will go mad.

Hope you had a fab hols xx

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I should be totally enjoying life in the Suffolk countryside, however when it's plain that those in power are working to ruin our lives - and we are powerless to stop it - I get frustrated and angry. Also hearing, heavily, and recently, jabbed, people talking about their unusual, and sudden, health problems, and not admitting there might be a connection, pisses me right off.

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What great comments from our fabulous AD fam.

What about Kegworth for a venue?

Have a great weekend everyone 😃💗

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AD Fam is da BEST ❤️

Yes, Keggers is on the list 😁🙌

Have a fab weekend, Trudi ☀️🕶️❤️

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Kegworth is a much better location than the pub I was going to suggest as the pub is miles from anywhere for people to stay and the carpark can only fit about 7 cars in. ☹️

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Abi just to point out, Miri hasn’t said the Southport killings are a psyop. In her latest article she said ‘Was this event staged?

I really don't know, and nor do any other commentators, although inevitably, whenever I question the veracity of high-profile 'murders', 'shootings', etc., some random person says, "how dare you, I know the family personally" - but please understand that anyone can say anything on the internet (that's free speech), and this isn't actually evidence of anything (and nor is trying to shame someone into silence with finger-wagging).

To reiterate, I do not know whether this event was staged or not.’

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Yes it’s a mine field out there. We need to be able to trust our own judgment and not feel pressured to agree or disagree with the various factions. It can be too much sometimes and that’s when I go out into nature, do some gardening or spend time switched off! We need to learn to press the pause button and listen to our inner voice. Times are getting very challenging especially with that cunt starmer stirring things up. Let keep calm and look for truth and beauty every day. Take care Abi family xx

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👏🏻Starmer perfectly described!

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Thanks Abs. I've unsubscribed to a lot of stacks where the writing is meanspirited, aggressive, and is centred around intellectual bullying and being ever so clever.

I did not begin where I am now, and I try to take people with me on a journey. This has required a lot of contemplation and growth, and prayer. I used to be a very angry person.

People do not have to agree with what I write and I would expect everyone to use their own discernment. When I read something where the author is trying to inform, question, or tell a story, I would expect to feel neutral or positive whether I agree or disagree. I would not expect to feel assaulted or humiliated.

Many of these people bully and drip acid in their essays, and I come away feeling dirty. This tells me they are not operating in the Holy Spirit. Again, it has nothing to do with agreeing or disagreeing and I fully encourage all speech. Yes, all speech (unless making specific threats of violence).

Broken people make more broken people and we have to guard our hearts.

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“Intellectual bullying and being ever so clever” that you mention resonates with me. It’s often from people who proclaim themselves as middle class, ask as a Christian which psalms you can recite and tell you which books to read to ‘educate’ yourself if you dare to disagree with their views. So many people who don’t do manual work regard themselves as middle class 🤦🏼‍♀️

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Once you see an intellectual bully, you cannot unsee it. Usually it comes from the fact that they are intelligent but have chips on their shoulders because they never made it in their chosen profession due to various reasons, or perhaps were not as successful as they believe they should be.

Comparison is the thief of joy.

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I am really sorry for the terrible abuse you have received over the last 4 years. All my longterm friends have written me off and I have a difficult relationship with family but no one has wished me dead …..yet.

You can let your guard down with me, I will never judge you or be cruel x

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Australia went full authoritarian and people loved it. I do not think I can ever recover. Worst part is, most people do not remember and I believe they are about to do it again. https://www.asio.gov.au/national-terrorism-threat-level-2024

Look at who they are blaming.

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I read this morning that the terrorism threat in Australia has risen for possible to probable. I think they are using the riots in the UK as an excuse to curtail freedom.

My eldest son loved lockdowns but he was in a privileged position. He has a job where he can easily work from home, was renting a house with a garden in a nice neighbourhood which backed onto a golf course where he would walk daily. He had booze and food delivered to his door, worked in his boxers, walked the dogs and went jogging during the working day. He also saved a lot of money on drinks after work, lunches and travel. For people living alone and less fortunate it was hell.

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Hop on over to the comments here: https://vicparkpetition.substack.com/p/on-fear-mckibbin-fernando-pandemic

We have been talking about this.

Lockdowns and emergency directions were the worst experience of my life because I did not comply. That may sound counterintuitive, but it involved not looking at the rules for years and just carrying on with my life as per normal while everyone was masked and behaving oddly around me. The stress of maintaining a saint-like composure and constantly assessing threats from police and others in the public was unbelievable. I actually cracked this year because of it.

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I think the intellectual bully feels superior and therefore their views are the only valid ones. A wealthy Texan who married a friend of mine is a good example of that. I went out to dinner with them a couple of times and the guy might as well have been wearing a badge saying “superior human”. We couldn’t have a lighthearted conversation, he questioned everything I said and then told me how I was wrong! Coincidentally my friend ditched me at the beginning of covid as I wouldn’t take the jabs! We had been friends for 45 years🤷‍♀️She said my views on lockdowns and mandates were abhorrent.

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That's so sad. Sorry.

I have trouble with lighthearted conversations now. Too many people have abused me and wanted me to die in the past four years. Lighthearted conversations just do not happen for me any more so I prefer not to talk to people. When I do, I put on a mask and I am exhausted from lying about how things are for days.

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believing everything is a psyop, is the psyop!

lol but seriously, it's just like people who believe every 'conspiracy theory' and then poison the well when real things actually happen, and make us all look like loons.

Sometimes I can't tell if I'm talking to real people online or bots :/

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This comment made me laugh, thank you. I loved it.

Maybe you could do a reverse Uno meme:

NPC character "Everything is a psyop."

Many jimmies will be rustled.

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that's a swell idea actually...

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You perfectly describe how I feel about things being labelled a psyop!

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I generally like and agree with Miri’s SubStack posts but I disagree with her and JD on the slaughter of three young girls being fake. If we start to believe that nothing we see or hear is real then we will go crazy.

You mentioned Nick Cotton and of course he is free to speak his mind on anything he chooses but Nick has become increasingly intolerant of those who do not hold his views. He constantly posts about his hatred of the Jews, relentlessly targeting specific individuals, then complains when these same people refuse to have him on their podcasts and his YouTube channel gets taken down. Like or loathe Tommy Robinson, it doesn’t matter but Nick calls people that attend his rallies gay scum. We are talking about ordinary working class people of all colours and faiths and many veterans. To label them gay scum is unacceptable. Nick says he has given up his full time job because of the genocide in Gaza. Then asks for people to fund him! This is a fit young guy but he expects other people to go to work so they can donate to him so that he can peddle hatred full time.

Just expressing my own view.

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Miri is not someone I read but she sounds as wacko as a Texan in Waco… wait a minute…😳😂. As for James… he’s struggling lately. I believe he is an academic Christian… in both meanings of the word. 🤷‍♂️ #discuss

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Miri has very valuable contributions to make – and we have had great chats on and off ‘air’. The same goes for James. He has not had an easy time of late. I am very fond of them and respect them both. To me, this is the beauty of real free speech. It’s not simply arguments that depend on who you’re signalling to. It’s a tricky one to navigate and even those who are ‘awake’ often fall into the trap of a kind of groupthink. Being truly awake is above this.

Everyone’s journey to Christ is different. It is not an easy task and has many struggles and stumbles along the way.

The only part I’m really sure about what I’ve written is Christ. And whatever psyops come our way – real or imagined – that’s my touch stone. Everything else is earthly noise and confusion.

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Yep, nothing is beyond the realms of possibility these days. After a while some people get punch drunk on information and retreat to their corner - understandable.

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A struggling academic Christian ... as opposed to someone struggling with not being a textbook judgemental Christian? 🤔😉

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You are still the only person I've never met that I trust 👍

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Lawrence Fox has lost the plot.He and Tommy Robinson are fuelling the fire for the hard Left groups like ANTIFA, MDL(Muslim Defence League), BLM and SARI organisations to start fights and riots with ordinary people who have had enough of being walked over.We know the government are paying those lefty organisations to start fights, which they can then use as an excuse bring in a Police State.

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I think I've been living under a rock who's Miri? X

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Miri AF, she’s on twatter and has a Substack account 👍😊

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Thank you I think I do know her vaguely I'm sure I've seen her be interviewed by Sonia Poulton x

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‘Reverse ferret’ 😂😂 love that 😘

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I feel this.

Meanwhile, US congress introduced a resolution declaring war on Iran and no one is paying attention: https://www.congress.gov/bill/118th-congress/senate-joint-resolution/106

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