I laughed out loud when you said on TNT Don't go anywhere or I'll send Joe Biden round to sniff your kids! 🤣

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Just a thought Abi, may be a group of the Abi Daily Family should take a trip out to the Gold Coast to meet up with the TNT crew, it would be a blast.

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Don't go anywhere or I'll send a couple of drag queens round your house to read the kids a story

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I’m glad you’re sounding a bit brighter Abs. That water analogy is so true.

Thanks so much for everyone asking after my daughter. She’s been at her new school since Sept. It’s a posh school which she pays for herself from the money left for her when her Dad died. She didn’t have any friends there but met a few nice girls although they were in a different form. She has been bullied quite badly and made fun of every day. She takes after her Dad and is quite a big girl and has lots of teenage spots. I’ve read her group chats and it’s heartbreaking how cruel they are. Nobody would sit next to her in class and she got home one day and burst into tears. It was all too much.

They’ve moved her to a different form now with her kind friends and she is ok. I haven’t gone through the process of diagnosis and I’m not going to either but she has all the hallmarks of autism. She is super clever but finds it hard to read sarcasm and spends a lot of time wandering around on her own or chatting to adults or small children. She reminds me sometimes of Lenny from ‘of mice and men’ the way she squeezes the dog because she loves him so much. Obviously it’s mentally draining trying to buoy her up and thinking of strategies to help her.

Just knowing people here care, means the world. Thanks Abi fam x

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I'm Tom Cruise height, was youngest in the class, and a chubby lad, with no obvious talents, so might just as well have painted a target on my back. I sympathise with your daughter and hated every minute of secondary school. I developed a keen sense of humour, justice and lost weight, after I left school and was much happier. Unfortunately I couldn't do anything about the height. All the best.

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Oh thank you Brian. I’m sorry you had a hard time. Maybe it’s character building.

Yes school seems to go on forever. My brother says it’s an endurance test.

Look how you’ve turned out though. You get to be in the Abi fam with all the cool kids now ☺️

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Bless her xx

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“Other things going on!” well good for you babe! I’m listening to you now at 2.30pm and then off to the wine bar in Westerham that does amazing cocktails.

I watched your TNT show of course this morning and Dominic was interesting to listen to. At least Dominic was honest about the jabs. It was just a shame that he didn’t try to persuade his kids from taking the 💉I had no idea that he was a financial wiz, I could do with some advice on that subject! I did have a brief chat with Dominic at Bethnal Green but I’m sure he won’t remember me. President Trump was top notch as always.

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Sorry wheel trim

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Abi I’ve now washed my arse but being a fella from Liverpool I have never robbed a hub cap

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